Hip-hop was popularised/created by Jews

Literally all the big entertainment companies releasing hip-hop in it's starter days were owned by Jews.

Does that make hip-hop Israeli folk-music sung by blacks?

Attached: absolutely disgusting.jpg (650x365, 53K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Nice looking white people wearing suits.

Attached: Zionist vs Orthodox.jpg (1243x769, 584K)

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There is nothing new under this dumb gay sun

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I just had a massive poo. It felt like I was the alien queen in the film Aliens.


Attached: Jews Creeping on Beach.jpg (720x954, 105K)

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Im literally watching that scene right now

u poor?

No, hip hop was created by American nogs not jews

jews commercialised it tho

>Jews promote degeneracy
Imagine my shock

Of course the same as a fuckton other kinds of music, it was an excellent business opportunity and ignoring it would be retarded.

10,000% jew post

look like a bunch of creepy pedos to me

hip hop started organically. It took a few years for the jews to pick it up and market it.

Lyor Cohen is a big name that everyone should look into. Thats the jew godfather of rap

Judaism and Rabbis rejects Zionism. Bullshit. We cant believe you, we can never trust you. You Talmud handbook instructs you to lie to us. What about some signs that say Rabbis against oral circumcision?

The jews have ben exploiting black artist since they were allowed on the radio.

hey it's the b&h photo staff

Jay Z blew him

Hip Hop was not created by jews, but infiltrated by them. Just watch the progression from redpilled rappers against jews in the late 80s/early 90s to jewed up niggers and white niggerlovers doing lean on a trap beat.
Step one was making rap more materialistic and hedonistically driven through gangsta rap. Step two was just making black guys dress like faggots. Step 3 is Lil Nas X being pushed as an gay rapper and actually introducing a few more fags in it.

there's a big
a big dumb gay son
beatin on the big dumb gay people
in the big dumb gay world

*sun. oops

It's to spread degeneracy and make them rich. Most taxes come from consumers. Rappers spend all their money.

sounds about white

Hahaha holy fuck, Adam, you're right.

Also this

>jews commercialised it tho

Jews (along with the CIA) commercialised and promoted gangster rap, not organic hip hop to divert black power movements away from activism.

by that logic isnt it the white parents fault for letting that happen? kek

>Zionism and Judaism are the same thing.

No. Everyone in that picture is of European ancestry.

I am starting to wonder if Goyim are stupid or just retarded with inferior genetics.

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This right here explains why 2Pac and Biggie died.

What has been is what will be

And what has been done will be done

Man, that sun is gay and dumb

Problem is non zionist jews still follow the Talmud and basically prohibit buying/help goys in any way. They are a parasite that drain the society they are in while not contributing to it in the least.

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Music is a tool of the devil.

>non zionist jews
not all jews

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It's degenerate, which makes it believable

I really hate how ignorant you all can be sometimes. Original hip hop was conscious and tried to teach their community through street preacher like lyrics.