Femanon here


>It's da joos!

No really, it's the jews. And that guy that shot up Vegas, he's a jew too.

Attached: the jewish shooters.jpg (1200x1125, 377K)

all of them

you better put out, roastie

It might surprise you but even as a father of 3 and 2 of them females I support pol on this. Women need to be shamed again to prevent them acting out and destroying themselves and society in the process. Too many lives of people I know have been destroyed with this bs. Some of the redpill theories are pottery, but that is a byproduct of fringe science and can't be helped.

Still you are a guy anyway fag


>How many more women are you incels going to kill before you accept that women don’t want to have sex with you???
all of them

Attached: 16057494-7247821-image-a-14_1563174197161.jpg (634x357, 51K)

They fucked before he killed her through

tits or Auschwitz

Attached: 1495753387362.jpg (300x309, 30K)

Can't be an Incel if you're fucking

None because I get laid all the time and dont care if a random girl says no...on to the next.