Well boys we did it, asylum is no more
Trump back at it again
Finally, the only ones who deserve asylum are in the DNC, and I'm talking nuthouses and prisons
I'm sure this will actually happen, just like ending DACA, building the wall, mass ICE raids, etc.
Could this happen? Will Trump actually do something? What about the notorious fourth circuit Hawaii judge?
A step in the right direction but courts are so pozzed i wont hold my breath
Hey now he only extended DACA for thirty more years we'll get there MAGA
Doesn't matter I am sure some 9th Circuit cunt will find a way to abuse our constitution again and block it for 6 months.
this alone should be a reason to vote for him, when I saw the democratic candidates raising their hands for free health care for illegal immigrants I thought they lost their mind
>I thought they lost their mind
took you this long to figure that one out?
It literally goes into effect tomorrow. It’s in the federal registry.
>no wall
Literally not true
Tied up in Supreme Court, but was ended
>ICE raids
Literally have been happening since inauguration and the major sting is ongoing and will continue through Friday
>Trump say he will do new thing
>thing gets cockblocked by commie judge
>Trump tweets very angrily about cockblocking
>legal battle for a month
>gives up
>Trump says he will do new thing
Post yfw you've heard this before.
Trump Administration on Immigration:
Substantially lowering "refugee" intake: Success
Blocking immigration from 8 high-risk nations: Success
Building the Wall: Failure
Fixing Asylum Rules: Failure
Deporting Millions of Illegal Immigrants: Failure
Ending Birthright citizenship: Failure
Deporting DACA recipients: Failure
Ending DACA: Failure
Lowering Legal Immigration: Failure, in fact working on the opposite now
Decreasing H1B visas: Failure, in fact working on the opposite now
Ending Diversity Lottery: Failure
Census Citizenship Question: Failure
How do burgers handle all the winning?
mr trump I've done it, I've enabled racism
Look at the actions not words on twitter. Theyre removing the yearly cap on greencards.
t. shill
You're an idiot
Ongoing, national emergency declared for funding. Massive illegal entry reduction in places it has been constructed
>asylum rules
Literally OP pic, permanent action requires congress
>deporting millions
>birthright citizenship
Wasn’t even attempted, Supreme Court would have blocked it and used precedent to ensure the right could never win on the issue
ended by trump admin, tied up in SCOTUS
>legal immigration
Trump admin has proposed multiple plans to create a merit based system that favors first world English speakers
Numbers falling, more scrutiny for applicants
>diversity lottery
Not possible from executive branch
>census question
Impossible in time frame, better alternative through an EO is being done
when asylum is "granted" to a county like guatamala or el salvador, it is given for x years. they both got extended under obama, but trump could let it lapse.
How will I ever recover. Seriously, just look into the actual issues rather than reposting the same two 6 month old breitbart articles and you’ll be white pilled rather quickly
yea listing a bunch of excuses without proving me wrong on a single point really BTFO me
US courts will strike it down and Trump will keep saying it's ended.
Coming from you, that'd be a complement.
Those aren’t excuses, they’re literally refutations. Don’t say something is an outright failure when there is literal real world actions being done to be successful. You wouldn’t have made this list if you’d actually looked into each individual issue and what the administration has/is doing on said issues.
It’s been a long time since Jow Forums could actually support a presidents agenda, so it’s not surprising most of us have forgotten how a government works and that it’s not just Natsoc Germany
The wall is technically a mixed success as we now have built 50 + miles of new wall in addition to construction firms in Texas building 800 miles of wall.
ok where's the wall then
you're fucking delusional if you think the wall's actually happening, Trump doesn't care anymore
Rest in piss filthy centracas
They are trapped in the US instead of the glorious Russia
Shame we can't have Trump get Putin to take them all
>Trump is finally getting tough
>In 2019
>And Nineteen
too little too late
Oh you anti Trump shills. At least this time you know he's winning the election.