Shit just hit the fan guys

Attached: TheEyesoftheRangerareUponYou.jpg (720x1280, 73K)

Other urls found in this thread:

its finally happening bros

Area 51 isn't a secret alien facility, they're just bunkered down there hiding from Chuck Norris

Epic XD

fuck off

Attached: soi.png (644x800, 15K)

Chuck Norris discovered life on Earth first so that's why the aliens haven't invaded us yet. God bless you chuck.

Aw shit.

Attached: pay double.gif (428x390, 1.52M)

Chuck Norris plus trips of truth?!? ABSOLUTELY HAPPENING!!!!

Attached: F3E9BF81-127D-473D-AE9C-078B2A87D279.gif (268x262, 2.16M)

>reddit spacing
>funyuns meme
you fuck off too

Why does Chuck Norris sleep with a night light?
Cause the dark is scared of Chuck Norris

Okay, now this is epic

Has anyone seriously asked Trump about Area 51 during a press scrum?
Or are they still too busy asking questions about Russia and shit...?

chuck norris memes back?

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how much wood could a wood-chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck Chuck Norris?

clean your fucking hat chuck, you look like shit

Is this that Christian B actor fake martial arts guy with the gay voice?

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Oh pls this fag endorsed Huckabee

Is that Tony Kornheiser?

dont let this distract you from Epstein hollywood elite pedos and politician pedos

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He still alive???

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Is that Tony Kornheiser?

All 999k anons can line up single dime behind Chuck and he'll get them in safely.

What year is this

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Pretty sure that the next nostalgia wave is going to be early internet memes.

When celebs are joining the memes you know it's an IRL slide

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When celebs are actually the aliens


thanks for posting that, been a while

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Oh. So, this would explain why we've been having earthquakes in Australia.

I believe it is year 1000 + 1000 + (19)

Am I posting in a Boomer thread ???

there's no such thing as AIDS. Chuck Norris just doesn't like gay people.



Attached: Shaggy created chuck norris_6d5e4c_6923297.jpg (1200x646, 145K)

Unironically, yes.

Four horsemen of the apocalypse

>storm Area 51
>as soon as we enter , a rift opens to another earth realm
>a realm where Steve Irwin himself never died
>a world of peace and no wars or religion
>everyone has shrimp on the Barbie smokes spliffs and ciggys chills with kangaroos
>aliens finally are okay to kick it on earth and have sex with us , giving us their finest wiafu because Steve Irwin is the ambassador of earth
>the US government and cia nigger try to hide it in Area 51
>the rock , Keanu Reeves as John wick and chuck Norris all three kick the evil Illuminati lizard people who bogart the peace and love we could have with Steve Irwin
>massive earthquakes in Australia and our two worlds mesh as one
>the only bad thing that happens is California and Florida break off into the ocean and everyone there dies


shit was gay when it was around the first time



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Bill Clinton requested a visit in the 90s and got rejected. They wont even let the presidents in there. They designate it as some sort of private entity.

>implying these are real

there are no more year. time stopped 7 year ago.

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Why were Chuck Norris jokes so popular here across every single server?

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When you are the first person to enter Area 51. You know what to do.

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This has shown up in my news feed every time the poll reaches a new milestone. >500k want to "lemme see dem aliens"
>600k want to "lemme see dem aliens"
Tonight at 11! 1 million people lemme see dem aliens!!


because WoW attracted all of the autists and the jokes were never funny


Project BlueBeans is a GO!


good intel

>denying the head of your command structure a visit

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Fucking idiots. I hope this meme shit happens. All a distraction from Epstein.

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This. Remember when we found out Google was openly planning to control the 2020 election?

Minecraft is relevant again so I guess yes.

>would you like to guess what the rock is cooking

is norrisposting cool again?

They won’t even ask about Q, wtf makes you think they’ll do anything beneficial for us against (((their))) narrative? Plus I feel with Tom DeShlonge and Pedo Podesta are running a disinformation campaign to distract from the fact they rape children.

t. zoomer faggot

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Kek wills it

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Pedophiles making Witches by performing Satanic Rituals with CHILDREN!!!

Chuck Norris was Epstein's personal body guard.
I once watched him kill 3 men with a pencil.
A Fuckin Pencil!
Now Chuck is on one final mission and that is to create the worlds biggest distraction and while James Trivette busts Epstein out of Rikers

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this. also, imagine thinking that the shady shit is hidden in one of the most famous militar facilities in the entire planet. you have to be 12 to actually think area 51 has anything of interest. you would find more weird shit in epstein's island than in area 51

Only the good actors.

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>All these celebrities and politicians getting involved in this
>"guise that means it's legit!"

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Maybe they're all deep fakes.

>mfw none of them actually go
Disappointed in you, Keanu

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That's not the context I meant. I mean that it's a red herring.

these all all obviously instagram pics or video stills with snapchat text added

Damn I haven't seen that gif in ages. Hail fellow ancientfag.

Is that chaz morris

This has gone from a larp to real shit. I may just partake.

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Chuck Norris tears will melt the fences around Area 51....too bad he never cries.


I got that. But created by who? These celebs aren't going to show up. So why would they say they would knowing people will go only to find out they're lying cowards?

Wrong way round dipshit.

He was Delta Force before Delta Force existed(no really)

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All your years belong to Chuck so it's the year he allowed you to keep breathing

It's fucking over for area 51 lmao
Wouldn't be surprised if it was created to find a way to stop him

t. literal autistic basement dwelling piece of trash

Based Chuck Norris.

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lol, user must have struck a nerve

Does Chuck Norris poo in loo?

the jew fears the norris

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this guy literally came out back in the day and made a video with his wife saying Obama is the antichrist and that the end of the world would happen in 2012

We are sending all niggers back to Africa?