What does Jow Forums think about David Crowley?
He and his family got executed in their home.
He was working on this movie:
What does Jow Forums think about David Crowley?
He and his family got executed in their home.
He was working on this movie:
Other urls found in this thread:
Official story is that he snapped and killed his wife and kid and himself and that he wrote 'Allah Akbar' with their blood on the wall
She must have cheated on him with a nigger?
He allegedly left this note
An interview with him
Killed for making a movie about the guvment, gray state or something like that. The general consensus in my circle is he was brainwashed by a muzzroastie and got candlejacked by some 3am no knock Black ops team.
Bumps don't work like that you dumb faggot. Good thread though.
He used to post here when he was working on the film
Is that hair?
Was his wife Muslim or he was having an affair? Interesting, Colin kapernik was also dating a Muslim.
looks like his wife's hair
77 virgins? Who believes the story authorities told about this family except the stupid tv watching sheeple?!
wud de fug
About as genuine a person can get.
I don’t know hardly anything about this case yet, though remember the news bit saying he murdered his family which was not believing the typical news narrative.
Thinking this could have been any of us. Bump for justice and I’ll start digging into this case.
He was an incel
He was Mkultra'ed.
>bubbles everywhere
>no style
>no readability
clearly not made by a draftsman
What a weird case
Does not look like it was planned
Probably found something he shouldn't
this photo is staged, or its a combination of two photos. multiple separate features from two photos come to an abrupt end all along the same line. its so poorly shopped it looks like evidence tags are stuck inside the carpet, and there are 2 different carpets.
A schizo paranoid guy who was making a schizo paranoid movie did a schizo paranoid thing like kill his family?
this one is overlapping as well
got them from duckduckgo search
how did the gun end up nicely placed on that table if he killed himself?
sloppy mossad job
and is that even the same crime scene? cuz the drawing said the gun was on the floor
page from Quran?
Take a good watch about the details you see in their home. For me, my feeling says me, that is/was not a house of someone who planed to murder his own family. So much love in the air, besides the crime scene ofc. Take a deep look and listen to your body feeling.
Well i will try to find some personal videos from his/his family. This is only my feeling i have from this few pictures. Maybe i have a different one after seeing this person, reading his body energy, in videos. Bye!
his wife loved to bake stuff and has a profile still up on this site
Well his women looks middle east.
Maybe the murderer was a relative of her.
Brother, father, niece what ever. Maybe she flee/escaped from their controlling and abusive patriarchy family. Add a bit "religion" money and fame and you have enough hate, anger and aggresion to make a lunatic a murderer.
Case is for me closed because i do not want to research what about his wife (Komel Crowley) is wrong. Wrong is a bad word. I hope you understand. Bye!
looks lik it
This thread is mostly dead, save for a few pockets , bump
theres a documentary on it that is pretty good. think its on jewflix
final bump and good night
It's weird because it looks a lot like a lot of End Times movies I've seen. Mark of the Beast, guillotines.. But it doesn't seem to be a Christian movie?