cope harder incel
Fuck off boomer
meme flag and also used the whole lot of buzzwords
>hatred of israel
Wtf I'm a Democrat now?
There is literally nothing wrong with Israel.
have sex
>hate of israel
Is he trying to get them elected?
>cope harder incel
Fuck israel you absolute faggot. Fuck Trump for supporting that shitty little fake state.
unironically based
Top kek
Trump is the master of the double bind
Which is why we’ve got boots on the ground in Iran right shill?
what's wrong with hating israel?
their sea is as dead as their souls
>token overused meme slogan
you're all pathetic children, the tide is coming
get güd or get got, faggots
Trumps people are collecting a Government paycheck while working for there own business. That’s Government stealing and could lead to deeper to how Russia got so much classified weapons that USA has not even talked about.
have sex
try showering daily, and working out. Who knows, you might get laid
Literally Israel first
Kek, boomers need to die already.
Jow Forums will call this 4D chess, but any logical person can disagree with AOC's extreme socialist agenda while also thinking that telling her, an American citizen, and three other congresswomen to "go back where they came from" just because they're non-white is completely ridiculous and the exact kind of rhetoric libs always say exists at the top of the totem pole but white boys on this website continue to deny.
He thinks he's playing the libs like a fiddle but he's sacrificing his own credibility by doing it in a way that buys into the liberal rhetoric that he's a racist and sexist. It riles up the cronies in the short term, but if he continues down this path he WILL lose votes in the states that were so critical to his success.
You get that being anti semitic in US government means no Aipac which means literally you get 0 money and black balled. He's clearly emphasizing the anti antisemitism because it is going to tear the democrats apart and ruin them for 2020.By putting pressure on this, they either lose all funding or they lose all the young votes for not being progressive. Diving youth and age in the democratic party is the easiest path to victory. If you can't see how that works you're to stupid to be thinking about politics.
Zion Don strikes again
>hate of Israel
wtf I love dems now
Zion Don strikes again!
2016 faggots burn
also this has been posted a thousand times
You get that being anti semitic in US government means no Aipac which means literally you get 0 money and black balled. He's clearly emphasizing the anti antisemitism because it is going to tear the democrats apart and ruin them for 2020.By putting pressure on this, they either lose all funding or they lose all the young votes for not being progressive. Diving youth and age in the democratic party is the easiest path to victory. If you can't see how that works you're to stupid to be thinking about politics.
Fuck off discord tranny this is 40D chess and even you know it
dems are the real antisemites
Serioisly though why does Trump love Isreal so much? I have never. Seen a president so hungry for kike cum.
>token overused meme slogan
you're all pathetic children, the tide is coming
get güd or get got, faggots
Best president!
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Is this intentional? Is he deliberately forcing the left to rally around the most unpopular politicians in the entire country? Trump isn’t actually doing this on purpose, is he?
Why doesn't he say hate of white people? Is anyone going to say it?
Everything Trump is for the Dems rail against. It's easy for him to steer them in the direction he wants. He claims to be pro-Israel, they take the counter position. He should publicly condemn pedophiles and force the Dems to defend the sexual assault and rape of minors.
why does litteraly every tweet have israel in it?
I called exactly this in a thread yesterday.
He made Pelosi choose between himself or the extreme progressives and we all knew who she would pick, but the democratic base doesn't like any of this
The goal is to defund the Democrats from Jewish votes and money. He's hitting at the wallet literally kek.
Why doesn't he say hate of white people?
isn't anyone going to say it?
>I was just pretending to be retarded
>Israel and the USA
Israel First
You're not welcome here MIGAtard, go back to t_d
Styx predicted this.
And he's embracing beaners.
What fucking choice do real Americans have anymore? Fuck voting.
High treason for giving Russia missal and rocket technology.
Working at a private company on Government payroll.
Stealing from the government
Get a load of this larping faggot
This is symbolism to steal the Jewish vote.
not just Making Israel Great Again, Trump is Making India Great Again as well. too bad the street shitters can't vote, trump would be a shoe in for 2020!
We all know that AOC and this crowd are a bunch of Communists, they hate Israel, they hate our own Country, they’re calling the guards along our Border (the Border Patrol Agents) Concentration Camp Guards, they accuse people who support Israel as doing it for the Benjamin’s, they are Anti-Semitic, they are Anti-America, we don’t need to know anything about them personally, talk about their policies. I think they are American citizens who are duly elected that are running on an agenda that is disgusting
....What does it mean for America to have free Healthcare for Illegal Immigrants, no criminalization of coming into our Country - See how that works for controlling Immigration! They talk about Israel like they’re a bunch of thugs, not victims of the entire region.
>Why doesn't he say hate of white people?
>isn't anyone going to say it?
It's ok, his actions speak louder than his tweets.
>lists Israe l before USA
Ready for it to all burn down already
why does Jow Forums filter out the star of david?
you get eaten first, softboi
lol, i dont even recall how israel was first brought into this argument, but i like that we totally called him using it as a shield. let's wait and see what happens
He's right you know
I think this was a good move by the Trump campaign but it was carried out the wrong way.
>>Styx predicted this.
Predicted what?
>Puts hatred of Israel over hatred of his own country
Tell me again how Trump isn't a traitor.
you misspelled "jew"
>people are even dumber than Trump so he has to walk them through it
Zion don
>Israel comes before his own country
Let's give billions more to Israel, and tell the vets that fought in the Wars for Israel, now living on the streets, to PO, we don't need you, we love Israel.
Kikes gonna kike yo
Because you nits, a huge chunk of American Christians are Dispensationalists who love Israel for prophetic reasons. Add to that the Israel vs Muslim meme, and it is a political strategy. He is dividing the Democrat Party. Or trying to.
>>Puts hatred of Israel over hatred of his own country
>Tell me again how Trump isn't a traitor.
I think you may be more right than wrong...
He apparently is putting amnesty on the table.
Nice meme flag you FUCKING kike.
>Predicted what?
That Trump's tweet was intended to get the neo-libs like Pelosi to rally around the far left.
I'm not a Commie and I have Israel, I also served my nation with the 82nd Airborne, unlike your Zion Don, a fucking draft dodger.
If anyone should go, it should be Drumpf. Israel needs a new PM, Trump should move there and take his Ivanka and Jared with him
Looks like the President's wise words are triggering you! Radical communists like you will never win in AMERICA.
>If Democrats want to unite around the foul language & racist hatred spewed from the mouths and actions of these very unpopular & unrepresentative Congresswomen, it will be interesting to see how it plays out. I can tell you that they have made Israel feel abandoned by the U.S.
Ol' John Wayne and Ronnie Reagan wouldn't have stood for that kind of disrespect.
any American who isn't in a coffin, is an anti-semite
Cringe as fuck
He should go full KKK White power kill all niggers now. He has nothing to lose.
Superpower by 2020 though, its 4d chess once again..
15 tweet meltdown, nice and presidential
>kill all niggers now
Blacks are only 13% of the population and aren't growing. They aren't a threat to America. Spics ARE.
Jow Forums filters out lots of characters
“ you suck your enemy’s dick and they lose”
Sun Tzu
Art of war
He likes African Americans, though.
None of his voters give a fuck idiot. They're called "racist sexist delporable buzzword buzzword buzzwords" by leftists too. The point of such rhetoric is to make you afraid of them and that isn't going to work against a sitting president. He's making the left embrace their most unpopular and fringe canidates.
Jesus Fucking Christ. Trump is a masterful strategist.
>He's making the left embrace their most unpopular and fringe canidates.
That's how he wins. Pelosi has been trying to tell these women to shut the fuck up and get in line. Now, she has to defend them.
I know he's trying to target boomers and evangelicans with the Israel shit but it legitimately infuriates me that he has to include them in EVERY SINGLE TWEET.
He's right, though. Shitskins don't belong here and they never did. Being called a "racist" is about as meaningful to me as being called a "heretic".
>it's 6 Gorrilion- D dreidel spinning!!1
every fucking time.
Jow Forumsfags are absolutely SEETHING now that they realize the only people who share their stance on Israel are commies and nigger muslims
He's pitting the Jews against other minorities and refugees and socialists. This may force the Jewish media to change their tune. It's an interesting and calculated move.
>This is the shill's takeaway from today's events