So now that the dust has finally settled, who has won this fight in the end?
Trump VS The Squad
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ICE...the told us they would arrest illegal in the amount of over that count stay at 10
We'll find out soon. In the meantime, they have to go back to where they came from.
Is it just me, or does AOC have boring fashion sense for a 29-year-old woman?
Trump got what he wanted. These women are all clinically retarded and Pelosi has no choice but to defend them. They are the face of the party right now, meaning the Dems will continue to veer left until whoever makes it out of the primary is unelectable. 2020 will be a landslide.
Squad by far. Drumpf is already being impeached.
That's nonsense.
They made absolute assets of themselves and may as well have been an episode of The View
Who's the nigger on the left? I have heard more about the white bitch than her.
trump knew the ICE numbers would be very low and he need a distraction...wag the dog coming out with these 4 hippies hate america and I love the jews....the very sad state of affairs in america
He had a meltdown in the WH garden and on twitter on Monday - the start of the weekly news cycle.
>in the end
>implying it's over
>implying these 4 arnt going to chimp out about impeachment
>implying this will not lead to another clash with pelosi
>implying trump will keep his mouth shut
as long as the "fab four" are in focus, Trump is winning hardcore
Trump vs the Mean Girls is a better name
Today is the first time I believe this 4d underwater chess meme. Pic related.
I want these four to drag my around on a dog leash and castigate me for being white.
I think Trump fucked up by interrupting his enemy while they were making a mistake. The Dems were about to go into full-scale civil war with each other until he started poking the bee's nest and gave them a common enemy. "The public seeing what kind of policies they actually believe in" isn't nearly as damning as the embarrassment that their petulant high school drama going public would have been for their image.
Scott Adams can no longer be trusted, he's wayyyyy too far invested in his 'Trump is da master persuader' theory.
It's a shame, I liked some of his material early on.
He wouldn't be broadcasting his brilliant strategy out on twitter right after doing it if he wasn't just covering up for his loss of control. This wasn't a strategic move.
Holy shit that picture is saying so much. So much details, it has to be shopped.
they are taking such weak bait, oh to be a fly on the wall of Pelosi's office right now.
Donald trump is a political genius. say what you want about his politics. He just got the entire dem establishment to circle the wagons around fucking AOC and Ilhan Omar in the middle of the democrats political war. This wont effect trumps approval, the racist card just doesn't work anymore on him and it hasn't for years now. The activist discord MIGA shills are out in FULL FORCE right now. and I know allot of them are discord shills because I was in the discord at one point.
nigguh you think she dress herself?
What details are you referring to exactly?
this is about prolonging the war
>Israel AND the US
This user gets it
Get off you us vpn sven
Did the one in the hat actually merry its brother?
Trump 100%
Pyfw they fell for the bait
Roastie squad will hit the wall by september. RIP dem congress
I keep hearing this too. Everyone is talking about how The Squad mopped the campaign trail with Drumpf and that he's finished now. Ayanna Pressley is also a tranny.
This would be true if the majority of the people didn't already hate the targets of his attacks. This is a force multiplier, forcing unpopular people with unpopular views back to center stage after their party superiors told them to start reeling their shit back.
It really is a good strategy. Too bad about the whole Israel thing.
Guy in the yarmulke in the bottom left corner, obviously.
I love how they said they're not taking the bait, as they were chewing on it.
Well, the losers in all of this are white people.
Trump/Fox shilling for Jews.
the "Squad" is shilling for colored people.
Nobody cares about whites.
I can't wait till Trump loses already so you MIGAbooming plantrusters will finally wake the fuck up. Unless ICE starts deporting hundreds of thousands of people over the next year, and Trump somehow gets the LEGAL immigration numbers down from a million a year to 0, it's over. Demographics are the only thing that matters. Where's this "landslide" going to come from when the country is solidly less white than it was 4 years ago, and shitskins all vote democrat no matter what? Wake up, fags.
What are the odds that any of these sub-80 iq women win reelection? I know AOC won't but I don't know enough about the demographics/beliefs of the rest of their districts.
No, he did better and let the cool kids get a big head and start shit talking Don Pelosi
>ISRAEL..............................................AND US
Hahaha yeah image related is them at the moment
>Pelosi will sign off on the DNC giving them any campaign funds after this
>Not receiving a letter in the mail “suggesting” to never run for public office again
They’re done
They're all full of spics and niggers so they will win unless the democrats run a different spic or nigger against them and then it's a toss up. What does it matter? A white man is never going to be in those seats again.
Thank you for understanding this user
Remember this poem, it’s true anywhere, even politics
>Brown is beautiful
>And tan is grand
>But white is the color of the big boss man
They’ve got one year until their new careers come to an end and go back to bartending
Discord trannys confirmed. The Squad took the bait along with MSM.
Money lenders to usa. They the kings of it all in the shadows.
>Trump said something mean about us, let’s hold a press conference
Is that what this is about?
Trump is too powerful
A few tweets and the Squad is now associated with Al Qaeda.
Basically, and taking the rest of the DNC down with them
>...and it’s beautiful
trump the chess master confirmed
>that kike cap front and center
So how much worse did they make it?
Trump has these American hating whores on the RUN.
Care to point out the signed articles of impeachment?
>tweet about some dumb whores while taking a shit
What was the inbred Somali doing before she took this seat from an American?
>gibs press conference on how they wouldn’t take Drumph’s twitter bait
First off she’s an African American woman. Her name is Alana Presley a congresswoman from Massachusetts. Off the four she is the most intelligent and has actually had some political experience, and doesn’t make the same kind of idiotic statements like the other three.
Wheres the stream link?
where can i watch this?
i literally cannot find anything on this using DuckDuckGo
Yeah this is actually a pretty big win for Trump. These morons are the death knell for the democrat party and the more national facetime they get the better. They're moderate-voter repellent in highly concentrated form and Pelosi is clawing her prune face out knowing they're going to be in the news cycle even more in the next few weeks. Glorious.
we really fucked up giving women/niggers any power
The 4 congressniggers won. Trump’s tweets were idiotic and unnecessary and only served to draw attention away from Epstein. Trump hurts us rather than helps us anymore. Trump could have called these women out more tactfully than just saying “niggers go back to your shithole.”
Thanks for the retard interpretation. Now that we have the benchmark for the exact opposite of what's going on, we can get down to business. How many of these cunts are going to lose reelection?
your low iq is showing
>that fucking kippa
OK nigger you can go back too.
How does attention on Epstein help Trump?
How does attention on Epstein hurt democrats?
dems are too dumb to change course even after seeing his playbook.. these 4 commies want to capitalize trump attacking them, they wont throw away this opportunity to be martyrs or whatever the fuck it is. pelosi will have to bite her tongue and just watch the dem party burn.
Wait and see.
Well said! In hindsight we should have picked our own cotton, a lot less aggravation!
>who has won this fight in the end?
So powerful.
>Anything to hate the nation you're joining because you want to be part of us...
These women could disappear and the world would be better off.
He just got Pelosi into check mate. Pelosi started the racist comments fight. All Trump did was light the fire. Dems now set to have an internal mutiny. And now with Pelosi’s own political party turning on her, who is there ready to make a deal? 4-d check mate. Strategic game theory. The four ultra-liberals are being eliminated which is a relief for Pelosi. With Trump essentially helping her, she now “owes him a favor.”
just a reminder of what is possible...
oh fuck GLORIOUS
Trump hands down. Just look at all the shills screeching tells you that.
Republicans need to form their own squad
Who should be in it?
Mark Meadows, Jim Jordan, Louie Gohmert and someone else can pick the fourth because those are the only 3 that I like
they already have a one-man squad.
Trump is a jew (by relation)
AOC is a jew
Pelosi is a jew (by relation)
anons, at a certain point we're gonna have to stop shitposting on chan and figure out how to get normies on the jew pill