Do you know the real reason white men are attracted to asian women, especially Japanese?

Do you know the real reason white men are attracted to asian women, especially Japanese?

Because they have higher IQs.
It makes us more relatable to them, as men typically have higher iqs as well.

Pic related, perfect body, yet most of us cannot feel any romantic feelings towards her, because of the low IQ

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looks british

>romantic feelings towards her

I don't make it a habit to talk to women long enough to gauge their IQ

>To love intelligent women is the pleasure of a pederast.
t. Baudelaire

OP is a faggot

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>yet most of us cannot feel any romantic feelings towards her
nigga, you're literally gay
latinas > all other meme races

Nope, she’s white

I mean she's hot but that shit's gonna hit the wall HARD, leaving a lump of George Hamilton leather luggage looking mess

Or maybe because Japanese women know what men like and act feminine while not being bird brained?

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if this isn't bait it's literally cope: the thread

I’m 100% white, and my family spent a few years in the Philippines when I was growing up because of my dads work. Most flips had never seen ginger hair before so I got a lot of attention. We moved back to the states when I was about ten, but the damage was already done. I don’t care what people say, I crave LBFMs.

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I don't want a woman to have intellectual discussions with user. It would be nice, but it's even better to have a woman who knows her place and who gives me white sons.

>It makes us more relatable to them
You're not white.

Asian women are pretty retarded and narcissistic desu

I'm attracted to Jews for this reason.

As if these yellow fever whites ever had any alternatives.

That means that they're a perfect fit for you!


you're probably on to something. about 0.25 seconds after masturbation i no longer care about having sex so if a woman is too dumb to hold my interest i regret banging her almost immediately. i would rather jerk off and shitpost with you guys than waste my time with ditzy women who think their stupidity is cute or something. i've never been with an asian or a jew though so i can't say for certain.

ps. where did all these shills come from with their d&c "you're not white" shit? they're embarrassing my flag and pissing me off, i wish they would use meme flags.

LOl you wish!! Low testostrone likes low testostrone!! LMAO

asian women make better wives, mothers, and overall life companion, white women have been corrupted by degeneracy

what a fucking cope, incel

They're generally still feminine.

I'm not attracted to Asians or Nigresses.
Now if you had said QT Middle Eastern girls on the other hand...

τι kόλαση

Why hasn't anyone pointed out that Brazil isn't white? It's only East Asians that are smart anyway. Thais, Vietnamese, Laotians etc aren't that smart.

Who’s this cock-hound?

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Agreed. A vast majority of white women in Cuckanada are:

- Fat
- Inked
- Pierced
- Colored SJW hair
- Loud
- Obnoxious
- Dominant
- Drunks
- Sluts
- Gold diggers
- Feminists
- Nog lovers

What's not to love?

The toxic Western culture is to blame via the Aspirational TV Syndrome and via social media, which allows these worthless gutter sluts to compare their lives to everyone else, with the illusion of "the bigger better deal".

Most end up highly educated, career women, old, fat ugly, single, no kids, or go from relationship to relationship, have a dog or multiple cats, living a depressed existence.

I see this all the fuckin time, and it has gotten exponentially worse over the past 8-10 years.

My Japanese girlfriend hates niggers, Indians, Arabs, Turks, Hispanics, Koreans, Chinese, gays, liberals
She says they're like animals, when we were in Japan a nigger sat beside her and she got up and told me we have to move because the nigger touched her.

Your story is painfully fake

You don't have to believe me if you don't want to

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> Do you know the real reason white men are attracted to Asian women.

We aren't attracted to them. Speak for yourself.

> Agreed. A vast majority of white women in Cuckanada are...

You can say that about women anywhere. Do you really think Negro women are better? How about subhuman Indian women? Despite all of the flaws of white women, they are still the best option (and the only option unless you want mixed race abominations).

>actually believes this

Your Brazilian thus you are not white

Nerdy white guys date Asian girls because they aren’t obese and give them right swipes on tinder. Simple as that. They couldn’t reach a Stacy’s expectations

Do you know the real reason white men are attracted to Asian women especially Japanese?
Yellow Fever. Look it up.

>date Asians
Gross, why do you morons say this? I like JAPANESE only
I hate chinks and Gooks and Island niggers like flips
I don't date animals sorry maybe you like a horse faced Chinese but I like human beings only

>Do you know the real reason white men are attracted to asian women, especially Japanese?
Asian women are heavily neotenous.

But in a broader sense, here's my pet theory: it's because races exist in a gendered hierarchy.
>African = most masculine
>East Asian = most feminine
that is to say, Africans have the most masculine men (and women), and the Asians have the most feminine (men and) women.

We see black men featuring so heavily in movies and advertising and such, because Western society is perfectly happy catering to women in this way, but they'd never cater to men by flooding our media with Japanese girls.

It would be nice to have someone to talk to, not a dog that can make human children with.

I don't get the logic behind it how is that a pederast trait?

mulatas are way hotter than asians.

Because you guys look at pictures of Chinese when you look at Asians, the Chinese isn't even a human being he's an animal like a spic, Iberian, Slav, nigger, or Arab