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Attached: Dgf-eG8XcAAwyRc.jpg (1152x892, 254K)

>depiction of trumpus maximus crucifying the eternal jew

Based trump killing a jew

>Still believing the nails went into His hands and not His wrists

He wouldn't do that. Put AOC's face in there, and I'd believe it.

Why is leftist “art” so fucking cringy?

Pyjama man shows contempt for christianity dot jpeg

dead kike on a stick deserved it

a roman used nails and cross but it were the jews who killed him

Do retarded leftists not realize we don’t want to waste our federal funds on detention centers? If america is really nazi germany and trump is hitler then stay in the shithole that you came from.

Attached: JESUSCHRISTISGOD.jpg (1920x1186, 942K)

wow this is so brave and powerful, its over, drumpf is finished

>Goyim doing the work of the Pharisees
Unintentionally based comic

Yep you wanna waste your funds on fags, trannies, and jobless niggers.

Jim Carrey made hundreds of millions of dollars because he was good at making funny faces as a teenager. That's the extent of any training or skill he's ever had or ever going to have.

Fucking this
If this is meant to show trump doing the bidding of jews to crucify the white man then good job OP


Attached: 1563198498891-picsay.jpg (448x328, 28K)

Attached: 1563142701221.png (713x611, 26K)

>artist uses Christianity's most sacred imagery
>audience is a horde of faggots, trannies, kikes, slimes and communist dumbfucks
They need to bring back burning people alive for this shit.

Attached: 1n558949722831.png (1022x731, 643K)


First of all, wtf shithole country’s flag is that? Second, nobody besides faggots in commiefornia want to spend their money on that shit.

kike thread

Attached: im-a-goy-and-a-jew-im-both-don-donald-24482224.png (500x303, 43K)

Isn’t jim carrey a drug addict? Who the fuck cares what he thinks

Real quote btw

Attached: ChesterCheetahThumbsUp.jpg (222x126, 7K)