Is there such a thing as being TOO involved in online politics?

Is there such a thing as being TOO involved in online politics?

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Yes, anyone with a twitter account is profoundly unwell

Also reaching a certain powerlevel on german media and politics distrust makes you Kind of an outcast here so maybe being involved in politics in general is harmful

>Is there such a thing as being TOO involved in online politics?
>posted on Jow Forums

>the most effective means of debating the issues of our day LIVE
>muh social status over the future of my nation
spoken like a true cuck hans.

in fact we need MORE people involved.
and LESS "bread & circuses"

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>those hands on a """female"""

>Post's furiously about SJW rights
>Lady-spergs all over social media about woke politics
>the contractions get closer and closer
>husband walks in as she begins to crown
>Its a boy
>husband proceeds to put MAGA hat on the mucus and blood covered newborn
>women literally spews afterbirth in rage
This is how children should be born.

> social media
> effective
Pick one, moron


uhhhh YEP this ones going right into my POWERFUL folder

>Get Trump elected despite EVERY (((MSM))) OUT LET shilling for Hillary.
>social media is in effecive hurr hurrr
fuck out of here kike

Put me in the screencap

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If you believe she’s posting for other reasons than to get herself some attention you’re beyond help

Online brain poisoning is real

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she's such a sad case. a christian qt who got ideologically hijacked by some ugly commie and married him.

>time to "yeet" this baby into the world

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Have I failed to adapt?

christians are retards

What does this mean? I don't keep up with the nigger vernacular like "based" and shit

She’s making fun of the fact that nobody really knows what it means by intentionally using it wrong

I need a twitter bot that auto replys to a certin account so fuckin bad

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yeah, look at /pol

Yeah, bro....

Women shouldn't be allowed to use social media.

Not saying im not speaking out
Im AfD member and i help campaining
Its just a fact that it harms your standing

Yes, it makes some people literately lose their fucking minds.


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The internet is astroturfed by every tech company, by a thousand firms and big media corporations who are forming the way you see, feel and think about literally everything. Yes, get off of the internet.

basically means toss or throw

Women are so addicted so social media attention that even in labour they have to be attention whores.


9 months later

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It's effective at getting information to a large amount of people really quickly.

No it's not. To get information to a large amount of people on social media, you need to spend an extraordinary amount of time cultivating a following, the opposite of quick

>a heavily censored and biased platform
>"best way"
Twitter clearly induces brain rot.

i watched a documentary about the german super-rich. there was a suggestion that successful germans don't like the spotlight because so many of them have the roots of their success in the nazi machine & the associated industries. no eyes on you is better than having eyes on you because everyone has a few skeletons in the shower.

She's a cute psyop.

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If you don't have a degree and/or real job (starbucks does not qualify), then you are too involved in online politics.



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I feel bad for her kid. She's completely obsessed with e-politics, that child will be left emotionally neglected.

Lol I don’t know if you’re aware of the Bruenigs, but as a family they’re EXTREMELY online. That kid is going to have 100K followers before she even leaves the delivery room.

her posts literally gave her cancer.
her posts are cancerous.

>her posts literally gave her cancer.
She’s posting about politics while giving birth dumb ass. The only cancer here is you

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Jow Forums is just mad because they'll never have a qt yt christian waifu who actually wants kids and can shitpost better than them.

The progressive thing would be to abort it.

They’re making more progressives

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>Even the progressives are having white babies
Fucking non-miscegenating BIGOTS

Lmao what do you think the left wants? You sound confused

She is Catholic, not Christian.

When you point this out to twitterholics they respond with the same defenses as an alcoholic or druggy

kek if 'based' is nigger vernacular I'm a fucking watermelon.

>hurr durr I’m just as retarded as everyone else on the far left
Good for you

Fortunately you retards are dying out because you’re not making enough of them and the kids are rebelling now that you’re the establishment and you’re too dumb to know it

>what do you think the left wants

Exactly what they say that want you retard