Why are whites buying dogs instead of having children?

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Bad fathers not disciplining them

Whites need to have 10 or more children.

The leftist antagonizes competition because deep down he feels like a LOSER.

Leftists hate families because having a family is a representation of success.

Because reality is inverted right now and animals are lower than man. Therefore millennial halfmen who follow society will just raise animals over humans. This is literally the trajectory towards Hell desu


because white women would rather fuck dogs than white men

You want to be responsible for the suffering of your descendants? You think things are bad now but just wait. These times we live in now will be a joke compared to what is coming

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I have dogs because I'm an insufferable person and make every effort to distance myself from anyone who could make me happy. Deep down, I don't think happiness is a real option for me. I am going to die alone, living vicariously through my brothers' families, destined to be the lonely bachelor who's always there for his nieces and nephews, but has no family of his own. By fifty, I'll likely be dead.
So yeah. I've got dogs because I won't let myself have anyone else. It's not complicated, just kinda sad.

>things might get bad
>better let room temperature IQ mudbloods inherit the earth
You're a fucking embarassment.

Because (((vaccines))) have sterilized them and they're incapable of getting erections and women are hitting menopause at age 25.

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>You think things are bad now but just wait.
Pretty much this. If perpetual war and climate collapse doesn't kill of humanity then the singularity will. There is literally no hope for mankind (let alone whites) to continue past 2100 without being a cyborg of some sort.

My wife and I are 36, both tall, white, blue/green eyes, and athletic. We both agree that we should be having kids, but it doesn't make sense. Humanity is at the top of its growth curve. Study fermentation kinetics and you'll understand. We're simply on a larger petri dish.

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>why are whites buying dogs instead of having children?
24/7 jew media brainwashing from birth.

It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, dumbed-down, easily controlled subdued sheep. They make up 1.4% of the US population and .0025% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

“A celebration of the jewish people”:

Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:

Why we are in decline - Cultural Marxism:

The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:

Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:

The full history of Jewish subversion in the west:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale: Anti-White Advertising

The Jewish role in the porn industry:

Attached: jew media covers.jpg (1113x728, 360K)

i.e. jews

Attached: jew funding voting.jpg (1665x1346, 592K)

Sorry, but there's no way that guy can be considered human.

Coward. You let the jew-niggers take having a family from you.

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Niggers cant get your dog pregnant

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Am I wrong?

Jew niggers had nothing to do with my decision to not have kids. The pending death of 99% of all biomass did

>it's all very logical see, I'm better than everyone, and that's why I should go extinct

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Because of jew niggers.

It's the economy stupid.

Okay you got me, the Jew niggers are going to kill us all. No reason to feed my kids to the meat grinder

I do know I'm above average in a lot of areas, but why procreate when everything is going to die anyway?

Sodomizing dogs is less taboo.

because whites don't have the same benefits for having children offered to non-whites

>why procreate when everything is going to die anyway?
Because it is the only thing that matters. Everything else is jerking off.

because the kikes aren't trying to make my dog hate me, yet

>but why procreate when everything is going to die anyway?
How do you know?

Because if your dog dies in the race war it will be easier to get over.

Why not both?

because the world is hopelessly full of assholes and faggots and they aren't mean enough to subject any child of theirs to it.

>get beyond reproductive age
>economy is in shambles
>society is in a desperate dystopian state
>because you had no offspring to carry the torch for you, you're viewed as a freeloader and a parasite on the society who seeks to undermine it
>for this you're rewarded a shot in the arm to euthanize you and a trip into an incinerator

I work with 30 other guys at my job and like 9 out of 10 is married and has at least two children.

All of them are white.

>get redpilled on women while engaged
>dump roastie
>attempt to find new girl but dating apps ruined them
>get dog
>go outside and get sun, have fun with a being with no expectations, just joy
>realize you can’t put up with a nagging cunt anymore
>get used to buying whatever you want whenever
This forum hates on women. Is it any surprise people aren’t taking risks on a bitch that shits out a kid that is used for gibs? I’ll just pay some surrogate to have a kid and save a few hundred thousand bux.

this has to be the most autistic reincarnation chart ever

Dogs are cheaper and only occasionally shit on the floor unlike kids


getting demoralized is a reproductive disadvantage, so no, you're not fit, you're naturally selecting yourself so that better genes can flourish in your absence

You're right, that's why I've had suicidal ideations for years now.

Like I said previously – if perpetual war and climate collapse doesn't kill off humanity then the singularity will

>better genes
>Matthew 5:5

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Why not? Power ebbs and flows for eternity.

What woman would have the child of this gry?