Girl spends $90K for 110$/month salary

How do we solve the education problem Jow Forums? Education seems like throwing money into a bottomless pit. The govt props this up with international students(promise of residency/citizenship) plus student loans

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If shes a doctor then she must have some really fucked social skills to not get a job. Also how do you outsource dentists?

It quite literally says she is earning 8k a month which is 2k a week you fucking retarded monkey

I'm sorry, I don't speak reddit. Is this person claiming that this sister is working for free or peanuts and 8000 dollars a month? That's almost 100k a year.

It's in Indian currency moron

8000 inr=110 usd

>8k a month is peanuts
guess i was making literal dust particles getting ~800 a month working at a shitty gas station

This post makes no sense
Also it's most definitely not in the USA, as orthodontics is the most lucrative dental job that exists

how the fuck can a dentist not find a job, or is it in india?

t. son of a dentist who didnt make it to dental school

you'd probably have to be mentally handicapped to not be able to find a job as an orthodontist once you've actually completed your schooling.

that’s 8,000 poo coins you retarded monkey

India. No degree programmers make 20-30k usd post tax, while doctors spend tons on worthless degrees

>a billion pajeets
>no demand for (dental) hygiene
Should I be surprised by this turn of events?

Actually I knew a guy who immigrated here with a medical background in dentistry from India. Maybe it’s a culture thing for Indian dentists but I swear he was functionally retarded

>orthodontia in a country that doesnt have toilets

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Well next time specify, you street shitting retard. She'd make more money if you baboons would stop raping her every day, making her late for work.

Why exactly should we care?
If you want to do something about it, stop your best and brightest from coming to the US for their residencies so they can be worked like slaves to train in the US

Actually dumb retards with rich parents come to the US

i would rather lose all my teeth then have an indian stick their poo covered hand in my mouth

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Well to be fair Indian dentists aren’t in demand but they do pay in America you should tell her to work abroad

Albeit the us schooling will be required

>I'm a redneck dispatch for a local transportation company
>brothers are truckers
>cousin is a diesel mechanic
>we all live together in a big, family owned property
>our annual income together is quite huge
>our cost of living is so low, our disposable income is very hefty
>we have huddled and worked since 2009 and save gargantuan amounts
It pays to be a brainlet sometimes.

Unpopular Opinion,

Gov't needs to put strict regulations on Colleges.

>8000 inr=110 usd
metric system strikes again.

Who gives a shit about a street shitter?

>Becoming a dentist in a poor country
Bold move cotton

Dentistry is mostly a luxury good
Even modern countries like UK can't into dentistry

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They can pay for forged degrees.

Dentistry is a meme cosmetic field. Even troubling part is that parents break the bank to put their kids into CS or medical field

Thank God. I make $7k a month and was worried that I'm now considered a poorfag.

This, there is no standard of identification, education or qualification in China or India. Every single thing about them can be fake and you have no way of validating their credentials. If they get caught, they can just assume a new identity quite easily and try again somewhere else. True in every industry, and graduate schools too.

You need more backstory, we have no frame of reference for your shit ticket currency. 30k USD a year is slavery

The Chinese and Indians try this shit in the US too. I'm friends with a professor at a University and he as talked about the amount of money he has been offered to pass kids in classes. Specifically foreigners.

..and active duty military make less than that.

Not here. You can live a king life with that money. You need about 300$ per month to live very well

Indian scam call centers must be living pretty comfortably then.

Yup. I heard they make millions of $. You can payoff everyone very easily with that money

Amazing how easily it is to profit off of human ignorance.