Omg Trump, like mentioned Israel and condemed a like anti-semetic commie congress woman

>Omg Trump, like mentioned Israel and condemed a like anti-semetic commie congress woman
>Orange Man Bad, he crypto jew
>Lets all abandon Trump and vote for actual communists who hate America because Trump said something positive about Israel.

Why are you faggots so easy to be manipulated over fucking Israel and Jews.

Literally you idiots could be out in the middle of the mojave dying of thirst and be offered water from a jew,
turn it down, because he is a kike and die of thirst because you went to your insane anti-semetic schitzo theories instead of following a reason and evidence based system of thinking.

Attached: 1F8D4EE0-1819-403E-A7E1-A5E4E01C421D.png (1000x999, 251K)

Other urls found in this thread:

When did you realize your election doesn't matter?

Attached: 41e.jpg (406x422, 12K)

2019 US Congress jews (1.4% of the US population)

Senate (18% jewish, 1,300% over-representation)

Tammy Baldwin (D)
Bernie Sanders (I)
Ron Wyden (D)
Chuck Schumer (D)
Jacky Rosen (D)
Ben Cardin (D)
Chris Van Hollen (D)
Richard Blumenthal (D)
Dianne Feinstein (D)

House (8% jewish, 600% over-representation)

Adam Schiff (D)
Brad Sherman (D)
Pete Aguilar (D)
Alan Lownethal (D)
Mike Levin (D)
Susan Davis (D)
Ed Perlmutter (D)
Bill Posey (R)
Lois Frankel (D)
Ted Deutch (D)
Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D)
Jan Schakowsky (D)
Brad Schneider (D)
Abby Finkenaur (D)
John Yarmuth (D)
Jamie Raskin (D)
Elissa Slotkin (D)
Andy Levin (D)
Dean Phillips (D)
Josh Gottheimer (D)
Lee Zeldin (R)
Jerrold Nadler (D)
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D)
Max Rose (D)
Eliot Engel (D)
Nita Lowey (D)
Suzanne Bonamici (D)
David Cicilline (D)
David Kustoff (R)
Steve Cohen (D)
Elaine Luria (D)
Kim Schrier (D)

Attached: jew funding voting.jpg (1665x1346, 592K)

Attached: Vote 1.jpg (806x728, 116K)

Attached: x voted.jpg (1764x1632, 580K)

Jesus Christ! The Jews take more (D)s then a discord tranny.

I knew they leaned Dem, but FUCK!

ok, this is getting really pathetic, even for a trumpstein golem

Not what I'm saying. You should vote right, because you'll get fucked over slightly less.

Attached: 6a00d83452056669e2019104df3864970c-800wi.jpg (238x256, 14K)

MIGA cope

>literally you idiots
lol. At least he's keeping his campaign promises. Blood and Treasure in Afghanistan ring a bell? Idiot.

Attached: 1562892149336.png (955x1653, 1.32M)

> Hillary would have

There wasn't a choice, not that there is or that making a choice in this theater matters.

The whataboutism is tiresome. People should write in Honkler or Ronald McDonald.

> water from a Jew

Could be poisoned. Depends on the Jew.

We're past the point voting can make a significant change within the system. Other means of action are necessary

The tree of liberty must be refreshed regularly...or we might as well chop it down and build a mall on it to die in.

Attached: frogWizardsrs.png (1920x1080, 1.33M)

Muh recycler

Ever notice how these shill pretend like Trump is a dictator of the country and never blame congress, media, FBI kikes for doing their best to #resist? Really makes you think.

Attached: 1556990137248.png (477x355, 71K)

>offered water from a jew

Attached: at least you tried.png (640x475, 189K)

Its not miga coping its a questioning of the anti-semetic insanity on this board.
>omg this guy who knew a guy who knows a guy is a jew.
>Well he must be a zog shill

At the very least Israel has been a better ally than Canada and the UK.

I never mentioned Hillary or Whataboutism.
Its about being logically consistent.

>Voting has failed
How exactly? The fact that Trump even got elected is proof that it works to some extent where change is possible.

you fucking idiot stop pretending Jow Forums is one person. Are you the user falling for the shills? Pro-tip in big slide threads the first 20 or so replies tend to be shills.

muh trumpstein


its honestly just a meme, Trump isnt pro-Israel by choice and he certainly is not anti-white. Sometimes you have to work with enemies to take out other enemies.

well to be fair many of the shills are complete idiots. Prlly listen to e-celebs all day or masturbate to BBC porn directly from stormfront.

Enemy of my enemy is my friend for now

that is how Israel is a shadow we cant attack yet. Although we have open enemies we need to attack fist.

>Let's vote for actual Communists

Jesus you're a brain dead nigger. Nobody on /pol wants to vote for any communist. However, we aren't going to be fooled into believing Trump again, he hasn't don't shit for America except release MORE shitskins into this country. Not to mention how buddy-buddy he is with Israel.

>Illegal immigration at highest levels since Dubya
>No repeal and replace Obamacare
>Trump couldn't stop the caravan
>Trump couldn't end DACA
>Trump couldn't pass the RAISE act
>Trump couldn't end Birthright Citizenship
>Trump couldn't make E-Verify a law
>Trump couldn't defund Planned Parenthood
>Trump couldn't invest $1 trillion to improve national infrastucture
>Trump couldn't pass the travel ban
>Trump couldn't close the Wall Street special interest loopholes
>Trump couldn't put price controls on prescription drugs
>Trump couldn't stop foreign lobbyists from raising money for American election
>Trump couldn't resist bombing Syria
>Trump couldn't pull the U.S out of NATO
>Anti bds law
>Gave israel 38 billion
>Increased the National debt by $2trillion
>Gave the 1% a tax cut
>Farmers bill
>Omnibus bill
>Amnesty bill
>Crime 'reform' bill
>No unclassified FISA
>No Awan indictment
>No Uranium One investigation
>No voter fraud investigation
>No Feinstein Chinese spy investigation
>Pedogate has vanished
>55k sealed indictments went nowhere
>Hired a bunch of neocons
>Continued middle eastern wars
>Ramping up for even more wars
>Global LGBT crusade

>Full amnesty omnibus Bill

>Summary of bill:

>Combating European Anti-Semitism Act

>Assembles a cabinet of bankers, generals and chickenhawks who precum to the thought of war with Iran.
>'Gives' Israel Jerusalem.
>'Declares' all jewish settlements to be Israeli land.
>pulled out of missile treaties with Russia
>fired McMaster and replaced him with Bolton because McMaster dared to criticize Israel
>the Trump Dept of Education makes it illegal to criticize Israel at public universities as it constitutes 'antisemitism'

Attached: 1389932959038.jpg (340x565, 56K)


Do you got an alternative with a candidate who can do this? You realize Trump even tried cucking himself to get shit passed and he is still the 2nd coming of Hitler to the democrats who will stop at all cost to stop him....

Also do you think a legit white nat can get into office before we do undercover cleanup? You idiot.

Attached: Maga Shill.jpg (589x939, 351K)

>pic related

Attached: 1559620290538.png (637x855, 340K)

It's disappointing that were never going to throw off these Jewish shackles. Were going to be slaves forever.

Every vote is a wasted vote, if your goal is to be free of "gods chosen" treating you like cattle.

Ilhan omar is /ourgal

OP is either a jew himself or a discord trannie

Trump is and always has been our only hope, do not be fooled.

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And I'll still take all this over out and out antiwhite democrats

The comment about Hillary was directly from the picture you linked, not from your words.

> logically consistent

Well I guess failure is pretty consistent. In the general sense, voting within a system utilizing a largely free market - in so much as the individual can perceive themselves as acting freely and not unable to act autonomously - and a representative politics, those better able to understand market forces and can efficiently organize and distribute some economic wealth can eventually use that wealth to influence other agents constrained by the same economic system.

This is not a moral concern or condemnation, only an observation. All roads lead to the merging of private and public.

Attached: absoluteTeddy.jpg (1280x1280, 190K)

>Nobody on Jow Forums would vote for actual communists.
Lol did you forget about Yang Gang and ACCELERATIONISM?

>Another idiot who thinks the executive branch is omnipotent, with no checks or balances and willingly ingores the anti-trump republicans in congress between 2016-2018.


I can be general and not refer to all of Jow Forums. Obviously I am refering to demoralizers and nihilists who go “MiGA MIGA Miga, Zion Don, Orange Man Bad”.

Trump is a safety valve you retard. Demographics alone will guarantee that we can't vote ourselves out of this, they just needed another 8 years of unrestricted immigration, and brown anchor babies getting old enough to vote.

Trump will probably win in 2020, he will dance around doing the same song and dance, but not actually accomplishing anything at all.

Then in 2024, maybe 2028, we get to experience the joy of a blue Senate/house/president.

Expect a second amnesty+citizenship for every illegal at that point. Followed by mandatory gun confiscation, massive tax hikes for whites, and reparations for POC.

At that stage, depending on how strong their police state apparatus is, we will see a second civil war, or some isolated incidents that are quickly brought under control and made examples of.

I guess forgot the text of the OP image when I was typing.

So, you want to merdge the private and public? Going to a Chinese styled system where everything is manipulated to get a better percived societal outcome?

Assuming I interpeted that jargon correctly, That does not seem very ideal, given the track record of such systems.

Your also ignoring that the core democratic voter base is shrinking as they become more marxist. And for now assuming if Trump is successful with his deportations before the census we can prevent a massive demographic shift.

3rd position, OP.

Remember, Trump says to make America great again, Jow Forums shows you how to do it.

Attached: MAGA.jpg (587x534, 105K)

Brown people vote blue, always. You can't split them into any subsection of race of gender, and get any result that does not make brown a net gain to blue.

Whites overwhelmingly vote red, it doesn't even matter that Marxist whites have trash fertility rates. Unless brown fertility rates are crippled, and we're talking mandatory spaying/neutering of every illegal we catch, the demographic game is over for us.

Their average age is around 25, prime whelping age for them. The average white is fucking 41. Throw in higher rate fertility rates, and it's pretty easy to explain that brown births are exceeding white births.

Trump is nothing more than a populist who got his votes from the gullible conservatives by promising a bunch of shit he knew he will never do. You should probably know it by now. Jews worked on his campaign pretty well desu.

>Literally you idiots could be out in the middle of the mojave dying of thirst and be offered water from a jew,
>turn it down, because he is a kike and die of thirst
> $56'799 for WATER fuck you?

Well, it's not what I want, but is what happens given an appropriate time scale and the relationship between the economic and the political.

Then again, there are aspects which are desirable - particularly increased efficiency of exchange in the absence of a mediating protocol requiring approximate, superfluous deliberation.

Attached: frenwarrior.jpg (218x231, 11K)

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You forgot the 3rd option.

Attached: 1563226611849.jpg (897x647, 140K)

>come on guys! just because Trump is doing everything Israel asks for and all Israelis praise him and half his staff are jewish and all his family members are married to jews and converted to judaism doesn't mean Trump is pro jew!!

Attached: 12153534.jpg (1024x683, 232K)

Because too many here are autist simpletons who can't grasp Jews as an interest group are just part of a mosaic of interest groups who oppose their positions and interests in the US, but not necessarily abroad. Focusing on them singularly only serves to help the totality of this mosaic while marginalizing the very people throwing stones as kooks. The Jewish lobby deserves criticisms for many things in America, but merely being Jewish isn't one of them, nor are they alone in deserving blame. Doing this serves no great purpose and hasn't expanded the power or achieved any victory for the people doing it and yet they persist. It's fucking retarded and they can't see it. Take Israel, it's an example of an ethnostate like many here want to create. They fucking destroy brownies on the regular, tightly restrict immigration, have a strict definition for who's allowed to be considered a full citizen and stand by their principles even in the face of international condemnation. That's exactly what most people advocate for here and then they condemn one of the few nations actually doing it.

If you look at the miscegenation rate of Jews in the US it's 65%. They're breeding themselves out of existence. Shortly, the JQ will be irrelevant altogether in the US due to it and still these autists persist in declaring them to be the greatest danger facing the white race. It's fucking retarded.

Now eventhough im a Southern Baptist, watch as one dumbfuck after another declares me to be a Jew because they can't fathom that 99.9% of the country simply disagrees with them & not merely da joos.

Can you include the word "YAHWEH" in your next post, please?
Just for funsies.

Almost 2 out of 10 senators is a Jew. When demographics would suggest they would only have 2 out of 100.

It doesn't matter if the common Jew is driving themselves extinct. It's the filthy rich hyper Jews that control media/politics/banking.

There could be less than a thousand Jews left, and they'd probably still somehow all find their ways into positions of power, and use it for racial nepotism.

these threads always go like this
>retard says people who call out trump as a kike puppet are shills
>retard is demonstrated in intricate detail why he's a retard
>oh yeah? well are you going to vote for a DEMOCRAT?
the point is that voting DOESN'T WORK no matter WHO you vote for, the long term results are going to be the same

if i were american i'd still vote for trump for what short-term benefits it might give over a democrat but it's retarded to suggest trump is anything but controlled opposition, and that Q is anything but a psyop, and it's very clear that there's paid shills on this board everyday who perpetuate the idea that trump isn't 100% compromised

fuck off jew

Attached: trumpcocksucker.jpg (1016x698, 196K)

Ahem. Pretty please? It's, like, a foonni joke.

Personally, I'm just hoping the world burns slow enough that I can buy me some woodlands, and get a self contained bunker going.

Doubt I'll be able to save enough in time, I'm in a darkie infested city, and probably going to die when the collapse comes.

There are a few people who do actually believe the shills eventually. They are so spread out and post so often it seems like the entire board is 100% against Trump, so it makes you no longer want to openly support him. I almost fell for it myself.

Its more than just simply race. Otherwise right wingers like Herman Cain and Larry Elder would not exist.

Its the victimhood mindset non-whites have. Its what seperates those who act like a human and those who act like an animal.

You can not have racial nepotism if your the last guy in your entire race. It is immpossible.

Speaking of nepotism, I have been denied so many jobs because of equal opportunity employment. How about we talk about the Institutional Nepotism these commies are building into our economy. Thats something that is way more severe than a jewish banker transfering ownership to his son.

Every single kike outright ignores the simple request of typing out YAHWEH. 6 mere keystrokes, yet somehow they just can't do it.
Fucking jew.

>refuse water
>die of thirst
>accept water
>die of plague because the jew rat poisoned the well

In case you haven't noticed our entire upper class is a degenerate mess for the most part. Singling out Jews only lets the rest get away with it easier. At the core of it isn't Judaism, but a loss of basic values like those provided by religion and white identity.

Disproportionate success should not be stigmatized. You sound like niggers bitching about white success and declaring it must be the product of a conspiracy or nefarious acts. Have some self-awareness. They're simply out performing us in many important areas and if that pisses you off then make sure you're not one of the ones that aren't competitive. Work harder.

Look it is not complicated. Overwhelming majority of Jews vote for Democrats, so just vote the opposite of what they vote

I know what you mean. Living in SoCal can feel very demoralizing.
People have gotten so insane here that I fear if I even say “I don’t agree with don, on everything, but Trump isn’t that bad”. I fear for a lynch mob to come after me and try to call me a National Socialist.

At least I am prepared with some lab goggles and pocket knife if I need to defend my self.

Because its gay, just like you.

Because you know you can't say YAHWEH.
Because you're a kike. Kikes can't say the word.

Attached: 132332.png (1080x720, 974K)

>Look at these outliers!
Did you even read what I typed? For every brown person, you get more blue vote than red. For every Larry elder, there are countless trash on food stamps that will vote blue, while popping out more welfare trash to do the same.

>They'll vanish! There will only be one Jew left! Quick, look over here!
By your own admission, their miscegenation rate is NOT 100%.

I like to bust up in college bars here and loudly praise Trump. I did it this afternoon. It's mostly just results in gasps. They're too big of pussies to even confront me. LA might be different, so stab a motherfucker if they invade your space.

Looks like you got found out Rabbi. Confirm you are a goyim. It's simple enough. YAHWEH is not the one true God.

Nope. Its proof that its a matter of ideas not race. However all colored people are taught to act like cunts. Which is why it seems like the entire race is rotten.

I am a goy. Wasn’t Yahweh the dipshit who lead the jews to Kuwait instead of Israel?

Say the word or stop bumping your shit thread.

Attached: 1551809531086.png (1400x1614, 921K)

I did you fool.


Who gives a shit over this dumb hebrew word. It is meaningless to me.

Congratulations, this promotes you into the ranks of goyim braindead retards, you are now certified cattle.
Proceed with your suicide, my job here is done.


haha bro but wait for hitler lmao

>don't vote goy