Name one eceleb that doesn't collect shekels from the audience?

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none they are just cancer that think them making a youtube video on a topic someone else discovered is popular = i give them money

>implying he's not getting a cut from the TRS/TDS paypig miney

They all ask for shekels. Hard to find one that doesn't.

Norm Macdonald


Anita Sarkeesian

No such thing

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The nature of the eceleb is very similar to the nature of the artists specifically "the nieve rock band" or "child actor".

The very nature of their content is supported by advertising, or Bitcoin mining, or is a form of advertising itself.

If the content doesn't have enough exposure to generate a meaningful profit then it serves as content potential to break thresh hold exposure. Mainly because content is accesses overtime and hits accumulate and each piece of content is a chance to generate future hits for content creator.

The collection of shekels comes in based on how well the content creator effectively advocates for themselves.
In the form of maintaining copyright and trademark claims, and scrutinizing every buisiness deal and contract.
Because in the end, someone is going to end up jewing you at the marketplace or the forum. Might as well learn the tricks and try to out Jew someone before they out Jew you.
Or if you can somehow nully "the Jewish game" of business and make an effort to make a more genuine form of content.

What's the alternative to taking fan donations if you make content on the internet? It's the most direct route compensation for your work, in that way it's also the most honest. It only gets annoying when they ask more than once an hour but what else can they do?

Ursula Haverbeck
zoomers cannot compete

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Gary the Goat

He's a comedian who believes everyone should go fuck themselves. He's not anti-capitalism but believes it's wrong so therefor he does not monetize his videos. Only money he makes is doing stand-up comedy and selling shirts at gigs

Fuck off, commie. Why the fuck is earning money so sinful to you? You know spending money is objectively good right? It's hoarding money that is cancerous

>oy vey my capital
the eternal anglo strikes again

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So I guess you happily run your browser without an ad block? Read through your spam email folder? Those penis pill makers have to make money too you know, by your logic.
The reality is that people don't like obvious kikery/shilling shoved in their faces. And eceleb presence here is objectively harmful to what pol stands for.

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>what (((we))) stand for
He's totally one of us boys

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I have a modest twitter account, was actually considering making content for shekels

Why would earning money from something you plan to do for a living be a bad thing?

>implying you’re not a fucking retard and you’ll have some moronic answer to everything which shows how dumb you are

>salty german cuck still can’t get over the firebombing of Dresden

They’re dead and you deserved it

this thread was made to attack me although I never received a single shekel from anyone after all the trillions of dollars of value I added to the global economy as a lot of e-celebs and companies try exploiting me for sheckles

Pol - anonymous hive mind where infiltrating/subverting it is basically like trying to piss in an ocean of piss. Works together cooperatively, anyone can be involved and pitch in on something. Ideas are more important than individuals.

Eceleb - can be influenced/doxxed and controlled, or act as agents leading others foolish enough to follow them astray, reduce the overall agency/creativity because people expect the eceleb to do all the work as they are followers and not direct participants. No longer about ideas, but about them and the $$/promotion you bring them by being their personal cuck.

You sound like one of those faggots that the 2016 election dragged in.


that doesn't mean that their shilling should be welcome, if they want to promote themselves then they should buy an ad

Godwinson, although he'd probably resent the label.

>Implying it's them posting threads and posting their Twitter
>Not their greaseball promotion or ad agency

E celebs are too busy editing and live streaming to shit post about themselves.
Might not always be the case, esp if it a channel they are getting off ground.
But usually is opportunistic ad agency social engineering motherfuckers that figure the value in shit posting about their clients because a shit post is a shit post and a shit post bumps a thread unless it's saged.
I.e. there's no such thing as bad pr, unless it's saged blacked and reported.
Even then great balls will still try to frame question and OPs so their can lick an ecelebs assroll.

Also ecelebs get "free" advertising in the way of their stupid fucktard orbitiers and fans and like to come here to find our what other new subversive idea of they can believe in or find a funny meme to post that differentiates their Facebook profile from their friends.