I just had an argument over abortion about somebody who is pro choice while I'm pro life

I just had an argument over abortion about somebody who is pro choice while I'm pro life.
He used the usual "a fetus is not conciderd alive until its 6 weeks old" and women should be able to choose what she does.
I had counter arguments of destroying pre natured life becscue the fetus is conciderd alive as bacteria is conciderd alive and a women should not abort her baby for making mistakes she her self made should have thought was she was getting her self into.
Then he hit me with a hard one would I abort a child who is hideously disfigured or mentaly handicapped, I won't lie I would do it becscue I don't want a child life 5o be ruined because he was born with a disadvantage and his life would be hell.
He says he won the argument but there is not fucking way I agree with the shit he is saying.
Any argument tips?

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Genesis 1:28 is clear about this.
Undesirable mutation is merely impetus for scientific advancement.

Those two are not related at all.
One is about the woman's feelings and the other is about the child's feelings.

Stealing this thread since mods are being faggots. Did anyone else know about this piece of TX cuckery?

Fuck off this is my thread shit off.

Lets raid r/chapotraphouse

Then tell your kike friends to stop shilling their Jow Forums passes

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Not my problem ass hate eat shit and fuck off

I will once I can start my own thread without paying for the memepass. Did you even read the article I posted?

Go to a diffrent thread amerimutt

here's another hard one; what about in vitro fertilization? is it right, as a screening measure for heritable genetic disease, to form six fetuses outside the womb and only use the most genetically viable one or two? what do you suppose happens to the others?

I can’t I tried:(
Getting back to the thread, this is a pretty stupid piece of legislation

It has nothing to do with the topic I posted your shilling your own shitty fucking site becscue I got bullied by janitors boo hoo. Honestly kill your self

He didn't win the argument just because you agreed to abortion in one circumstance. That's as dumb as the women who say "but what about if the mother is raped" despite that rape is only 1% of reported reasons for abortion. The majority of women get abortions because they couldn't keep their legs closed and they don't want a baby interfering with their life.

Of course, you'd be against abortion, you would love this country to be filled with shitskins and degenerates raised by single mothers.

Why? My post is political in nature. Do you agree with the bill?

I have no disfigurements or handicaps and I am bitter and depressed.
Meanwhile, the average downie is happier than me.

Check mate.

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Interesting fact il take it no acount

Now tell em what do you think about this

This is nothing to discuss. Abort non-Whites. Give birth to Whites.

End of discussion.

>while I'm pro life
Typical kike that wants to increase the nigger population

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Woman's inconvenience vs child's existence full of suffering.

Not even comparable.

You did good user.

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he's just a mad little kike since he got BTFO in an argument