Is redpilling your parents the wrong thing to do?
God, I really hate my Asian-minded parents.
Redpilling someone
Maybe if you use ENGLISH words from a dictionary you will have a better chance at communicating with your parents.
>m. "redpilling"
Why do nazis use a term from a hollywood blockbuster made by trannies?
It rips off a far better movie at that. Dark city and plato
Except they don’t speak English, saying stuff like “chinese should be spoken in the family”
Also, I’m still learning, so cut me some slack.
No slack.
Your family are older than you. They think they are correct without any reason or data.
You can't fix them, but you can lead by example and become more successful due to your superior knowledge.
Depends in how much is kikery affecting your country?
Westerners have a duty to do it but idk about you guys, probably better to spread the knowledge as early as possible though because they'll eventually come for you
Redpilled my buddy on the Jews and his girlfriend chewed me out over it. Not because I was wrong but because I was right. Redpilling people is a strange thing.
My parents are racist so they're already redpilled I guess.
How tho? They are limiting my ability to do anything except to accept their requests.
They are trying to dictate my life.
I’m so lucky I got red pilled.
Most women think being nice is more important than being right
Do they support Israel and think the burgers saved the world from Hitler?
I suggest you lie to them about your finances. Give them a comfortable family life.
I’m doing that. I ain’t letting my pockets sucked dried for their vacation, or liabilities.
:) I can't offer much more advice! I think you are doing the right thing already.
> how much is kikery affecting your country?
Everyone’s a liberal.
It’s like living in the lawless land.
You see crimes, the boards of people just beat the shit out of the suspects. Some of them died before going to jail.
I just hope my family don’t give in to this society of mine.
I will make sure to stick to them just for the love of my family, but thanks.
I’ll do my best for them as well.
>Everyone’s a liberal.
You mean like sjw tier? How tf did this happen?
Also don't call them liberals, retarded burgers keep misusing this word but we shouldn't have to
Let’s just say there’s no freedom like America.
If you criticize your nation (even for the greater goods), you’ll go to jail, or you’ll die.
But how do kikes come into this? How will redpilling your parents help the situation?
At least it helps them understanding the situation, and live normally, instead of thinking that they’re right, making them entitled with their opinion
Gas yourself
you mean they're asian, or they watch anime?
I can relate, you should find the angle that will make them interested in hearing you out
I’m trying, so wish me luck.
Are you going to tell them about Hitler and everything?
They ain’t interested in intellectual stuff.
No surprise
You can't change the mind of Asian baby boomers.
Fucking boomers man
What did they say?