Why did the Tea Party fail, Jow Forums? This is the Tea Party's big 10th anniversary year...

Why did the Tea Party fail, Jow Forums? This is the Tea Party's big 10th anniversary year, but those groups barely exist anymore.

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Boomers are dying off.

They stopped carring when their children came home with brown babies.

they realized tea is shit-tier

They defeated socialism by electing orange man

The Tea Party was always civnat on the RQ (race question), though. That didn't stop them from attracting huge rallies and raising tens of millions of dollars for political campaigns. But then it all seemed to die out.

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Trump took over. Fuck the tea party, they got Obama elected twice. They are the AOC and Illhan of the Republican party.

they were a meme party worse than trump. Literal zog robot mossad plant.

National pride is pretty much dead. Nothing more than a hollow shell of what once was

because it was orchestrated and funded by jews exploiting boomers, and as we know boomers do literally nothing right.

They didn't vet their members, the jews moved in and destroyed them from the inside.

The real tea party actually did something like dumping the Kings tea in the ocean as a fuck you to him. Tea party in America circa 2019 whined in public about muh rights and the deep state laughed at them.


the tea party unironically believed israel was their greatest allies, jews didn’t even need to sneak in to subvert it

Because it was co opted by the mainstream republican party as soon as it got some traction. It also ran out of steam once Barry became a lame duck. Then the Trump movement pretty much finished it off.

In the beginning it was a great thing. A grassroots movement of people who actually understood what the country was founded on, and that rejected muh unlimited wars for democracy and TSA niggers groping children. But as soon as the Kochs invested in it, that was the beginning of the end.

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The Tea Party an Occupy Wall st almost converged if not for the SJW campaign

>National pride
If you think the tea party movement was about that and not a boardroom-born strategy to get idiots to throw away more of their power and rights, you've got another think coming.

Were boomers in charge?
Oh, they were, huh?
Well there ya go.

the teaparty was ZOG-tier neocon shit

The tea party died when Ron Paul got shut out of the elections. It was started by his supporters and then it was subverted by money grabbers.

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Based Breitbart was poisoned by communists

Was it really THAT easy to subvert? I thought the point of the 'Tea Party' having so many different "organizations" operating autonomously was to PREVENT subversion through a single weak point.

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Nah, he WAS a communist.