John Lear, A former CIA pilot who spent 11 years with the organization, a former commercial pilot...

>John Lear, A former CIA pilot who spent 11 years with the organization, a former commercial pilot, a man who has flown over 120 aircraft across 50 countries with over 19000 hours clocked in the cockpit and 11000 hours behind the wheel, a man with the most FAA airman certificates in all of the United States, the son of Bill Lear who created the Lear Jet. Has sworn under oath that two planes did not bring down three towers.
HAHAHA what a nutcase! LOL listens to too much Alex Jones LMFAO! Kk I got to go start my shift at McDonalds and earn my 12 dollars an hour but LOL John Lear alt-right poster boy!~

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Other urls found in this thread:

This city probably cooks people alive in the summer...



Too much concrete, no trees, the air can't flow freely,... it must feel like Mexico City with less pollution.
China has some hellholes likes this too. Even São Paulo was inhabitable until a few years ago with cars having less emissions and all that.

Of course they didn't, planes do not contain barium and strontium

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WTC caused the second epidemic of thyroid cancer in the world.
The first one was in Soviet Union after Chernobyl.

Attached: frag4.gif (598x431, 38K)

Oh yeah it’s brutal

> tritium level 50x normal
> nothing to see here goy

Attached: tritium.png (555x637, 80K)

The idiocy of posters on this board is limitless.

> An increased incidence of thyroid cancer has been reported in the Mount Sinai World Trade Center (WTC) responders [1], WTC-exposed fire fighters [2], and the New York City (NYC) Department of Health exposed residents [3] with an excess risk in the range of two to three times the incidence reported by New York City, New York State, and other national reference populations. This is despite the fact that established risk factors for thyroid cancer, such as exposure to radiation or iodine-131 [4,5], have not been reported in connection to Ground Zero [6].

> firefighters have typical radiation-induced cancers
> nothing to see here

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Do you have a license for that Geiger counter, goy?

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>muh emissions

Just stop

couple of jews with explosives did bring down three towers. planes had nothing to do with it

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There was a theory for a while that the water density in the air at that altitude would preclude accurate flight, same for the pentagon.

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Well if he swears under oath it must be true

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>The Lavon affair was a failed Israeli covert operation, codenamed Operation Susannah, conducted in Egypt in the summer of 1954. As part of the false flag operation,[1] a group of Egyptian Jews were recruited by Israeli military intelligence to plant bombs inside Egyptian-, American-, and British-owned civilian targets: cinemas, libraries and American educational centers. The bombs were timed to detonate several hours after closing time. The attacks were to be blamed on the Muslim Brotherhood, Egyptian Communists, "unspecified malcontents" or "local nationalists" with the aim of creating a climate of sufficient violence and instability to induce the British government to retain its occupying troops in Egypt's Suez Canal zone.[2] The operation caused no casualties among the population, but cost the lives of four operatives: two cell members who committed suicide after being captured; and two operatives who were tried, convicted, and executed by the Egyptian authorities.

> Israel publicly denied any involvement in the incident for 51 years; however, the surviving agents were officially honored in 2005, being awarded certificates of appreciation by Israeli President Moshe Katsav.[3]

>Due to Israel's military censorship the details of the affair could originally not be openly discussed in the media. Despite this, debate occurred but with the use of code words such as the "Senior Officer", to refer to Gibli, and the "unfortunate business" to refer to the Egyptian operation.[12]

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Israel didn't cause 9/11. They love the United States and are our greatest ally. We liberated them, we brought their people to our shores, and we have given them a hand of friendship that they have returned to us 3 times over, with their people! Our best lawyers, doctors, educators, entertainers, journalists, and politicians are Jewish. To hell with any of you spreading lies about our friends and allies.

> retarded (((canadian)))
> never went to the third world and saw black hot smoke gassing spics all day
Kill yourself, sheltered kike.

I guess you’re new here

Wow, the deflection and derailing is at an all time high.

Good job JIDF, attabois!

if you actually think 2 commercial airliners hijacked by al quaeda terrorists brought down WTC 1, 2, and 7 you are absolutely beyond hope. Humanity would be far better off to just kill all of the people who were dumb enough to still believe this. The lack of critical thinking and impulse to just believe whatever you are told by authority figures has to be SO strong to still actually believe this that you might as well just be flushed down the fucking toilet.

>its an the official story makes total sense bro episode
fuck off and saged

Lear’s considered a loon even by fellow UFO-nutters.

obviously it was bluebeam tech and he planes were projected.
the videos and photos are real in the sense they aren't doctored by the filmers, but they are taking pictures and videos of a fake plane.
the white plane seen circling NYC while the planes hit and above the pentagon when it was hit was the plane projecting the image of commercial airliners.
nobody can explain how planes just melt into towers like that. no debris breaking off during entry. it doesn't buckle or change direction at all. the plane does not react to hitting and going thru the building until it explodes, after it is virtually fully submerged in the building.


>Israel loves the United States and are our greatest ally. We liberated them, we brought their people to our shores
And they repeat like a stuck record about how we did nothing for them during the holocaust, how we turned away ships with Jewish Refugees before the war, and how the whole world was silent while Jews were being massacred.


To be honest i think thoes elements can be found after any major destruction event. There are trace amounts of that stuff everywhere but when a building is vaporized its all freed up and floating around in the air.

Like was there really not a single citizen in new York on that day with a Geiger counter? wouldn't we see as many birds defects as we do in countries where we actually shot depleted uranium at?

cant thyroid cancer be caused by asbestos?

What is going on here?

no shit sherlock, the towers never existed either did the planes

What's with all the random former art bell guest spam recently? Lazar, Steven Greer, if i start seeing Hoagland on Jow Forums I'm gonna chimp out.

Everyone in the UFO community reveres John Lear, but his notion that the planes were holograms is bollocks.

What do you make of the DEW/scalar weapon angle? Do you think it's possible that the levels of barium and strontium observed were the result of a directed energy weapon?

Calling posters schizos didnt work, concern trolling didnt work, now the glow nuggets have moved on to pushing their assets like Lazar on Jow Forums in order to control the dialogue.

Once those assholes are exposed as alphabet agency stooges the deep state will move on to another strategy to stop Jow Forumsacks

what's meant by WTC-01-16?
Also the buildings were used for lots of different stuff, is it impossible someone had a reason to have barium and strontium stored in there somewhere?

Post proof you worked for the CIA otherwise be quiet.


And yet, your average construction worker can tell you the official story doesn't add up. There was literally NOTHING done to building number seven to make it implode like that.

grade A aussie shitpost

Tubby gonna bust out a smith grind and blow Trumps mind, that's what the fuck is going on here faggot!


the irony

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like nigga put up an awning for fucks sake

someone really hates American civilians
that’s the only thing I got out of 9/11
I wouldn’t be surprised if the government did it
the USA government really hates its civilians

>thinking a nuke is capable of this
>planes do not contain barium and strontium
no, but its sprayed pretty much all over america and other parts of the world. its called "geo-engineering" "cloud seeding" and who cares what else. theyre spraying heavy metals on us.

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Fucking Jews.

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it was our government, and probably others as well.

they don't hate us. they don't consider us worth their contempt. losing thousands of american lives to protect CIA records in Tower 7 was just as emotionally charged for them as losing a bunch of reinforced steel and concrete pulling the buildings down.

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It was Israel

no, inhaling a massive steel frame building will not cause damage to your throat.. according to some user's anyway, only nukes that are magically radiationless can damage your throat/give you cancer

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>let us spray shit on you
>its good for you, honest
>you care about the climate, dont you?
the fucking audacity on these clowns. and somehow people are still fucking asleep

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It's global warming, goyim. Luckily, there are some (((changes))) that can be made to ensure a safe and healthy future for you gentiles.

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No. Asbestos are tiny shards of glass that get trapped in the lungs.

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That bump could've gone to an e-celeb or poorly translated bible verse thread!

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Bump for the truth

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I can swear under oat that the earths core is made of liquid helium.
Doesn't make it true.

NYC is right on the ocean, and Manhattan is an island. The water does a good job of smoothing out the extremes, but yes NYC does usually sit around 10deg F warmer than the rest of the state.

>average construction worker
The average construction worker is a moron who would install pipes backwards if it was possible.

>2 planes did that damage
half-baked intellectuals are truly the scum of the earth. please learn about physics, my dude, its basic fucking physics too

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That...sort of makes sense to me. Make sure that whoever has a detector at least knows how it works and isn't a lunatic. Kind of like the inverse of the "3.6 roentgen" meme. Some asshole going around, not understanding the counter and getting people all riled up.

outside AND inside

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>geiger counters banned in '08/'06 has correlation to 9/11... 2001
why do people post this?

>follow the money
a decent tactic. but user, this shit is like the mafia, you think the don would EVER get his hands dirty like that? no, he owns the people/business/"NGO's" to spend the money and dirty their name instead. for he can just cast it aside and use another or assume a different name

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just coincidences, anons

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planes hardly ever crash.. unless of course you happen to be poking your neck around too much.

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flight 93 was a meme

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>"plane" crash
>some anons say it was a bomb/missile
>plastic pc inches away from the brunt of the damage
>wooden stool
>neither even apparently budged

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We should crowd-fund a fullscale $1billion re-enactment in the desert for research. Even if it fails to fund the jimmy rustling would be priceless.

That just sounds really dumb, user.
Even if it wasn’t a plane crash and a missile/detonation instead it still would’ve effected the stool and monitor by your own logic. So if it was none of those things, what was it?

Boys, were the twins created for the sole purpose of knocking them down for the destruction of Boaz and Jachin and the rise of the 3rd?

ITT: People who've never taken a statics class

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>So if it was none of those things, what was it?
who knows, user. im just judging evidence, i dont know enough about the pentagon, but that shit aint right

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Trusting the CIA

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>all that green text
And doesn’t have a Wikipedia page and you cannot create one

Have someone who refuses to believe anything but the narrative? heres a response,

>forget the theories lets just talk physics
>a “plane” hit the north tower at floors 93-99 (104 floors total
>the north tower burned for 102 minutes
>it then collapsed completely in on itself all the way down

Newtons second law:
>The rate of change of momentum of an object is directly proportional to the resultant force applied and is in the direction of the resultant force. >The resultant force is equal to the rate of change of momentum.

So the WEIGHT of 11 stories (floors 93 through 104) was enough to completely obliterate the WEIGHT of ALL 92 floors below, with ONLY 2-3 stories room for acceleration...

knowing this either:
a. the north tower (and the other two) broke the laws of physics
b. the narrative is bullshit

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>a. the north tower (and the other two) broke the laws of physics
>b. the narrative is bullshit
c. all of the above

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The laws of physics are fine

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Light materials do not absorb gamma/X/neutron radiation, only heavy materials do.
When radiation is absorbed by target, so is the energy it carries.

An analogy is shining a laser at the block of wood through a glass window.
Glass does not absorb light (it's transparent), but wood does, and heats from the energy received.

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please stop

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John Leary is a fucking nut. He believes there are aliens on mars and pyramids

>only the people closest to the blast survived the blast

Attached: Stairwell B Tower 1.png (1726x1062, 2.27M)

>forget about who benefited from this
>go argue about the physic goy
>it's the nukes!
>it's DEW

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Reread your post and try to understand why that's fucking impossible.

Happened in Hiroshima also
Nuke explosion is not perfectly spherical, especially if there is a shitload of concrete in the way

>israels involvement is a fucking mystery at this point
give me a fucking break, must we only discuss this one detail for years on end? its not even the tip of the ice berg you fucking scrub
dumb scrub doesnt even know the implications of whats before his very eyes

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>No Trace

Um there were all sorts of parts of the plane still left. Especially heavy forgings such as the landing gear..

Attached: landinggear002[1].jpg (594x445, 39K)

>Reread your post and try to understand why that's fucking impossible.
>doesnt know about the Star Wars Program of the '80s
yikes, my dude. that shit is out in the open

some mainstream examples of Directed Energy Weapons

DEW used in Iraq

John Hutchison

>The Hutchison Effect

>Hutchison Effect

>the hutchison Effect and Free Energy - LightworksAV Documentary

>The Hutchison Effect - ParanormalTV Documentary

>The Hutchison Effect - Science Channel Documentary

>The Hutchison Effect: George Hathaway on Metal Jellification

>Boyd Bushman, a Senior Scientist of Lockheed Martin, on The Hutchison Effect

>The Hutchison Effect - UFO Direct Connect TT Brown Experiment #2

>The Hutchison Effect - Iron Bar Warping and Fuming from Directed Energy (Laboratory Experiment)

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you just gonna completely ignore the image youre replying to because of that image you posted?

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