Nigs in Japan

Visiting Japan in a couple weeks. excited until I saw an article about Asian nationalist killing an African student. "thats only in china right??. you think japan will kill me?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off and die nigger

Who invited you to Japan? They will give you the answers you seek

>Nobody invited me I'm just gonna turn up and wing it

Then stick to roppongi with the other blacks and don't you dare bother anyone outside of Tokyo! Asshole thinks the world belongs to him

you're probably gonna die bro

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brack piggu go home

There's a man in Japan known as The Dragon of Dojima. His goal? To cleanse Japan of the negro filth.

What's with all these nigger threads today, (((they))) are trying real hard it seems...



holy shit. cant fucking wait. does he use weapons or are we goin at it bare brawl?


>See some black wojack
>Open thread
>American flag
Fucking every time!

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It's true I once saw him punch a nigger white


I hope they do.

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He's gonna tiger drop the nigger out of you.

Unfortunately he teams up with niggers and runs a blog for one.

fucking hope so.

350,000,000 Americans
Give or take 20-50 million illegals
Blacks are 40 million of America’s population it’s only normal you’d catch a black American posting as opposed to an European one

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this. all nignogs and nig gene carries must be exterminated. literal subhuman filth

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guess ill stick to roppongi with other blacks then

well anything is possible
just stay on the main roads and don't behave like a total nigger and you should be okay

nah, they will love you. Japanese people are not used to nigger behaviour, they'll see you and think you're a human just like them!

...nobody invited you?

make japanese penpals, learn some words to getby.

>you think japan will kill me?
I fuckin hope so

I hope the Japs kill you user.

you'll be right at home in tokyo

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why don't you go to africa ? stupid nigger

I'd be more worried about the weird cult people who try to lure you into the mountains to kill yourself than anyone outright assaulting you


I think that's a bad idea nog.
You'll fare far better in Croatia.

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DO NOT come to Serbia.

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Resist your natural urges to be a loud uppity nigger and you'll be ok....oh and don't touch their women.

I thought this meme was funny in 2016 but I'm starting to realize how true it actually is. I need to stop ODing on black pills.

Have you never heard of the nigger cave in Nipland? Probably in your best interest to stay the fuck out.

That was in Greece,though.Based landlocked niggers cleansing their vacation spots,now if they only start to kill Angl*s and the entire Mediterranean would be pure.

Serbs lynched him though.

My brother lived in Tokyo and had his 100% blacker than any other African mate visit him and there were no problems other than kids calling him Godzilla (He was tall aswell) and drunk salarymen thinking he was a pimp as there are quite a few black people there but they are all pimps

Hence,i said "Based landlocked niggers"

I don't read the entire thing faggot, I just skim.

People only respect arrogance from a black men. If you're humble and docile they're going to use u as a fucking door mat like the dudes that I work with. Many of them nice guys and get treated like slaves...always on call, always working mad hours for min wage and these are very intelligent dudes that could easily be making 6 figures but they're min wage slaves thanks to a capitalistic system. They're docile, always polite, always working hard, showing up on time, showing respect to the managers that use them to do their job for them, even tho they get paid more.

People dont got to like u, they have to respect u, and nobody respect a docile pussy. That's why Ali, jack johnson and floyd mayweather were hated but respected. Black men gotta feel like you're the shit, why not? You're already oppressed anyway, you cant touch the sky anyway, they're going to kill us and block us whats the point of being submissive and humble to them? I blame old black people for that stupid "have manners" shit, yeah ok, you have manners while everybody else are taking what they want...and see what happens.

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thank you for your service

Kill yourself, that way you win.


oh jamal-kun please stay home. in USA they think you are rapper or scientist, but here we know you are stinky trouble. visit mexico or thailand. you will feel bad everywhere you go here. dont put yourself or us through that, please. thank you.

Why are they waving Romanian flags? If anything the flags should be chads color palate (lime green, pinkish red and yellow)

You belong in jail.

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I heard japs think every black guy they see is a famous rapper or basketball player

you heard very wrong


they haave problems with blaack us army people who raapes their doughters , so probably yes if they can.

Why would you go somewhere you are clearly not wanted and not welcome?
Why do blacks always do this?


It is not, it is the color of Chad country.

keep your hands to yourself and stay in tokyo. right about now they are on high alert thanks to some faggy shit the west tried to pull recently. gangs probably are more active than usual and their police wont stop them

you dont want to be one of those tards on a plane full of tards sent back to america with a broken arm. thats a thing happens every couple of years on average since the 80s


china and japan are completely different. lol

Thanks for answering question I didnt ask.
I'll try again.
Why do black people always insist on forcing their presence in places they are not welcome or wanted?

im a traveler, i want to see places on this earth before i die. ill white face if i need to, i could care less. as long as i get my pictures and sight-see im ok. you say that as if i plan to start a family and brown japan

You should stick with the other niggers in africa.

animalistic instincts.
Just like cats have to rub against everything to spread and signify their territory so do blacks as they are incapable of propagating their influence beyond their sheer presence, unlike whites and Asians who do it via culture, politics etc.

I hope so. Asia hates niggers

its like you didnt even try to read my response lmao

>you think japan will kill me?
one can only hope

Why do wh*tes always sperg whenever a brotha so much as posts a single post on Jow Forums? We not leaving. Get over it.

You nigger faggot are part of the hedonistic "explore the world" type teenager who needs to escape their home (not that you belong in the US) to "experience" foreign culture. Althewhile contributing to the myth of positive immigration. As long as you aren't on a business trip or stationed on a military base you have to right to force your presence on the local population.

Japs hate nigs

China has a severe colorist problem. i dont know much about japan but assuming they dont deal with nigg behavior seen in america then they pretty much have no reason to hate.

>q: Why would you go somewhere you are clearly not wanted and not welcome?

based Paco

like i said. ill white face if i have to, race relations dont affect me

Ofc your black schlomo

i feel as though you need to have interactions with nigs to hate them. why do you think most southern states with the highest black populations are racist. japan has very little blacks and most of them are competent and dont act like a coon

(You) barely even tried

>you think japan will kill me?
Yo will be fine. Getting charged with murder would make the poor nipe worse than you in the social scsle
You will get bullied and pranked though

Im sure you dont attack whites that travel for fun and fuck foreign girls in southeast asia, so why should we give a fuck?

I hope niggers who visit Japan gets beheaded by a Katana.
Why can't Nigs just stay in USA even jews are starting to mutt Anime

thats a pretty creative imagination you have there

I hope that happens.

The only place you're welcome to visit (move back home) is Africa.

>I need to stop ODing on black pills.

Telegram group The End Times is just that ...

I'm so blackpilled scrolling a few secs through it..

why do you guys say go back to africa. naitive africans are extremely vile towards african-americans


Which part is fictitious to you?

>bullied and pranked
Lmao user I’ve been to Japan those people by and large are just polite yet skiddish as fuck.

um...all of it lol. pretty funny tho keep it up

Hows it feel that even niggers dont want to be around you. Nigger

but africa is dirty. not trying to contract jiggers

No, as long as you act like a human being, you can do that much, right?

well its pretty ironic cause i hate them too.

Just wash a lot, the slant eyed people hate the smell.

ofc. im competent enough to travel and socialize as a decent person

It's dirty just like you, so it's a perfect match.

Alright, time to learn every single fucking rule there is in Japan to behave like a Japanese so they don't think of you as "That dirty monkey looking gaijin who doesn't know how to behave."

have you been around chinese? they smell like shit

Creampie the incels waifus

yoooo, that was a nice comeback lmao

i have a beautiful white gf thank you very much.
>inb4 you guys call her a coal burning whale