no IRA thread?
No IRA thread?
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Who cares about civilian bombing potato fucking micks?
Who wants to know the joke with the IRA?
fair enough
lemme hear it
I RAn with the dick in your mom
it be like that
thank you,Tiocfaidh ár lá
Thread theme:
Who keeps posting this? The IRA hasn't been a thing in decades.
>ITT: le 1/56th Irish mutts larp as paddies
i just want northern Ireland back
IRA are basically communists, now they want Ireland to accept over a million immigrants with their staggering population.
Basically 50 retards getting trolled by 500 MI6 Agents at this point desu, more IRA in Australia at this point
>I just want Northern Ireland back
Ireland belongs to Britain, It was never suppose to be independent. Plus Irish-Americans are fucking scum anyways. They make up the majority of white democrats and ANTIFA.
No fuck off, Canada for the Asian Muslims whites people live in Wisconsin
>roach rapebabies
>No IRA thread
The jokes write themselves
1/56th as brittish as tea,James Bond and the Royal family. Am i roitt mate?
SAS false flagged the bombings
Get on my level, statist
50IQ post
>british royalty
The Irish got the fuck out in time.
Muh purity spiral
Fyi, since Im a yank mutt and not a pure paddy, Im way fucking bigger and stronger, so youd keep that gay shit to yourself out of fear
Youre conflating sinn fein with the ira because youre a jewish queer
I see you live on the coast where faggits all love
Kansas is Irish as fuck and red as fuck also
Catholics are scum, not Irish and Italian
Kys faggit
fenians are shit though
barely even won in south Ireland where they were 100% of the population and nobody was fighting them except two bobbys and a postal inspector.
Black and Tans win real wars cunt
Is that still a thing?
I think they're drug dealers now.
I don't think so O'Malley
I want to move to Sligo.
Can't get more patriotic than that.
Also give back Kosovo, it's legitimate Romanian clay.
Why don't any actual potato niggers (not their watered down US cousins) post in these threads?
I'll give you Kosovo if you persuade NATO to genocide the zergs (Albania, Kosovo and FYROM), otherwise no deal Radu.
got ya covered, see:
Sinn Fein is mostly made up of Former IRA members. The IRA only hated British people. They had no problem with Africans or Middle Easterners.
Because most Irish people think Jow Forums is racist (which it proudly is) and are too busy opening their assholes up for nonwhites.
1 (one) guy.
Are the Irish truly so cucked?
>watered down
We are far stronger and violent but whatever
Loyalists were right
O wait, theyre all jew worshippers too
>We are far stronger and violent but whatever
I don't know user.
Did you manage to topple the US government with a badly trained, badly armed militia using pure willpower and fanaticism?
Get back to us when you do.
My hands are tied friend. NATO are zerg-lovers, you should know this from personal experience.
The Founding Fathers would’ve supported Britain against the Irish once they found out Paddies wanted niggers to be people too.
Because they hate plastic paddies far more than they hate the British.
Up the Contos!
You do know the Red Hand Commando was founded by a homosexual pedophile?
Which is gay asf
Guess the Brits were right all along about them eh
Both sides have something to say
However, I will never side with mixers
They didnt tople jack shit retard
Good Friday ACCORDS
You do know what that means right?
Viva la revolucion! Inshallah! Tiocfaidh ár lá!
Shout out to my number 1 brit/hun killer Rook O'prey.
To be fair, no one likes diaspora.
They're literally people who deserted their own country.
Every single one of them, scum of the lowest moral fiber.
Hey mutt, your entire nation is made up of scum and descendants of scum kek, except the based natives and spics in the south west.
Like I give a fuck.
Ireland got its independence while fighting the Brits when they were at their peak.
And that's pretty fucking unironically based.
Everyone is scum migrant diaspora if you go back far enough though. Do you seriously think Serbians evolved in Serbia ?
Nothing more cringy than a American IRA wannbe!
The beret is such a retarded hat.
I'd rather shove my head up your ass.
Yes. I do.
Humans didn't evolve in Africa, they evolved in the Balkans, and then started moving around the world.
All you faggots are Serbs if you go far back enough.
We are made up of the best of Europe
Cucks staued behind
Men expanded Christendom
>Irish got their independence
Surely, you meant your own ass, my homosexual friend.
ah okay. based
More cringe than some loyalist?
Nah cunt
This point cannot be argued against
Every time. Norther Ireland doesn't want to be a part of the "we're literally committing ethnic suicide to stick it to the meanie Brits" conglomerate
Reminder that amerilards were sending guns to communist Irish militias in the height of the cold war and saw no problem with it.
>Germanic peoples
Not serbian jew devil blood peoples
>We are made up of the best of Europe
You're literally a nation of criminals, heretics, degenerates and sexual deviants.
Only the lowest of the low would leave their own countries to try and colonize a fucking wilderness across the Atlantic.
no u
>all IRA were commie
No, just the MI6 ran officials
18 to post here kid
The commies are the ones that got their way, and your precious Irish are an ever dwindling population of self-hating whites, way to go mutt
>18 to post here kid
actually worse than
>no u
I'll use that from now on. Thanks mutt.
Coming from you???????
Fuking hell
Coming from you???????
Fuking hell
Jews and Anglos hate us more than anyone. You are our bitches, coward. Weak genes. Bend the knee again. We are letting you Brexit. Then we are taking back the North. Ever question why you call Rothschild, Lord.
>Bend the knee
>Taking back the North
Why do Americans think Britain is Game of Thrones?
Same reason they think races work like Skyrim
This guy believe everything the britannia empire tells him, whats next they suicide shooting themselves in the back while protesting ?
Nice banter bongs. But you're still getting genocided.
Daily reminder that the british continued to EXPORT food from Ireland, even as entire populations of Irish villages starved to death
Because they watch the Jew box too much. Personally I respect Britain because without them we wouldn’t exist. America was always a Anglo-Germanic country up until as recently as the sixties.
Anglos literally have no soul.
Irish people were mostly leftist sympathizers. The potato faminine wasn’t a bad thing at all. If Brits let it continue. Irish people and their shitty ideology would’ve been wiped out.
Walk down the road in Dublin
Someone has written Derry IRA 2019 on the wall again
So far in this thread about Ireland only one Irish person has posted?
Why do people who don't live hear pretend to be educated about our politics. Modern Ira are thugs and unionists were always handicapped.
>Modern Ira are thugs
That's a funny word for heroes ya ungrateful cunt.
Up the ra ya British bastards!
>Anglo invaders steal your land
>force you to rent it from them at exorbitant rates
>only give you shitty land so you have to exclusively grow potatoes
>never offer help in any of your famines
>thats right, the potato famine wasnt the only one, it was just the biggest
I wonder why they had leftist sympathizes.
>running away from oppression and murder makes you scum
>An AK-47
>Not an M-16