Why do American "Christians" do this, Jow Forums?

Why do American "Christians" do this, Jow Forums?

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jews are the children of satan

A large chunk of American Christians actually believe Jews holding Israel is ushering in biblical prophecy or some shit.

U.S is Israel's little bitch, as is every Jow Forums poster:

>be born
>get circumcised by Mr. Dickenschneidenberg
>get ready to go to college
>need to take out a 20 year old loan from Mr. Loangebenberg so Mr.Ausbildungsberg can give you a useless education
>get sick
>need to give an arm and a leg to Mr. Qackenberg just to get painkillers prescribed
>give hard-earn tax dollars who doesn't even care about you

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They’re delusional brainwashed sheep

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Why do (((pagans))) do this Jow Forums?

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Fox News

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My son in a box for Israel

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evangelical retards. They're the literal niggers that give Christianity all the hate it gets. Funniest part is they're all burning.

That's one claim, but if that's the case, why don't we ever see evangelicals in the US telling/encouraging Jewish people in the US to go back to Israel? You'd probably get kicked out of an evangelical "church" if you did that.

I knew this lady who praised every fucking thing as God's will.
>it rained praise God
>it's sunny praise God
As if God has a weather machine and is preoccupied with setting each day's forecast ffs

Titus chapter 1 is a fitting explanation user
As noted in Ecclesiastes these sorts of people are nothing new and are being led astray by the same old haunts
Ever clutching to their worldly concerns, never discerning for themselves, preferring others to serve the mysteries of the Almighty to them on a silver platter

Think about how much pain, sufferings, death, and destruction these brainwashed mental infants have facilitated through the years. Also the my black grandsons.

The story told, if you're doing your reading is that of a trick to supercede the divinity of christ as an archetype with a literal kike on a pike, thus destroying all remnant of Dionysian mysticism remaining in the church.

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They love israel more than most israelis do

The propaganda on our satellite channels makes it look like fucking disneyland, you'd laugh your foreskin off watching this bullshit.

do they not realize that most of this country is a fucking desert?

Not at all, they don't even realize that the smell is specific to Israel until many years after their first brainwashing tours/vacations.

smells like hot stale piss

Well as a Christian I only stand with those who have accepted Jesus as lord.

Why do you think, you dopey cunt?

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This guy imagined, he's a magical fellow.

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That is the biggest bunch of boomer bullshit I've ever read kys

Because Kikestianity has reached max entropy and is theologically dead. It's the facilitator of Jewish power and globohomo politics, as well as socialism/communism. Dying white Boomers who've been indoctrinated into the Jew cult their entire lives are exasperated and desperate, seeing the teeming millions of brown invaders pouring into their lands while being unable to utter a word against it because their faggot cucked Jew religion binds their hands and ties their tongues. So instead they bank on laughably made-up Jewish prophesies about the end of the world happening. That's their trump card, the only one they have left. It's a mental crutch for people who cannot accept their Jew religion betrayed them. They actually believe if they worship Israel like slobbering pathetic slaves that the magical dead Jewish rabbi from 2000 years ago will one day park the mothership over middle America and beam them up off to Jew heaven.

The reality is that America will get browner and browner as the white Evangelikike Boomers die off. Nothing will happen. No Rabbi Yeshua will appear. And then what few remaining white children are left will become atheists or choose different religions.

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Go outside and mow muh lawn, zoomer.

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What can i say It's a Christcuck thing.

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There's a verse in Romans saying that God still supports "Israel" as it was known back then. The established Orthodox/Catholic understanding of this is that God will save anyone who accepts Christ, including the traitorous Jews that killed him. As said, Evangelical retards interpret this short passage (and other passages) to mean that Christians should support the modern state of Israel and, by extension, modern Talmudic Jews. Retarded Christcucks are the logical end result of Protestantism.

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Eat your jewberger dumb fucking idiot.
BTW post your service record. Bet there is none.

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Based and true

My lawnmower was serviced last week. It's got a full tank. Get your ass out there before the sun is at it's peak!

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THIS. Evangelical Christians are heretics who need to be burnt at the stake.

they didn't read Revelation of bible

Get off your fatass and mow it yourself. When you're done knock down a 12 gauge

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Funny how you make the distinction between Evangelicals and other Christians, yet talk as if all Evas or Christians. The reality is, US intelligence dipped its hand into various denominations of Christianity in order to undermine the original teachings. Denominations with a stronger theological backing (like Orthodox Christianity), have been the best at resisting this subversion (although have still succumbed to it in a number of ways). Evangelicals have the weakest theological foundation behind Mormons, and so they have given up their traditionalist, anti-Jew values. Despite also being theologically weak, Mormons have deluded themselves so much that they still have a firm belief in traditional living

evas are christians*

>another d&c thread

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More and more white people are returning to their ancestral traditions and old Gods.

Thanks zionists!

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>Why do American "Christians" do this, Jow Forums?
Mossad finances Evangelicals.

Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.

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Guess who has Mossad run security?

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You'll never see a return to this ethnic identity within christianity, because the thing that provided the muscle behind this was always pre-christian elements.

alot of these preachers get stacks of cash from jewish interests

Jews wrote their own version of the bible called the schofield bible that got really popular in america that basically told stupider christians that they were supposed to worship jews and Israhell. somehow this actually worked because americans are apparently that stupid.

Now you've got hordes of retarded evangelicals who rage against gay marriage and try to get "bathroom bills" passed in their states, but then pay for israel to literally rebuild Sodom and Gomorah in the Holy Land and celebrate gay pride parades in JERUSALEM. normally i would think it was just typical hypocrisy but i really think in the case of the american evangelicals i think they really dont make the connection between degeneracy and kikes.

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Useful idiots, every single last one of them.

Traitors to their country and god.

I love that people outside America present their opinion on Americans like we actually give a single fuck what you think, and you're wrong. and I don't give a enough of a shit about this garbage topic to argue with you.

Fuck you, traitor. The Norwegian is a better American than you, worthless good goy.

>You challenged the faggot nord you're a kike
Fucking low IQ subhuman garbage

Orthodoxy is still pretty ethno-centric

yeah, but the vast majority leave outside of the desert.

newfag zoomer baited this hard

>Funny how you make the distinction between Evangelicals and other Christians, yet talk as if all Evas or Christians.
The only distinction between Evangelikikes and regular Jew-worshipers is that Evangelikikes are Americans. Beyond that, every single denomination is pro-Jew, pro-open borders, overwhelmingly left-wing, and brown. Pick your favorite monster from the Pokedex, it's all the same shit with minor quibbles over doctrine that absolutely don't matter. It's like arguing over which ice cream flavor is the best. Regardless, eat enough enough of it and you become a fat piece of shit. It doesn't matter which variety of Kikestianity you choose, you're getting browned, open bordered, and pro-Jewed. They might wave their hands differently or wear different clothes but there is no intrinsic difference between denominations.

>Despite also being theologically weak, Mormons have deluded themselves
That's Christianity in a nutshell, not just the Mormons. What "strength" existed in the Christian world was riding out the dying inertia of the European pagan logos by generation after generation of objectively "bad Christians". Yet so many Jow Forums types want to DEUS VULT even though it's a fucking meme and absolutely heretical to every single church in existence. There is no strength there. Only POZ. And why? Once the magical compilation of Jew books began being translated into everyone's respective languages and people read it, that's when communism/socialism/globohomo spread. The "strength" of Christianity was a magic show, an illusion for dumb peasants ignorant about the book's content. Once that illusion was shattered, picture related happened.

This toxic egalitarian humanism and anti-whiteness *IS* Christianity. What is commonly dubbed "traditional Christianity" is just that period of time where peasants couldn't read the religion imposed on them. Modern POZstianity is just Christianity. It's people interpreting the text, as written, correctly.

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Because they hate their own country more than anyone else.

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so-called "Evangelicals" are the "Your Best Life Now" "Every Day is Friday" crowd of lesbian and gay/Pro-LGBT (((preachers)))
the same group who refuse to Evangelize to the Jews "because they have their own covenant with God and have no need of Jesus Christ"
Christ is less often spoke of by (((evangelicals))) and more often called "the leader of our religion" and other nonsense

So-called "Evangelicals" are the ones who get invited to the WH in groups of 40+
and are lumped as a 'voting block' ie "if Trump doesn't secure the Evangelical vote"

"Evangelical" is the biggest cuck group of false-Christians, pro-Israel, pro-abortion
-- remind you here that abortion is a Jewish value, not a Christian value

lukewarm, soft-hearted, LGBT-loving, "my wife's black son"-having tenderonies

Brace for judgement, America

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Rabbi Hagee? The fraud who wears a Jewish prayer shawl and says "The Jews don't need Jesus" --- don't believe me copy-paste the quote into search

If you don't believe Hagee is a Jewish convert, just wait till he dies and witness in which nation his corpse is buried.

>so-called "Evangelicals" are the "Your Best Life Now" "Every Day is Friday" crowd of lesbian and gay/Pro-LGBT (((preachers)))
>Christ is less often spoke of by (((evangelicals))) and more often called "the leader of our religion" and other nonsense
>So-called "Evangelicals" are the ones who get invited to the WH in groups of 40+
and are lumped as a 'voting block' ie "if Trump doesn't secure the Evangelical vote"
>"Evangelical" is the biggest cuck group of false-Christians, pro-Israel, pro-abortion
-- remind you here that abortion is a Jewish value, not a Christian value
>lukewarm, soft-hearted, LGBT-loving, "my wife's black son"-having tenderonies
This entire post is pure fucking bait and full of falsehoods, stay a faggot D&C cucklord faggot.

Finally someone has answered the OPs question. This is why modern day evangelical Christians are ruining everything. Mainly the church and themselves.


The ethnonationalist sentiment of early white Christians was just pagan ethnonationalism. Does anyone really think an Arian Christian who lived with his tribe in the woods his whole life and was nicknamed "Bloodaxe" actually read this Jew book? No. Some asshole missionary waddled out there in fancy clothes one day and promised him and his people immortality, which to a warrior people is a pretty useful thing, and so they converted while not understanding any of the doctrine or texts.

Did the Normans read any of this bullshit? Outside of the nobility, nope! They converted insofar as to obtain the benefits (immortality), but being ignorant of the texts, maintained their pagan ethnonationalism and proceeded to fuck up everything from Ireland to Damascus. Now, modern Christkikes seeking an illusory "strength" from Christianity that never was look to the Normans and other crusader types with starry eyes, not knowing Normans were simply bad Christians. And that faggy fruity barista with an open borders shirt and a crucifix standing behind you in the grocery store blasting Billie Eilish on his Beats is the *actual* Christianity as taught in the books.

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so what you're saying is
>"Evangelicals" are hard-liners against LGBT and don't have lesbian and gay preachers
>are not invited to the WH as "spiritual advisors"
>not called a voting-block by every faggot-loving "news-network"
>are largely not pro-Israel or soft on abortion


Everything EXCEPT the very last one, and recent poll numbers prove this

Nah. The Holy Land is rightful Christian clay, both Jews and Muslims need to leave

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It's this
Now because Christians have a million differect sects or whatever and are so conniving, some LARP semitic prophecies on US soil because DC is also NuJerusalem and think they will inherit America

And some actually believe they will inherit Israel

>Not believing in the end times with so much of it right in front of your stupid fucking face
Enjoy the lake of fire faggot

You can't have two Jerusalems

But hey, I forgot about the Mormons all the way in Rocky Mountain Israel, the Third Holy Land

There is no "lake of fire", faggot.

Revelation was written by an anonymous Jew in 94 CE who never met Rabbi Yeshua bar Yosef, yet claimed he had had "visions" of him. The actual quote in Mark 9:47 is about Gehenna, which is what JEWS believe in.

"Hell" is a Greek concept that even your magical Jew didn't think was real.

The Bible is just a big 'how-to' guide that people keep repeating over and over and pretending like there's actually a ''''''conclusion'''''' to all of this

there is never a conclusion

been living under a rock for the last dozen years?

not sure what's sadder, how wrong you are or how often "Evangelicals" NEVER mention Repentance

>Look at this list of sources and facts I have

Honestly, you aren't worth the time.

Just remember Christians are just as deceiving as Sloms or Jews and will lie through their teeth to your face with a big cheery smile

I have absolutely no clue.

>his excellency daniel ayalon, ambassador of israel to the united states

the chosen have acknowledged me! and not just any chosen, but an AMBASSADOR to Israel!

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>love Jesus


underrated top kek

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Literally quoted the verse for you so you could read it yourself. But not reading your magical Jew book while still having wrong opinions about it is pretty much the Christkike M.O. here on Jow Forums so hey