Should age of consent laws be changed?
Should age of consent laws be changed?
people should get married at 16 desu
Look. We get it. You have nothing in common with women your age because you have the mental maturity of a 12 year old. No shit your kind would be attracted to that; its the only age group you can relate with.
>be girl
>age 12
>live in iran
>family is poor
>dad didn't get his paycheck for 2 years
>be married off to some afgahn tourist for 2 weeks
>family receives a lit of money from my husband for 2 weeks
why need to end the ayatollah regime bring back the shah and remove all sanctions this is our last chance before we all have to suffer
I still can't believe how common pedophilia is. I would love for my partner to be able to experience an orgasm, to enjoy the act of lovemaking. A child is fucking USELESS for the job.
It should be 16 across the board. If you can drive, you can bang.
Ask any insurance company, 16 year olds CAN'T drive.
Maybe this is one of the reason globalists want to push the third world to the west. When it becomes the third world, the consent law will change to what the migrant population think is right.
Give me trips baby jesus
>a child
my Jesus trips don't lie, user
>equate operating motorized machinery to being able to raise a child
women should not be allowed sex until 35.
If her age starts with a "1" then you can rest assured she is too immature for an adult sexual relationship.
What if she’s 9? Checkmate
Yes. To 6 months old.
I was sexually "abused" as an infant (read: loved physically) by my grandfathers friends in 1996 and it made me stronger. More in touch with my emotions and far happier. If you can't cope with a grown man's fat pork sausage fingers up your backside at the age of 4 you are a whining piece of shit incapable of true love.
Sounds like you're a down syndrome nationalist
Quality shitposting
you don't know chicks, kid.
when you get older you'll realize the biggest problem in america in single moms.
Then you marry her and spend the first 10 years on education and house rules. She must retain her innocence long into teenage years if you want to raise a successful wife.
based Persians
Based and tradpilled
Simply require sex to be marital and ban divorce then. Raising the age to 35 goes against our biology.
Banning divorce would be great, but men have a right to try before they buy
Yes - to 21. That is about the age that you are able to make a truly informed decision.
The age of consent should be marriage.
You're not married? God doesn't consent.
Boom. Suddenly horny ass women get married at 17. Every marriageable person is married and producing kids by 25.
>Demographics = fixed.
>STD = gone.
>Thots = patrolled