There has never been an attack on any American politician or public figure like this, in history.
What is going on? Why aren’t we fighting back? Why are they allowed to attack us on the streets, doxx us, doxx our children, call us every name in the book, and burn our flag with no retaliation? Not only is Trump a racist, but now if we support him we’re racists. How do we make this fucking stop?
>Why aren’t we fighting back? because that's not how america works, aussie. >yes i can see your real posting place
James Thompson
Washington and Jefferson literally owned slaves lol
Christopher Harris
More racist than presidents who actually legit owned slaves? That's a stretch.
Joshua Nelson
It's absolutely hilarious the left is only trying to appeal to the voters that would only only vote for them no matter what, and alienating literally everyone else. They're watering the one weed while the whole garden is dying. When it comes time to harvest, they'll still be shocked when they have no fruit.
Jace Adams
This is too stupid to be real. Post the archive or that article link. This is just absurd.
Jacob Jones
>Racist! Racist! Racist! Oh sweet lord, he's racist, whatever will we do?
Charles Fisher
>Democrats acting like anybody gives a shit about their virtue signalling >With wars and trade wars going on Lmao
Samuel Richardson
It's safer to let the other side just ride the term "racist" to the ground.
We are visibly close to that point.
Lincoln Turner
So who does this “historian” consider the most racist president in American History? I’m gonna put $20 on Jackson
They are in an absolute State of panic. The headlines keep getting more and more ridiculous. No one bats an eye at the word racist anymore. A completely deflated term. The (((media))) wants you to believe you are a small political minority on the fringes and will be shunned by society if your political affiliation is ever known. It's a bunch of bull shit.
Many presidents owned actual slaves, Jesus Christ. I refuse to believe they're this fucking stupid
Isaac Cox
Dylan Carter
Problem is racist is a fake word. There is nothing you can do. Even if trump paved the streets in gold it can’t fight a fake word. I’m guessing this is really about breaking him down for the slavery thing. He can virtue signal with that, but he would still be called a racist even after that. It’s lose lose, so why bother
Juan Miller
>This is too stupid to be real I’m afraid you are wrong. There is nothing too stupid for Yahoo! News to publish.
There is no need to fight back. Everything they use to try and destroy Trump just slides right off, and his public support is rising higher and higher.
Hunter Bell
>FDR appoints Klan member on the Supreme Court >Supreme Court appointed by Jefferson calls American Indians "mentally handicapped, dumber than infants" and basically non-human and that's why we own the lend, not them >b-but Trump twitted some mean things
Jason Roberts
>Why aren’t we fighting back? Because we vote every couple of years. We substitute that for political violence and upheaval and it has worked pretty well so far.
Kayden Rodriguez
You're right. Racist lost its meaning. The left has nothing at this point.
Nolan Johnson
I want off.
Bentley Thomas
SharedBlue were doxxed on the other chan site for making concern troll threads like these btw.
Charles Brown
Zachary Watson
Because 'they' own it all. Every media outlet, every voice.
Austin Kelly
>telling people who throw homosexuals from rooftops at celebrations and sell minorities at slave markets we don't want them here >racist
Jaxon Martin
Trumps an ass but he's not the most racist president, I'd say there are at least 20 more that were more racist. Pretty sure Andrew Johnson, and Andrew Jackson have him beat by a long shot.
Luke Sanders
>Why aren’t we fighting back? cause trump is a zog puppet so I don't care how much he gets smeared lol
David Scott
Black people are not stupid. He will get more "minority" votes after this, and the only pandering he ever does is state facts about employment.
He's the most kiked president in history, but not the most racist.
Samuel Myers
>most racist Nixon literally said nigger on tape, and Lyndon Johnson outright admitted to exploiting JFK's death to get the black vote. Hell, Andrew Jackson told the Injuns to fuck off or die. We fucking learn this bullshit in history class!
It's all right on the brink of collapsing. A combination of Boomer's advancing senility and Zoomer virtue social media nonsense is coming together into the perfect storm. A strong nation wouldn't have this problem, but western society is infested with kike bolshevik sappers attacking the foundations of western civilization. I guess they learned from their failures in the 30s that they have to take out ALL of the nations, simultaneously, for global jewery to achieve total world conquest (aka "True Communism" now all goy are slaves to Israel, forever, as written in the Talmud)
Austin Morris
he can't stop winning. Trump #1 racist
Adrian Butler
Go outside
Owen Watson
>Why aren’t we fighting back?
tell me, why should his supporters fight back, if their president won't fight for them?
Julian Peterson
In the context of his time, he probably was because he was trying to fight the tide. In the context of all 45 presidents, he was probably no more racist than 13 of the 16 that proceeded him.
Luke Anderson
Of course. I just find it amusing that the left-leaning press wants everyone to know the most racist American president was a Democrat.
This Pravda media provides cover Entertainment industry spreads what is supposed to be the default view for everyone Universities subvert our young and impressionable, which takes decades to unprogram, if ever Shit is fucked desu
Nicholas Hall
Shows just how powerful the left is.
Carter Adams
Trump could have outlawed the media
but here we are
Nathaniel Young
Why are you trannies spamming so much stupid shit today? Are your welfare checks running late or something?
>Historian: Trump Now Tied For 'Most Literally, Ugh I Just Can't Even' President In American History
Brandon Torres
You're assuming that SJWs know anything about history.
Kayden Phillips
>Trump >More racist than the presidents who owned slaves, more racist than LBJ, more racist than Wilson, more racist than Jackson, more racist than Obama If anything Trump is probably one of the least racist presidents
"ill have those niggers voting democrat for the next 200 years" how much do you want to bet its not that guy?
Owen Wilson
>Tied Dude no one can beat the best president ever Andrew Jackson
Gabriel James
It's the Wests fault for believing in the Roman Psy-op of "Christianity" in the first fucking place.
Imagine worshipping a babylonian sun-god then get upset that the Jews think we are so stupid that we must be controlled. The West proves them right over and over.
Easton Barnes
i dont even know what racist means anymore. i hate ghetto ass niggers like everyone else but ive met some lovely black people in my life.
i just dont get it
Michael Sanders
That was me desu, but i think it’s deeper
5 years ago I was a libertarian borderline liberal. But i sought out information. I looked at it rationally. I got both sides of the story. I looked for context of what is being said.
The majority of these normies don’t do that. Yet they get the right to vote. The media gets to post whatever the hell they want. It’s fucking crazy. It’s absurd.
Jayden Allen
racist means "Anyone I dont like" Just like Hitler, Nazi, Sexist and homophobe
Evan Garcia
Johnson vetoed every fucking thing that was put in front of him and everything he vetoed was overridden by the traitors to our nation. Andrew Johnson was absolutely our most based president
Racist basically means you're not down with the communist revolution.
Easton Bell
They've made it easier and easier to get the title of "most racist president in american history"
Matthew Reyes
I guess you’re correct if you’re arguing that they wanted to preserve the status quo of the slavery in the south. The only thing that doesn’t seem to have changed is the Democrats campaigning on racially-based wedge issue bullshit.
It actually was that guy, although he cites Johnson stating that "without oversight blacks will devolve into savegry" as evidence for him being the most racist.
I don't see how on Earth Jackson wouldn't be considered most racist, he's my favorite president of all time.
Camden Morris
Sounds to me Johnson was right, Jackson cuz of the trail of tears
Henry Clark
This is brilliant, saved
Lucas Morales
lmao im guessing this retard historian has never heard of operation wetback
Evan Morgan
Trump's the first president in a very long time that wasn't chosen.
Jason Martinez
>Commies live in their bubble world until their host country executes me
Basically if you believe in race realism in some form or another.
Angel Walker
>most racist president in American history >didn't even own slaves
Kevin Evans
Jackson wasn't president during trail of tears, Buchanan was
Jackson wasn't even particularly racist
Oliver Sanchez
Probably Bush at this point.
Leo Gomez
>Implying I wouldn't vote for him over whatever satanic corpse the Demonshits drag out
Robert Lewis
Different Johnson retard. the other guy was quoting LBJ, you're talking about Andrew Johnson.
Henry Moore
It's the fruit of a hundred years of research into human psychology. As more and more research is done into these kinds of things, the findings of that research are then applied in a way to get useful results for the people who paid for this research to be done. Why do you think gender studies is even a thing? Who would even fund it? Obviously, the people who want to make men and women fight each other. Somewhere along the line itwas discovered that white people hate being ostracized, so the weapon to use against them is mass-ostracization. Whether trump is racist or not is irrelevant for this tactic to work. Conversely, proving trump isn't racist is also irrelevant because the people it targets simply do not wish to be targeted. This is also why cries of 'rape' and 'pedophile' or even 'incel' work so well against white people.
Jonathan Rogers
According to propaganda outlet no. 535837429883
Angel White
How Jewish or black is this revisionist "historian"?
Chase Peterson
we've also never had a president this brazenly and publicly corrupt
WOODROW WILSON > president during the revival of the KKK to its highest point of membership >Immediately fired all blacks and disallowed their employment in the civil Services >Became President solely to Restore the honor of the Confederacy
Oliver Russell
The fake news has parroted the term racist so much long before trump was president. And they have tripled down. Nothing to see here. Being called a racist means nothing these days. The left have completely disarmed the word. This is a good thing if you're an actual racist.
Luke Richardson
Why are they saying it like it's a bad thing?
Benjamin Rogers
Civil war was about state rights, not niggers. That's a meme.
It's why southerns see the Dixie flag as a symbol of pride and you get retarded shit like a black woman standing in shock and awe becuase someone with a Dixie shirt changed her flat tire instead of raping and killing her.
Oliver Edwards
Trump is a Zionist Pawn. I would have fought to the death for him if he were worthy of it, but he's a fucking sellout. AMERICA FIRST = ISRAEL LAST
>not the presidents who owned slaves >not the presidents who genocided indians >not the presidents who supported segregation Nope, the guy whose tweets offended some shitskin women.
Aiden Scott
arent you that old fucking jew boomer that moved to south america to fuck kids?
Michael Bell
By fighting back, it’s that simple. No one will save you, you must do it yourself.
Nolan Bell
>everything that never happened, the post
Zachary Edwards
thats some imagination you have, avram
Brandon Young
I fucking wish Trump was racist
William Flores
>Things that never happend >Implying I didn't set some libshit faggot like yourself up
He was genuinely insane. He was a pirate God damn it. Best president ever.
Henry Peterson
After all of this, ALL OF IT >muh Russia >muh taxes >muh racism >muh jew Jew cum >muh warmonger >muh white house chaos >muh emoluments Claud >muh collusion >muh fucks ivanka >muh insanity and 25th amendment >muh destruction of international laws
After all of this, they are back, stuck on “muh racism”