Communism destroyed my country

communism destroyed my country

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we know--we helped though

wasn't real communism, try again

Wasn't a real country either

>shitskin destroys communism
>blames communism

Communism and shitskins don't work.

Same. State welfare kills nations.

Yeah, tell me more...


that seems to be the case

No it didn't, your country is and always was a shithole.

Brazil was never communist.
It has always been an oligarchy, even under Lula da Silva

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You destroyed your country. And you won't fix it either.

The stupidest fingerprinting ever.


imagine my shock

Brazil was literally never communist, it was a military dictatorship for years and socialist groups were banned

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Yes I know, but I understand (due to your meme flag) that you think communism works.
I referred you to my post to assure you that no, it does not work.

Shut up memeflaggot.
You can’t tell you mouth from your ass.

Anybody with an IQ above 10 knows that the vertent of communism in the americas is Gramcian.

Anytime communism has failed it's because it has happened in third world shitholes that were shitholes no matter what. In a first world rich country it would work fine.

jews are quick to defend communism

forgot to say, i'm venezuelan

>communist education

Jews are quick to defend Trump and capitalism

Perfect example. You had food riots before any socialist policies were brought in. Don't blame the ideology, blame your people.

Oh please lecture about the ins and outs of brazilian internal politics.

Nevermind the fact that we had an office of the KGB, armed guerillas and a supranational revolutionary organization taking orders directly from Cuba. All that as per official government data you fucking fag

>armed guerillas and a supranational revolutionary organization taking orders directly from Cuba.
So? They weren't your government.

And what about Russia. It wasn't a shit hole until communism, neither was the rest of Eastern Europe.

Communism, what's that?

Who is Ludwig von Mises right?

>It wasn't a shit hole until communism
Russia was worse before communism, what are you talking about. The went from a mostly peasant based agricultural society to a world superpower in like 40 years.

Communism AND shit skins in a country will fuck said country up beyond recognition.

>what is Germany
>what is Korea

Haha +1

Who do you think ruled us after the military dictatorship fell in 1985 ya dingus?

hi Venezuelan, i'm ant man

You deserve for buying into a failed ideology invented by a gay houseboy over a century ago.

Property is life. Markets are living.

It wouldn’t have happened if your freemasons hadn’t ousted our monarch and then flooded us with kikes after the world war.

Hi ant man, how are you?
I'm glad I left this shithole and now I have food to eat. Kek.

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Boo who. Cry harder.

Do you worry you're coming off as heartless.

one remote for the volume

I fully appreciate the chimp ears on that pepe

empathy is a white man’s thing user.I’m used to it by now surrounded by niggers.


>chimp ears

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Where in the US can I visit that's nice and not crime ridden and poverty struck? I want to find a nice southern town to holiday in.

Her name is Maiara Rebelo

shit looks like trash though user, don't over cook your meat like that, season that rice, loose the coleslaw bullshit. Get a proper table cover. Did you steal that plastic over your table from an 8 year old's party on your way out?

>We need Communism to work in America.
>Sure the reason we got to this point was because of Marxist Jews who created the federal reserve and bankrupted our country, but forget about capitalism lol it will never work.

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Looks comfy user. Glad you're not starving.
Now tell us about your plans to illegally enter the US.

Capitalism served it's purpose but must transition into socialism. Which, by the way is what Marx said. Socialism was never supposed to be attempted in third world poor countries, capitalism is needed first - socialism is the next step. Feudalism > Capitalism > Socialism

>i'm venezuelan
Alright then, twenty years of US efforts to undermine the democratic political resistance to American interference and economic dominance/control in Venezuela are what destroyed your country. Sanctions and coup attempt after coup attempt destroyed your country. US, UK, France, and other instruments of Western hegemony destroyed your country.

Blame America-- not muh communism.
Reforms that took place weren't even fully socialist.

>Nevermind the fact that we had an office of the KGB, armed guerillas and a supranational revolutionary organization taking orders directly from Cuba.
I would say that is preferable to having to take marching orders from the IMF, the World Bank, and the United States.


Why don't people discuss Norway more?

No need for a revolution then ya dingus.
It’s contradictory to historical materialism (the basis of marxs theory) if the class conscience never happened by natural historic evolution and without top to bottom intervention and subsequent dictatorship.

Historical materialism was refuted before marx was even born and he casually forgot that when writing his theory.

who do you think backed Lenin back in 1917 other than rich jews?

It’s called metacapitalism user.

What is there to discuss?

Probably because you guys are too small and undermined by the larger political plays by the EU

>No need for a revolution then ya dingus.
It depends who you ask. Marx isn't the only thinker in communism.


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I know he isn’t I just said that Gamci is the one behing communism here in the american continent.

Regardless, any comunist writed that shills for top to bottom revolution started after the WW1 when marx theory was empirically shown to be wrong, but they are all based on historical materialism and therefore contradictory.

the EU is a kalergian cancer.
I like norwegians though, a bit smug at first but cool people when you get to know them.

I have family in Denmark and I travel ocasionally to hunt in Sweden and Norway.



lol American education

>>shitskin destroys communism

i'm glad to see you made it out. god bless, fren.

All commies are thieves. They hide behind their 'ism' but at the end of it all they are fucking thieves. If I could snap my fingers right now and cause them all to burn for eternity guess what's gonna happen: SNAP, SNAP MOTHERFUCKER!


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It tried to destroy mine

Her name is Maiara Rebelo.

yes, I am disabled