He was a hero

He was a hero

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>he was an hero

story checks out go pray to marx now

>gets killed
>score: 0
This indicates the performance of the left in an actual conflict.

A hero for faggots and suicidal whites.

I support and encourage more anfita, commies and lefties to follow in this hero’s footsteps.

>suicidal whites

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Don’t you have to accomplish something or help someone to be a hero? This old hippie faggot was a colossal failure and got BTFO.

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wow, the left cannot fight.

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>Sets one car on fire
>Gets gunned down immediately afterwards without firing a single shot

What a hero

Bar is low for antifa

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He was an hero alright. You should be too.

I'm glad that fuck is dead. The mainstream media won't even make him a martyr because it'll expose the real (((plan))).

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please stop using her old gender

Why do all white boomers that are leftists have the exact same look on their faces?
That look like...total confusion.

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Quick rundown on this guy

i thought yous dems hated guns, oh you only hate guns in the hands of non commies...

He was a failed hero. The facility didn't catch fire and burn all the shit skins.

this lol
same with james hodgkinson

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>suicide by cop
he was an hero
commie newfag

bit of a methmouth if you ask me