He was a hero
He was a hero
>he was an hero
story checks out go pray to marx now
>gets killed
>score: 0
This indicates the performance of the left in an actual conflict.
A hero for faggots and suicidal whites.
I support and encourage more anfita, commies and lefties to follow in this hero’s footsteps.
>suicidal whites
Don’t you have to accomplish something or help someone to be a hero? This old hippie faggot was a colossal failure and got BTFO.
wow, the left cannot fight.
>Sets one car on fire
>Gets gunned down immediately afterwards without firing a single shot
What a hero
Bar is low for antifa
He was an hero alright. You should be too.
I'm glad that fuck is dead. The mainstream media won't even make him a martyr because it'll expose the real (((plan))).
please stop using her old gender
Why do all white boomers that are leftists have the exact same look on their faces?
That look like...total confusion.
Quick rundown on this guy
i thought yous dems hated guns, oh you only hate guns in the hands of non commies...
He was a failed hero. The facility didn't catch fire and burn all the shit skins.
this lol
same with james hodgkinson
>suicide by cop
he was an hero
commie newfag
bit of a methmouth if you ask me