/ourgirls/ are making ZOG really afraid so of course MIGA goes after him. I regret ever putting thought into voting for him...
Anyone regret voting for Trump?
This is the fourth time you posted this shit, fuck off. I would report you for spam but it takes 10 minutes to get the captcha right to report.
How is this spam Zogbot? If this is spam, so is /ptg/.
>aligning with retarded shitskin females because you share ONE view in total
Never, faggot.
Are you fucking serious, shill?
A goddamn toilet seat would be a better President than that Kuru infested witch that is Hillary Clinton. These are facts. Deal with them.
>if what I like is spam, so is everything I don’t like
Bot, or teenager with Down’s Syndrome?
My hatred for the Jews outweighs all other issues Rabbi.
Did I say vote for Hillary? Did I say vote at ALL?
Zognald is great. He's turning Weimerica into a non-white third world country with no power projection even faster than Weimerica is eradicating Europe. Hillary would have been slower more careful with ruining Weimerica, afraid of blowback, but Zognald is full steam ahead. He knows the boomers will do nothing against "their own" Republican regime.
With Trump Europe has a chance to break free before it is too late. Sucks to be burgers, but better you than Europe. Choo choo
good find, Chaim
Fuck off trannyfags, having /ptg/ is gay enough, we don't need something trying to be even gayer, in frequency and amplitude, to combat it. You're making it worse and outing yourselves as scummy shill niggers here to concensus crack, not contribute to any meaningful discussions or non- pozzed alternatives to Trump.
Spam your inorganic, can't memes that were paid for with dirty glownigger money in /ptg/ and leave the rest of us that arent retarded enough to fall for political theater alone. Fuck.
This is the only attitude that can save the US.
Remove /ptg/ and ill remove making anti-Trump threads. Face it, we're not leaving this fucking board no matter how much you whine.
Your girls are going after Israel because they hate Jews and the reason they hate Jews is because they think Jews are white. They hate white people above all.
In fact, do us a favor and start raiding /ptg/ and filling it up with anti-trump shit. If you want to get rid of me and the rest of us making these threads that you claim are "sliding important topics" then contribute and help us remove the MIGAtards.
Twist their kike arms like a true White man would!
I think the underwhelming democratic field is a set up for a Trumpian rise to power by the likes of Oprah or Michelle Obama. all in on it. will still lose.
They are all low iq niggers that hate whites and endorse socialism. I guess that makes you one too.
I can't believe there are still White people who think we're going to vote ourselves out of this mess.
I rather live in a country where female POC's rule than one where jews rule
trump is a shill for israel that also loves america hard to keep tabs
>I rather live in a country where female POC's rule than one where jews rule
Why don't you just live in an all White nation created via the Butler Plan?
boomer? shadilay faggot
bruh as a jew german native american no italian brit mutt i demand wtf are talking about?
>bruh as a jew german native american no italian brit mutt i demand wtf are talking about?
Google "Butler Plan" and/or "Northwest Imperative"
Remember to sage your shill threads.
ok will do. also should I impregnate the italian jew?
Trump is a pedo who partied with Epstein.
You do the math.
>also should I impregnate the italian jew?
Jews can't be Italian. Only Whites can be Italian.
Nope. Doing it again in 2020 as well.
This is like the 100th time that this thread was made
"/ourgirls/" are pushing for open borders.
>do it for free
>larp as nation wrecking kikes with us user!
No, aren't you fucking losers paid to do that shit? I honestly don't care enough and the block by image hash in my extension is much easier. Its just one /ptg/ to scroll past, followed by multiple TDS cope threads. Obongo had a general for all his 8 years, and you niggers can't handle 3.
Die a cowards death, you pathetic 1 note faggot and don't ever assume you can make friends here by out Plebbiting Plebbit. You can be seen by a mile away.
>amazing economy, world peace, actual movement on border enforcement and immigration reform, finally a president that speaks his real mind and says fuck off to news media
cope harder, faggot.
Try again retard, I'll wait.
Ask any anti-white POC if Jews are white. Go on, I'll wait.
Nice try CIA kike
>regret trump
weak bait
so yes then
>Nice try CIA kike
Not an argument.
>so yes then
Jews are a non-White and anti-White race. Jews can never be White. Jews don't belong in any White nation.
glad hillary lost, but now that she’s no longer a threat that retard trump has to be impeached. pence would be based.
>pence would be based.
What makes you think the Democrats wouldn't impeach Pence and Trump's Supreme Court appointments right along with impeaching Trump?
Yeah. Should have hacked internet for Hillary.
Please, save us.
It doesn't matter who's win, the end result will be the same. All you can do at this point is to make this clown world more bright and fun by choosing people from outside of current insane regime. Even (((outsiders))) like Trump are fine too if there's no alternative.
>It doesn't matter who's win, the end result will be the same.
The purpose of democracy is to prevent change.
Discord Kike. Go fuck your sister again.
def a little german jew blood here - otherweise pure UK and a touch of native. and its true I dont care for the american inbred whities and their bald retard nature. i glow int he dark compared to them and their peach coloration. euro whites i dunno like sweden or norway are obviously badass. but germans have the intellect thing going alright so i got that going fo rme
Fuck off fucking kike dick sucker