Come on bigots, you know this movie is going to be an incredible and moving testament to the proud peoples of wakanda, just accept that you’ve been replaced by black women and learn to code or something.
It's going to be epic. If the director doesn't step in to cut most of their "ideas" it is going to crash without survivors. The press will shame anyone who disagree with the masterpiece.
Camden Peterson
you just know they were part of the SJW Umbridge clubs at college,shouting about whitey every weekend while failing to get some bwc.
Hunter Taylor
You have to give it to them, jews have a good sense of humor. Put a bunch of apes in charge of writing and acting.
Surely this won't end up like the incredibly successful ghost busters reboot.
Jack Cook
>not tranny whore you're slipping up australia
Luis Robinson
They don't seem like 007 fans to be fair.
It won't crash. At least not for the press. The producers will buy tickets or do anything necessary so they can release an article saying "Alt right incels were wrong again!".
Hudson Collins
uga and buga they can write all the niggerfiction they want, (((Great))) Britain is lost, dead, and eaten by worms and I want nothing to do with bongs or their bongish culture
Colton Hernandez
>Vita Ayala and Danny Lore are the new writers for Dynamite Entertainment’s comic book series, James Bond 007, with art from Eric Gapstur. The new James Bond 007 #1 comic book will be published in October with covers from Jimmy Cheung. >comic book OP being a faggot as usual.
Oliver Martinez
A James Bond comic? How fucking lame sounding is that. Even without these people writing it. >The name's Bond, Xe Bond
Jayden Sanders
It's a comic not a movie. >comical bond
Isaiah James
Hope someone throws acid in Jane Bond’s face during the movie. Not even on mission, just when she’s slagging it up and some Paki tosses acid in her face.
Landon Thompson
The movie studios will buy most of the tickets and publicly claim it was a success. Possibly even paying for a oscar nom.
Kevin Jones
this movie is going to be the equivalent of an airplane crashing into a giant lake of lava. Also the plane was carrying a nuclear bomb which also explodes right before impact
Aiden Adams
To be honest it wholeheartedly makes sense. It’s the biggest mockery of the bongs that I can think of. It’s a depiction of bongland completely deserved. Plus it’ll just feed the flames of the real white anglos still left there.
Dylan Russell
i hope they make this the wokest disaster ever, ideally have the new chick literally kill james bond
Too exciting. It will be more like that plane that crashed into the swamp and got sucked 20 feet deep in the muck
Josiah Richardson
Connor Robinson
It's super hard to get me not to like a movie like Ghosbusters or Annihilation (I endured through 8 seasons of Supernatural) and yet they managed to make both movies so unappealing I didn't even bother downloading on a boring sunday afternoon.
Jason Myers
and THEN it explodes.
I LOVE IT!! you should be my assistant
Evan Jones
Annihilation was pretty good though Didn't seem particularily woke either, what was supposed to be wrong with it?
Liam Walker
The premise of sending in only females was explained, all previous teams were all-male and they never came back out of the zone
Ryder Hughes
>Jamal Bong in Another Day to Chimp
Aiden Morgan
From the trailer I could tell: Strong womyn overdose. From what I've read from non-pol movie critics: Unnecessary sex scenes (apparently race-mixing) and a feeling that men are useless.
I'm not saying it was a full-on SJW, maybe the actual movie is not that bad (I've also read that SJW journos say it's not SJW enough). But it didn't look very appealing to me. I generally trust estonians with their judgement, so maybe I'm so tired of modern movies I didn't want to give it a chance.
Jason Martin
Haven't watched the movie, so maybe there's an actual explanation, but does that seem rational to you? Send men to somewhere dangerous and they never come back so the next logical conclussion you reach is "it must be a gender issue, let's send women only"?
I see a lot of people are waking up to the agenda now though
Connor Robinson
Never Say Nigger Again Dr. AYO Coonraker
David Howard
If you're not cucked by society and Marxist culture than don't see it. If you don't have a backbone and want to sell out to the globalists and white genociders then see it.
Brayden Johnson
I think I will go read Goldfinger again.
Adam Carter
Jimica Bond stars in "Who Stole Muh Weed."
Evan Young
So after all the get woke go broke bombs, we have gone past anything resembling sanity. Even the most woke studio needs to make money. Alienating half your audience is just bad business. Is someone funding this shit to offset the inevitable losses?
Movie will come out and end up doing absolute shit and they’ll blame it on misogynistic white males for their absolute failure to write a decent film, regardless is it’s a male or female actor
Honestly boycott that shit. Movies take millions of $$$ to produce A triple AAA flop could ealy mean losing hundred million dollars. Boycott this shit, make these fucks homeless
Xavier Carter
I hope that Ridley Scott jumps in to direct in then because he doesn't change a damn thing from any script it appears. Oh g-d I just want Daniel Craig to suffer.
Jack Wood
Accelerationisim at its finest. Watching this crash and burn and then all the crying racisim is going to be better than a new proper bond movie. This may ultimately be waaaaaaay more entertaining.
Chase Sullivan
>007 getting the Star Wars treatment Good, fuck all of Hollywood.
Charles Hall
So that's why they went with that ugly bitch. They didn't wanna be jealous of the actress they cast for the fantasy projection that this film is going to be.
Kayden Thomas
Oh My God Its going to be amazing IMAGINE IT NOW The 007 theme is going to have a hip hop remix. She's gonna be drive some ghetto ass car and drive by people She's going to cuck loads of white guys, especially the evil hwihte villian Gonna have some scenes of her twerking with brown sexy chad spy.
John Richardson
One on the left is a qt
Austin Rivera
Yeah, were gonna see maximum shill amd maximum damage control. I wouldbt be surprised if a ton nigger schools use tax payer funds to pay for 2-3k tickets a piece because “a black bond be historix representation n shiiiieeeeet”
Basically expect what we saw with miss marvel but 10-20x worse.
Ryder Hall
Niggers wearing glasses to look smart cracks me up, it's like seeing a pig with a slide rule.
Nicholas Torres
Bro I swear I heard rumors that the general arc of the movie will be tied to the comics. Of course that was a random nigger on twitter, but I honestly think theirs a marvel/dc to hollywood jew pipeline thats pretty well established by now.
Joseph Torres
Go watch live and let die. Blacksploitation bond is best bond. He punches like 30 niggers in that movie.
WTF is this for real!!?? James Bond turns into a black woman?? They have gone TOO FAR
Hudson White
He looks like Sherlock Holmes.
Noah Thomas
Oh joy another franchise, with a white lead character, "diversified". Can they not come up with a female lead spy flick plot that would sell without the 007 title attached? Ian Fleming must be rolling in his grave.
OMG this movie is going to bomb so fucking hard that they will never make another James Bond movie ever again!
Zachary Roberts
Monkey lover
Samuel Ward
That Idris Elba?
David Fisher
It's amazing how these incompetent shitskin fuckwits get hired because of the color of their cunts and then still will complain about racism because white men don't just let that shit slide
You are goin to like cause we are going to force you to bigot!
Cameron Lewis
What are the chances that Jame Bond raps and break dances in new movie?
Logan Kelly
This movie is going to BOMB so bad!!! Can't wait to see all the reactions. It's going to be delicious.
Carson Price
>We gots to exstablish her drank nigga >Nigga SHES FROM WAKANDA >I axed you to drop the briefcase nigga >Motherfucka >Bondage, Jane Bondage nigga >Ey yo Q, you gots a boomerrang helicopter or some shit looks like a cucumber? I needs that shit nigga... >Sup Q, look nigga... You got anything to fix smells nigga? >I didnt forget my lines nigga... I changed that whack ass plantation shit to some real shit check it... >yo nigga I don't give a fuck what yo plan is dog... you need some satellites fuckin codes n shit fuck that nigga IM REAL DOG IM GROWN NIGGA... Maam you are playing a female in this m-mov >blam blam blam Shoots the floor director with a real gun "she" replaced the movie prop for... "Omg you killed him" >thas right nigga...tellin me how to play my shit dog THIS MY SHIT NIGGA IM RIGHT HERE...
How can we make money of this abominations inevitable failure? Buy al of the tickets at your local theater and then offer to sell them back to the studio -lest they have to suffer consequences of a sea of empty seats?
Brandon Smith
Aaron Lee
Diversity spin-offs aren’t profitable, and it’s going to kill Hollywood’s brainwashing potential.
You can’t brainwash the public if they stop seeing your movies. You need an engaged audience.
Adam Butler
Brody Ramirez
the name is Boogaloo. Wakanda Boogaloo.
Ian Myers
Willing to bet those cunts have not seen watched a james bond movie much less read any of the source material.
Nicholas Gray
maybe watch the fucking movie before making asinine posts about it.
Let me guess, the real bad guy looks like nigel farage....
Connor Baker
Ryder Sanchez
>another piece of modern white culture successfully obliterated
I understand if minorities want to create entertainment with characters that look like them, I mean look at Bollywood.
But why can't these fucking w*men and niggers write original scripts? Why do they always have to destroy and put down and attempt to subvert a piece of white culture in the process? Rhetorical question really
Ethan Hill
These producers/studios know goddamn well that shit like this has a high risk of bombing, even with controversy. I know they're kikes and want to brownify the West but they also have to stay afloat, right? Are they just ok with taking financial hits or are they getting reimbursed somehow? Who's funding this shit? I remember with that recent Captain Marvel movie, disney/marvel bought a shitload of their own tickets and wrote if off as a loss for tax purposes.
Why can't black people make their own movies instead of taking over someone else's? This is like BLM in the USA taking over someone else's event microphone and media and then putting their message out over it using someone else's resources and public events permit.
>Bond is a white chad that many girls would drool over. >And now they destroy him like everything else. Fuck this world man. Producer Barbara Broccoli announced that Bond's attitude towards women would change in Bond 25 as a response to the Me Too movement. Daniel Craig said the movie will show Bond's changing attitudes and that this is the last Bond movie for him.
The main villain in Bond 25 will be played by the actor that portrayed gay celebrity Freddie Mercury who died of AIDS. The liberals must be rejoicing that another movie bastion of smart decisive maleness is being erased. Now go give this #metoo #aidscureforever movie your money at the theatre.
Barbara Broccoli said Bond's attitudes to women needs to change with the times. "The Me Too movement has had a huge impact - rightfully, thankfully - on society, and these films should reflect that, as everything we do should," she said.
"Craig joked that he was "scared" about what lay in store for Ian Fleming's suave secret agent."
England is becoming more black and more muslim as time goes on. With 20% of the youth being black muslim, it wouldn't be surprising in the next generation England will enact public laws reflecting some Sharia Islamic values. "Shaken, Not Stirred" is going to be another trademark term retired with James Bond. Devout muslims don't drink alcohol and it doesn't have the same punch if 007 Latisha asks for "Lemonade, Stirred, not Shaken".
Without James Bond, this is a SPIN OFF movie franchise. The author Ian Fleming created the series based upon James Bond. It's not about 007 because it was about Bond, James Bond. It just happened that James was 007.