Is anyone actually voting for trump in 2020?
Is anyone actually voting for trump in 2020?
yes, the electoral college.
no america is doomed
>Is anyone actually voting for trump in 2020?
Yes, for accelerationism purposes.
You forgot to change your flag, ShariaBlue.
First post best post
Yeah, everybody. You salt?
Yeah, I am. He does plenty of stupid shit that riles me up, but I think the alternative is far worse.
Obviously he was lying per usual.
lel this, mutts are doomed
Fuck no.
I tried really hard to like the guy, and for most of this term I did. But at this point he's letting the world go to hell in a basket while he's busy taking the bait from AOC and her posse.
I used to think he was a stable genius, but it's painfully obvious that he's a fucking dullard the way he keeps calling for the Dems low energy call outs.
If either Yang or Tulsi is the nominee for the dems... nope.
I'd been a right wing Republican all my life. Trump has ruined the GOP for me. He fucked over the farmers to give a big tax break to the billionaires.
I changed my party affiliation two months ago and I'm never looking back.
He's still the best choice
I voted for congressMEN who will hopefully vote for him. We live i a constitutional republic after all.
I voted for Trump in 2016 but this time I'm gunning for Warren to take it.
>Is anyone actually voting for trump in 2020?
I voted for him in 2016 but now that he is a jew loving zionist i am black pilled as fuck and will be sitting this election out. There is no good candidate and i am sick of voting for the lesser of two evils. I am buying guns ammo and supplies just like i did through the Obama administration.
Yes because the alternative is allowing a Democrat to become president
Trump and Republicans were handed the House, Senate, and White House in 2016 and have nothing to show for it expect tax cuts for corporations and billionaires and the moving of the embassy to Jerusalem. The best Trump and Republicans can hope for in 2020 is for things to stay the exact same as they are now for four more years
Trump and Republicans do not deserve anymore political power as they were given in 2016 only to piss it away
Based MAGA here
I always vote no matter what and I don't throw my vote away on shitty third parties. So that gives me 2 choices. So far the democrat choices are absolute dog shit so Trump will be my choice. How the fuck is free health care for illegals a winning strategy?
Things that never happened.
Are you me?
Pretty much everyone, but you loud seething faggots.
This. I'm gonna have to vote trump unless tulsi gets the nomination.
What's the alternative for you?
i mean, the alternative is voting for literal unironic open border communists, so you tell me, OP
>Trump's done nothing!
best economy in decades, lowest unemployment, regulations cut, dozens of conservative judges added to fight the leftist courts.
democrat positions: healthcare for all (including illegals) and open borders. those two policies combined would bankrupt a country NOT in $20T+ in debt
lol how did that fuck over farmers?
Not sure if troll or not