Why has this become extinct in white countries?

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Well, fix it, start having kids.

>no redheads
that's not a white country.

I know a woman with 7 kids but she's exactly the woman you wouldn't having 7 kids desu.

My gf comes from a large family too

Whites let it become extinct, all because they bought into Jewish lies about banking, the Bible & Christianity, multiculturalism, and race/human species.

Leafs are pathetic.

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I know this is supposed to be funny and I'm not white but this still scares me

Fuck you, you failed humanoid thing-a-magig. Remember to BDS!

Because it's boring

Based and Trips pilled
Makes sense too, imagine if indian women just started doing this to their men, it would be disgraceful.


white guilt
importation of invasive species (non-whites)
erosion of middle class

Yeah right, kike.
The future is colorful and exciting.

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Sad that we have to try to convince white people to fuck. So sad

Most Indian women are very materialistic and would leave their men for whites in a heartbeat if it meant money. Most Indian men are considered low quality, which is why there are so many online dating memes. They're literally going insane from lack of pussy.

Because Germans are shit and lederhosen are retarded.


Germans have become extinct?

Did you forget the part that they were on the run because the fascists wanted to kill them for being politically opposed to them? Oh right, you're retarded.

This. It’s a shame. Indian women never used to be like this. We will beat them into submission or rape them to death. Just watch

It is from an American film.

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