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Chris Pratt's about as conservative as you're allowed to be as an A list celebrity.
>The man hunts. He fucking kills animals.
>Oh I know, I was shocked too.
Fuck hollyweird, fuck the US, fuck this world.


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this is a HATE CRIME

Is Chris Pratt dare I say it /ourguy/?
I mean, Libertarianism is a good start

>dont read on me is white supremacist

Funny I know a lot of black libertarians who would disagree

It's Okay To Be White, Chris

btw, i think Chris did the voiceover work for /our/ pilot...the one who crashed the twin prop over the north pacific a couple years back.

No he wouldn’t admonish James Gunn but stood by idly when evidence was presented. He’s an ok guy at best but still a nigger.

based starlord.

Serbs are all cockroaches. I know - I got suckered to marry one for her green card.

Apologize SS Starlord!

Well, can you blame him?
He took got redpilled by being around (((Hollyweird)))

Now he is married to Catholic American Royalty, a Kennedy.
JFK was assassinated by Zionists.

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

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They need to fuck off. There is nothing wrong with that shirt.


>Chad Pratt

>the Gadsden flag slogan is now "white supremacist"

>milktoast libertarian attire
>white supremacist

Make Chris Prat a symbol of hate

>everything is racist
It's all (((newspeak))) psyop bullshit. It's a classic technique used to control normie thoughts and actions.

Fun fact: "racism" was invented about 100 years ago, pic related.

Creating and changing the meaning of words as a form of thought control goes hand in hand with the birth of the social political movements of the 20th century. Socrates predicted it all centuries ago. We now see it on a daily basis.

Through all of history... peoples were judged on their character, culture, intelligence, power, way of life etc. etc.

If you had a culture that were complete shit heads, or noble, or anything in between... those peoples having e.g. X color skin was not a factor in that judgement, only a descriptive. There were a multitude of black, white, yellow and brown cultures all looked up and down to at varying degrees. Simply read the bible or any other old texts like the Greek philosophers.

With the rise of social and political movements like communism you had attempts at thought control come into play. E.g. "You're not allowed to think X about X people, because that's "racist"! i.e "That's a thought crime!"

This came into prominence during the communist revolutions of the early 20th century. There in particular used to make it a "thought crime" to question the motives of the communist movement... "You are racist!" (early communism was almost entirely a jewish movement).

You see words as thought control used in a multitude of other ways by various social movement for different agendas. That video above has some good examples. Not being able to talk about black crime statics during gun control discussions is another. "We want to ban guns!"... "But here are the stats, that makes no sense."... "That's racist!"

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shes smuggling drugs in her ass. screenshit this

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People getting buttfrustrated on twitter is now news

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wew lad this is a white supremacist hate symbol lookalike.

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Kurt Russell is way more far to the right than Crisp Rat. John Carpenter said Russell was to the right of Genghis Khan.

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>gadsden flag is white supreeeeemist now

>"racism" was invented about 100 years ago, pic related

Attached: (((racist))).jpg (675x509, 137K)

I knew it, the next thing (it already happened but will happen again) is the left will take the “Don’t Tread on me” snek as a wn symbol and alienate all the libertarians and Normies even further.

>Gadsden flag
>white supremacy

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Are they serious?

>skyking sounded exactly like Chris

when is that last time Kurt Russel sacked an entire city and put them all to the sword

Good, I've been trying to tell people here that to leftists the American flag is a white supreeeeeeeeeemist symbol for ages but nobody listens. Changing the flag should be on the democrat party platform

Attached: american-flag-7.jpg (1000x1000, 155K)

Watch him apologise on Twitter for this.

Do you reall like her that much, user?
Keep your eyes on the prize.
White women are beautiful.
Do everything you can to marry, and have children with, a white woman.
Have many children.


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Best Chris confirmed. He also the only one who’s religious

>I know a lot of niggers

Why is White Supremacist the scary buzzword of this era?

This is only racist because people who think like that think welfare shouldn't exist and we all know blacks need that to survive.

You never know. I think it was hyperbole but it's nice to know Snake is one of our guys.

He's trying to make us forget that he supported James Gunn after those pedovore tweets surfaced. Nope. He's one of them.

He's literally throwing away his career for the sake of muh white supremacy but that's okay, I guess.

We need to replace the stars & stripes with a close up of a nigger's cock.


>I know a lot of blacks
Checks out

>Andy wouldn’t
Isn’t andy mentally challenged and working with a turbo lolberg who’d give him that?

The American flag and rainbow flag are also white supremacist dog whisltles.

It's time for the Democrats to take a stand against the most pernicious racist symbol in our nation. They must immediately introduce legislation to replace the flag with something that reflects the tolerance and diversity America has always had

Attached: Flag_of_the_United_States.svg.png (300x158, 2K)

>caring this much about someones attire
unironically shutdown twitter

that's why all the girls have big asses now. CIA use them to smuggle drugs

Kaepernick and Nike already started it with the Betsy Ross, which exposed this attitude. It's important that leftists publicize this attitude alongside reparations

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>a lot of black libertarians
ah yes, the 5% of niggers who vote lolberg mean the other 95% are just fine

>phrase that has encapsulated the american spirit since this countrys inception
>white supremacist

I was hoping this would be the shirt he was wearing

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>implying pratt didn't defend that pedophile james gunn
and fags reproduce by touching children

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Inhaling braps doesn't qualify as taking drugs user.

I think you are exactly right

that kid looks like he's 45 years old

Yeah, but Chris Prat is at the peak of his career now, Russell isn't that relevant, and that's why they're after him.

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>libertarians and the american flag is white supremacist

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>Don't Tread On Me
>White supremacist
I guess I should warn my retarded leftist friend about one of his patches.

In dialectics, racism had been around before Trotsky I'm sure. But it's rhetorical use began in the U.S. as a way for jews to shame whites for keeping blacks in check. In the Jim Crow South, anytime a black child molester, criminal, or antisocial was lynched, you can bet the local Rabbi was loudly denouncing it. And yes there used to be Jews all over the South. They dominated the cotton trade. The Confederate Secretary of State was Jewish.
Racism as a rhetorical tool worked because most whites felt bad for blacks. For whatever reason, their low IQ, their former enslavement or propaganda like "Uncle Tom's Cabin".
The result of whites being prevented from enforcing their culture: blacks leaching off of welfare, blacks invading white communities and bringing crime, blacks rioting and looting anytime one of their criminals dies at the hands of police.
This is their culture, this how they want to live. Fine, but whites shouldn't be subjected to this.
There have been attempts to put Asians and Browns under the racism banner, but it hasn't been that effective. Jews tried to get in on it with "Anti-Semitism" but again it's effects are weak on anyone younger than a boomer.
Racism itself is a joke concept. If group is going to exist for very long it will have in-group preference. Likewise it will have out-group dis-preference (racism). Accusing anyone of racism is like accusing them of being alive. It's a joke.

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I'm still waiting for the turning of the fag flag into a racist symbol

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Lol libertarians are white supremacists now?

Holy fuck the comments on the original post are fucking insane. Willing to gamble that 99% of them don't know what the flag actually means. They hear "white supremacist" and instantly follow along like little drones.

There wasn't any actual evidence. Just some garbage tier edgelord jokes.

No, it means the 5% are fine. Thomas Sowell hated modern black culture and thought the consequences of the civil rights era were disastrous. He even attempted an answer for Jewish overrepresentation. I literally could not care less about skin color. Its a fucking distraction from the real problem, of which nigger culture is only a symptom.

errything right from disabled shitskin commie pansexual tranny is a literal nazi, shitlord!

this is how propaganda works.

people are slowly being convinced that (eventually) the US flag is a racist symbol and should be banned.

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The biggest normie redpill that has yet to really take flight is that "the alt-right" and/or "white supremacy" is largely just the left's attempt at rebranding libertarianism.

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Libertarians are retards, not white supremacists.

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Chris is the only good person in Hollywood. I don’t even care about his politics or anything. I really hope he doesn’t get fucked by this.

do Americans really hate their own country so much that wearing a tshirt with its flag is considered racism?
what is going on

All white people are white supremacists if they don't immediately sterilize their children and kill themselves. According to kike media and twitter drones anyway.

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It's the "don't tread on me" statement that they don't like. It's meant to be an anti-government symbol, but for some reason it is now associated with white supremacy.

he's a pedo apologist, at best

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>>the Gadsden flag slogan is now "white supremacist"
don't you know 'all whites are racist'?

Rumor has it that he was soft coerced into doing it. Don’t remember the details.

We need an Escape From Detroit or Escape From Londonstan real bad right now.


Candace owens has always been a Lauren Southern esque grifter.

>what is going on
Nobody knows. Somehow a huge percentage of the population is malleable enough to be gaslit to this stage.

This is the most salient post in this thread

fuck I want to suck his libertarian cock

Yes, niggers and white leftists think that since America has always been run by white supremacists and was founded on white supremacy then the flag that represents this nation is white supremacist as well

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>that's why they're after him
They are after YOU, Pratt and Trump are just in the way of that

>Don't Tread On Me
>White supremacist
I wish these people would fuck off.

there should be a filter for garbage like this

>wear own flag

Yes because niggers are too stupid to survive without gibs


Thomas Sowell and his content (the older, the better) is some of the best content to redpill centrists and normies. Infinitely more articulate and credible than black fame whores like Joy Villa and Candace Owens.

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If you don't want all whites dead, then you are a white supremacist. That is the bar these days.

>now associated with white supremacy.
all wites are racist and sheeeeeet

How about that faggot rainbow flag but with nigger and shitskin bars added

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