Who else is waiting for the U.S...

Who else is waiting for the U.S. government to make legitimate clowns out of themselves when they bomb a horde of 200k autists at Area 51 who just want to see them aliens?

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i really hope it happens.
i don't know what they might find or and i don't really care.
if this goes down it will be the beginning of the end of the united states whether thier is violence or not.
its a symbolic place of government exclusivity it would have a similar effect to the storming of the bastile which at the time was more symbolic

It better happen.

99%+ of what makes Area 51 special is underground.
TPTB will close the vault-like doors, bolt them, and that will be that. They're designed to survive nuclear attacks.
The leftards on the desert surface will quickly run out of Shariabuck Iced Lattes and will turn on each other.
Their already humiliating existence of idiotic tattoos, piercings, and neon hair will further descend in morose madness.
Should be a good time.

I thought this would be good but you can see it's clearly an astroturfed campaign once you research it. The MSM is pushing it.

Remember that the CIA PsyOp is telling people about the threat of hostile aliens, Tom DeLonge was saying a CIA officer told him that aliens "tried to activate nuclear missiles so the Soviets and US would fire at each other" which is retarded because there's nothing humans could do to resist anything that had the power to remotely interfere like that.

Jow Forums is literally right on blue beam being real.

CIA and Mossad (same thing) testing to see if they can lead a mob raid, in preparation for their storming DC when Trump is re-elected. Organizers of this movement should be identified and swiftly executed extra-judicially, especially if employed by intelligence agencies or overseas entities.

>The MSM is pushing it.
who cares? get a few hundred thousand, if not a million normies in the middle of a desert with the promise of finally revealing the Ayys
what ever happen choreographed or not, will be a huge shit storm with a sizable body count.

1000 max will show up.

This. It's hot and arid out there, and no Starbucks around. They'll wither without avocado toast and bubble tea. Unless the AC-130 gets them first.

lol the alien shit is just a dumb hoax to cover for them doing fucked up psychological population control tests

>psychological population control tests
incorrect, i don't really know what is at area 51 nor do i really care, but don't forget the geography of American territory.
if the united states government wants something totally secret they can put in one of a number of islands with out anything at all for thousands of miles

my point being its either deep underground facilities for what ever purpose, or something that needs to be in the continental united states as protection from other states or for ease of operation.
the cia rendition program would take detainies around and around the world, if you look at some of the Guantanamo inmates some of them had dozens of trips in private jets, if they are just using people its cheap and easy to move them anywhere on the planet.

the excuse that the area is an active fire weapons testing ground so people might get hurt is pretty funny. one big point of the group is that they announced the date they will be doing it, so it'd be absolutely hilarious if whoever in charge, knowing a tard mob was inbound, still greenlit some missile tests for that date and time.

They're pushing this to reveal aliens, moron

and whats wrong with that?

>bomb a horde of 200k autists
The same people that want open borders also agree with this. Figure those mental gymnastics.

People still don't know about the interstellar political asylum we have on earth and the ayys cant just take our planet so they tried to get us to off ourselves via their jew pet rats. Wildlife refuge status is nice.

Nothing, just that the only reason its there is because its so accessible.

I hope aliens are cute and desperate.

I been hearing something about this. Anyone got some play by play sauce an user could digest?

They aren't going to bomb unarmed civilians retard. They'll just use tear gas and other non-lethal methods to scatter them before rounding a bunch of them up.


>meme says go to area 51 cause ayys
>people repeat meme

Come prepared with gas mask, ear plugs and noise cancelling headphones.

Also, cover your entire body in lube

the only thing on the list should be water water and more water.

Not true.
They shot a woman holding her baby and a little boy in the back as he ran away at Ruby Ridge.
They set fire to and burned alive a bunch of kids cowering with their mothers at Waco.
They took a pot shot at Cliven Bundy while he was on his way to court.
Government does a lot of stuff. A lot of cowardly sucker punching type stuff against defenseless people.

//Occupy51 ?
Would be fuckin amazing though if they leave some sku.nkw..orks prototypes out in a hanger as distraction, some clever fuck plugs the condenser back in and ganks a VTOL.

Talk about epic, fuck I would die for that history.

All those nutcases had it coming. The waco and ruby ridge assholes were scum of the earth. I am glad the government killed them. I wish they would slaughter more of these fringe weirdos.

1. Only retards will actually show up, so it will be a good thing from a Darwinian standpoint.

2. All this "muh UFOs" hub-bub being pushed in the media stems from Tom DeLonge's "To The Stars" concern, which is basically two fold: It's allowing DeLonge to bilk taxpayer monies to fund his shit side project since Blink 182 booted him, and it's also being used by Podesta and a few GlowNigs to get the public distracted from the Epstein case and the rising awareness of the JQ.

Sage any UFO related posts.

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>All those nutcases had it coming. The waco and ruby ridge assholes were scum of the earth. I am glad the government killed them. I wish they would slaughter more of these fringe weirdos.

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>Ruby Ridge
Was a literal shootout with a heavily armed family.
Second verse same as the first. They were armed and shooting.
>They took a pot shot at Cliven Bundy while he was on his way to court.
What? Source?


I'm also hoping for cute (bird) aliens.

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Yes i really want to fuck one

my bad. meant Finicum not Bundy.

>During the federal criminal trial of Weaver and Harris, Weaver's attorney Gerry Spence made accusations of "criminal wrongdoing" against the agencies involved in the incident, in particular, the FBI, the USMS, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF), and the United States Attorney's Office (USAO) for Idaho. At the completion of the trial, the Department of Justice's Office of Professional Responsibility formed the Ruby Ridge Task Force (RRTF) to investigate Spence's charges. A redacted HTML version of the RRTF report was publicly released by Lexis Counsel Connect, an information service for attorneys, which raised questions about the conduct and policies of all of the participating agencies. A PDF version of the report was later posted by the Justice Department.[3][4]

>Both the Weaver family and Harris brought civil suits against the government over the events of the firefight and siege, the Weavers winning a combined out-of-court settlement in August 1995 of $3.1 million, and Harris being awarded, after persistent appeals, a $380,000 settlement in September 2000.

>To answer public questions about Ruby Ridge, the Senate Subcommittee on Terrorism, Technology and Government Information held hearings between September 6 and October 19, 1995, and subsequently issued a report calling for reforms in federal law enforcement to prevent a repeat of the losses of life at Ruby Ridge, and to restore public confidence in federal law enforcement.[5] It was noted that the Ruby Ridge incident and the 1993 Waco siege involved many of the same agencies (e.g., the FBI HRT and the ATF) and some of the same personnel (e.g., the FBI HRT commander.)

Keep licking those federal boots, Moshe.

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You do realize this is a meme right?

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First of no one will show up, the few who do do anything they will be subjected to a slew of tear gas and other non lethal weapons before they make it within 100 ft of the gate.ig a few Mira uliusly get inside they’ll be presented with a massive open area with some completely inaccessible bunkers

Dude was shot while reaching for a weapon after daring cops to shoot him.

that is exactly why its important retard.
do you even know what meme means?

>Use of deadly force authorized

If those faggots actually do it, it will be one hell of a Happening

Good info thanks

I really hope Bob Lazar is coming

nice try WSJ

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its a stage rehearsal

>few hundred locals go for a laugh
>about 60 tourists who took the joke too seriously also turn up
>no one brought enough water
>everyone just waits around the alien travel center looking at their phones awkwardly until someone breaks the ice
>most people stay there just socialising
>a few dozen idiots start walking towards Area 51
>3 HUMVs with armed military personnel, 2 SUVs and a white van pull up to the group
>important guy in his 50s wearing a white shirt and shades informs the group must leave immediately
>group laughs, takes a selfie, turn around and leave

Would be interesting if a few nutjobs with weapons actually tried to approach the area

What if it's all a giant ploy to have one giant anal rape fest?
If I was an alien and feeling frisky, I'd see if I too could rape 200k people at once. Especially if I'm locked in Area 51. Someones booty is bound to be probed with those odds.

kek what is this timeline?

They're just going to incapacitate and detain them you fucking retard.

The more i see this shit being shilled the more I'm convinced it's the glow in the darks behind it.

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Nothing will happen unless people climb the fences or cut em. Of course your not going to see a UFO or alien. But just the fact that a bunch of people really do storm a air base will set a new level.

Could turn into the new flash mob craze of activism. Cause marching does nothing (we have seen they will just clear traffic even on freeways to let people March ) and sit in or die ins or both useless .

So let's start storming ops...

High profile places

fort Knox
White house


This is yet another tiresome Jewish psy-op. Nobody, and I mean nobody, is actually going to show up out there. It's the middle of fucking nowhere, a long goddamn way from anywhere, and it's not like any of these fucking faggots have enough money to afford an Uber across town, let alone fly to Vegas, rent a car, etc. Fuck this distracting nigger-tier faggotry.

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