Owen Benjamin

Is anyone else amused by his slow path to insanity?

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Not any more or less amused then by my own.

Post good episodes


I used to think he was just randomly lashing out but now?
I think he just doesn't give a shit and doesn't give them the chance to stab him in the back anymore.

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owen is the final redpill

he is a lifetime actor like alex jones

they poison pill important issues by mixing them with mental retardation like flat earth

is he really a jew-goy blade?

yeah this. i wonder if, in their minds, they are jaded about it and doing it to make a living, or think that they are really doing good and the real redpills they sling make up for the deliberate /x/ pills

it's been going pretty fast, he at least was somewhat coherent a year ago, now it's complete rambling madness and the rate of deterioration is getting quicker

also imagine naming yourself and your following after a word for hairy gay guys

he has a lot of good points, some are just an extenson of his catholic faith making him believe the earth is a 'realm', but he's pretty based and is imo speaking in good faith, only actual schizo's would denounce this guy completely, he's been in the belly of the beast and people expect him to be completely sane and normie-like.
He's better than that doylum fuentes who is a black illed faggot.

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sounds like you haven't watched any of his recent streams, the guy rambles incoherently, can't even stick to the same subject for more than 30~ seconds

he's based and i hope him a nick can forgive each other and come to an understanding

He just needs to stop drinking when he´s doing a live broadcast and he´ll do much better. It´s clear where this comes from. He's getting hammered when he livestreams.

Nah he’s pretty based actually

>it's been going pretty fast, he at least was somewhat coherent a year ago, now it's complete rambling madness and the rate of deterioration is getting quicker
He´s getting drunk when he livestreams. If he wasn´t he probably wouldn´t have gone at fuentes etc. like he did either. Please don´t say you haven´t noticed this.

It’s flat

the earth is flat you globeheaded faggot

Is this a meme? People have been saying this since before I even learned who he was. I think he’s just retarded, not on any redpill overdose path.

can it be accelerated? also interested in good links to insanity

You can really tell by how they interact with their fans.
Alex acts disgusted by his and attempts to get away from them as soon as possible.
Owen is pretty chilll and does the same thing you see amateur artists/actors do outside their venues.

Owen is a protestant faggot who doesn't even go to church



I'm not amused by the possibility that some of his white viewers can't tell he's just another unhinged, subversive jew.

Another Owen Benjamin thread? Fuck off, Owen. You're acting like a desperate kike.

It was pretty amusing at first but it's pretty pathetic now. I'm looking for the meltdown he has when he eventually gets banned from streaming on YouTube.

You can't prove it's flat anymore than I can prove it's round.

Bears still butt blasted.

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He's fine. He's taller than you and most likely has a bigger dick than you as well. No need to be jelly.

>Owen is a protestant faggot who doesn't even go to church
nor should, the christian church is cucked and a total feminist indoctrination farm. the people who watch his streams are men who normally wouldnt care that much about christianity except they see that its becoming impossible to raise children safely in this country without the media and education system turning them into cucks and whores. If Owen went to any church in the US they be condemning him for speaking against trans children rights. The difference between Owen and all the internet tough guys on Jow Forums is Owen is forced to take a stand and living up to what he says whereas guys on Jow Forums talk a good game on the internet and then watch their wives fuck lowlifes and then go on Dr Phil and say sorry for not being a good enough husband


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he's a bear and you wish you were too

This isn't reddit.

People who believe in earth BTFO.
Space is flat, earth is fake. Wake up.

Prove it. "Owen said so" isn't evidence or an argument.

Burden of proof is on the faggot making the positive claim. Everyone knows instinctively it's flat. You want it to be round, so you prove.

OK, so the moon is a feminine lesser light that rules over our emotions and is a wizard. The Sun is the Light and the Truth and if you believe in the teachings of Jesus Christ and follow the narrow path, the last bit of path consists of vibrating so fast that you “ascend” through the Sun which is just a portal to the garden of Eden. When you piss off God your soul gets spit out of the Sun reborn again and again until you learn lessons and complete the narrow path again back into the Sun. Any questions?

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What we really want is for you to fuck off with these garbage threads. No one here likes Owen, no one here has ever liked Owen. The fact that you keep coming and here and insisting that we agree with you that the earth is flat pretty much puts the burden on you.

Planets are dinner plates. Do you need an argument as to why 2+2 = 4? Space is flat. Earth is bullshit.

No, ineptitude. He makes a lousy guru.

Prove to us that the planets are dinner plates. Keep in mind that you're not in the bear chat and when you speak this way everyone thinks you're a fucking retarded cultist.

>Garbage thread
>8 posts by this ID
Do you even get paid to be miserable?

owens being praising Islam recently nonstop. I think he's began fucking his tiny goats which has brought him closer to Allah.


>Alex acts disgusted by his and attempts to get away from them as soon as possible.

When does he do that?

I have a large house and 2 kids. My life is pretty good. Why would I be miserable? You're the one in here shilling and schizophrenic. Don't you have anything else better to do with your time except trying to talk to people that don't want you or your cult leader here? Maybe Owen should attach handlebars to his balls to make it easier for you to ride his dick.


>This guy used to date and fuck prime Christina Ricci
damm yo lanklets

Amused by the obsession with him on this board

>Alex acts disgusted by his and attempts to get away from them as soon as possible.
you unquestionably cannot provide a video for this, faggot.

He'd rather hang out with a faggot than a fan

>not raising your two children with logos


he claims he's quit drinking but i don't believe it, he often still looks and sounds drunk

>Maybe if I call him pathetic he'll go away and let me win.
Imagine being an adult trying to have a conversation with other adults on the internet and using words like "logos" and talking about flat earth without realizing how fucking insane you sound. Those words don't mean anything outside Owen's chat. Try talking like a normal person, imbecile.

You can call me any name you wish, but like Big Bear said, you don't love your family if you're willing to believe these levels of lies.

What lies? Your argument is "if you don't believe us and you challenge our ideas you're a Gamma and you don't live with logos. You should be ashamed." Again, you're not on Owen's stream.


You seem more like an Omega than a Gamma. Logos is rising in this thread.

>using vox day nuspeak
one hilarious thing about vox day is, if you watch his videos at 2x speed, he actually sounds normal, that's how slowly the retard actually speaks

Does Owen use gamma as an insult? I thought gammas were chad.

Unbelievable. We know you're trolling and I was willing to entertain it because I was having fun but god damn you guys are boring.


Owen bans anyone from his chat he deems a Gamma.

This. Owen has some good points, but he throws in the flat earthery to make all right-wing ideas look retarded.

I find the shilling and gaslighting here more amusing actually.

I was was wondering who is doing that annoying laughing? Then at the end it turns out to be some obnoxious host of a show.

do people really want a crazed washed up b list actor representing them?

When I die and have not accepted The King of the Jews into my heart will magic skydaddy punish me?

it's made up vox day speak borrow from brave new world

Sorry, I don't really watch any of his videos so I ran out of things to shit post with :(

This. Standard controlled opposition tactic.
1. Espouse most beliefs of target faction.
2. Garner large audience.
3. Begin throwing in /x/ tier nonsense to discredit all beliefs in #1.
4. Activate media assets to ridicule crazy internet man.
5. (((Profit)))

Lame... Well, watch some of his vids on YouTube and come back tomorrow.

haven't you heard him tell everyone how smart and athletic he is?

but he didn't say it's flat, just that it's not a globe (which it isn't. NASA and science have been lying to you and you're swallowing it up like the cum your stepdad feeds you after he's done busting his balls all over your mom)

Yeah, I went to the original host of the video for the original but it's not longer hosted

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Why the fuck would elites lie about the earth being around u dumb faggot

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Stop posting these Nick. It ain’t wining people over to your side

Here is a better question, why wouldn't the elite jews lie about the earth being flat? Do they want their slaves falling off the edge?


where is sigma?

>flat earth
>globe earth
>moon landing hoax or not?
Why the fuck does it even matter you tremendous faggots?
Nobody of us will probably find out with their own eyes. It's all speculation, which is fun I get it but it doesn't do a shit for the concrete issues we have here on earth.
So don't see it as a litmus test if somebody is truly redpilled or not if he aligns with your beliefs about this shit. Don't be retarded.


>spot the prot

you can literally just buy a weather baloon and send something to space yourself

yes. God will not force you to be with Him. It's your call.

In Vox Day's hierarchy, the gammas are our typical betas with dishonesty and deceit, stemming from self-delusion, thrown into the mix. They like to see themselves as the "secret kings".

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I'm always shocked at the number of low IQ turds who repeat verbatim what their favorite e-celeb says.

How much can he even be getting? It can't be that much.

A quick search has shown the guy (if you could call him that) laughing through the video is a left-winger. What a surprise. The laugh sounded really forced out. These people are unbelievably childish and petty.

It does matter if what the flat earthers are saying is true.
>All world maps are completely fucked
>All science taught in school is completely wrong
>All governments in the world are in a covert agreement to keep their citizenry in the dark
This shit is so solipsistic that I have a hard time even considering any of it but yes it would matter if it were true.

I'm sure these groups demonstrating in public for the constitution at tea party gatherings are all left wingers too

This. I was owen ten years ago.

That's what I told the police after I killed the girl that rejected me, why didn't they see my logic in all of this?

Even worse is the ligma.

Slow lmao this dude already passed insane and heading to psychotic

he absolutely destroyed spic fuentes

>All world maps are completely fucked
They seem to work though or else no ship or airplane would reach its destination. Also earlier pre-modern maps were quite accurate already, just from sailing the coastlines.

>All science taught in school is completely wrong
Even without astrogeology there's much more wrong shit that gets taught in school. Just look at gendershit or history.

>All governments in the world are in a covert agreement to keep their citizenry in the dark
True. If so: qui bono?

The biggest implication I could think of is a metaphysical one, that materialists could not claim anymore we were just an accident of the universe in galactical bumfuck nowhere.
Flat earth would imply a very special and central place for humanity.
