I've noticed that there's been more ancap/Gadsden memeflag posters recently. Is this because of r/thedonald types moving here, or something else?
Is Jow Forums becoming a libertarian board again?
Logan Roberts
Nicholas Taylor
Ran Paul is to Ron Paul as 2020 is to 2000.
Nathaniel Barnes
all meme flags are kikes
>Is Jow Forums becoming a libertarian board again
Christian Evans
All meme flags are kike shills.
Aiden Davis
People are now realizing that nazis are fucking retarded. Get triggered by my memeflag, faggots.
Colton Parker
Gender was invented by a fucking quack. There is only sex, male and female, that's it. But IDK why I I am even responding to someone who is retarded enough to be a fucking pinko. You are clearly beyond all help.
Kayden Thomas
Jaxson Russell
No, because kike trolls, who are the main users of memeflags, just keep choosing that one because they think it's the least obvious.
David Murphy
What the west needs is more attack helicopters
Jackson Long
Oh, and gas yourself, Jew.