The US is literally running concentration camps now. Families are separated and children are dying. Wtf Americans...

The US is literally running concentration camps now. Families are separated and children are dying. Wtf Americans, why aren't you stopping it? The only guy who tried to do something was an old antifa.

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Other urls found in this thread: seekers self deport&s=k&t=w

They came here voluntarily

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>literally running concentration camps
Get back to me when there is a swimming pool and roller coaster

They can leave any time they want to.

that picture is sickening. Fuck America.

1. We're not
2. Even if we were idgaf

They are literally allowed to leave anytime they want if they fuck off back where they came from

You sound like you want to join them, OP. Congrats you get to be next.

source on this?

They need a Arbeit macht frei sign to make it a concentration camp
Do those lazy illegals even work in the camp?

Why is that a sin?

30% arent related to the kids theyre with.

If it's so awful why do so many people keep coming? These detention centers are necessary. Obama used to just sell off kids to sex abusers

>First, the government stopped fingerprinting most adults seeking to claim the children. In April 2014, the agency stopped requiring original copies of birth certificates to prove most sponsors’ identities. The next month, it decided not to complete forms that request sponsors’ personal and identifying information before sending many of the children to sponsors’ homes. Then, it eliminated FBI criminal history checks for many sponsors.
Since the rule changes, the AP has identified more than two dozen children who were placed with sponsors who subjected them to sexual abuse, labor trafficking, or severe abuse and neglect."

Shut the fuck up and stop pretending like you care about these kids. What dems are really angry about is their open flow of child sex slaves is cut off. It was a lucrative market for them

Very good.

Their not American and arent entitled to live here. They wouldn't be stuck in there if they didn't commit a federal crime.

Literally 2 days ago this was all over the news as racist

That picture is from Obama, what are you a racist?


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Here, you lazy idiot. seekers self deport&s=k&t=w

Annnnnnnd that's the thread AND checked


but they can leave anytime they want and go home?


OP is a faggot.

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I hope they all catch small pox.

For 30 years, 4+ presidents I have been trying to stop this. I even called Obama a nigger because he was putting kids in cages for 8 years straight with impunity. When will the madness stop?

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It is also not our responsibility to take care of everyone. The problems in other countries can NEVER be solved with immigration. Their birth rates are too high for that. Even if we take the best and brightest it causes a brain drain so that country never advances and nothing changes while it lowers wages for our best and brightest. If we take those disaffected by their governments then the governments in those countries have less push back against them causing less of an impetus to change. If we only take children then it puts a strain on the elderly in those countries and messes up the entire support system. If we only take females then it creates a disproportionate male to female ratio in those countries increasing violence

There is ZERO argument for any type of immigration being actually good for either country. Immigration is used as a weapon to artificially deflate wages

Only in cases where there are ACTUALLY not enough workers for jobs, and I dont mean just not enough workers willing to work at severely reduced pay so a company abuses H1Bs to undermine the native workforce

If you want to try and help them in their own country then thats fine, but we dont need them here. Fix your own countries. Have some fucking pride in your homelands while youre there rather than coming here

They do have pride for their homeland, or maybe is just arrogance displayed as pride. Every June you’ll see Rican flags on Honda’s and every 4th of July you’ll be forced to listen to your neighbors spic music for all hours of the night. The moment life here becomes inconvenient for them they’ll be on the first flight back to where they came.

I'm sure you were outraged in '14 as well. I'm sure you made threads about it then too, right?

Who gives a fuck? They are illegal border jumpers.

>concentration camps
>no deaths
>no crematoria
>no gas chamber

this is rookie shit, we gotta step this game up

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>If it's so awful why do so many people keep coming?

noticing this is racist

fire up the ovens jose

Theyre living there rent free?? Yo sign me up. Free blankets and cuddle buddies



I hope they all die.


I wish I lived in a 3 star hotel for free and got all my meals paid for and got free health care. FIRE UP THE OVENS ALREADY!!!!!

there were about 3 deaths and it was from their already poor health, not brutalized in any way

japs were fine with theirs

/Thread everyone pack up and go home.

no. people in nazi concentration camps were actually productive. these people, who are free to head south whenever they choose, are leeching food, water, etc. out of my paycheck on the chance that they will be admitted to this country to further leech even more money (welfare/foodstamps/section 8/medicare/public education) out of my paycheck

you want the conditions changed? pressure congress to fund the building of new facilities to hold them that are compliant with case law and policy. The places they are in are or were build decades ago to house mostly adult men and women for 48-72 hours before appearing in magistrate court and being deported.

Here is the kicker, those same congress men and women pointing fingers and calling the agents animals for the conditions they are holding people in are complete hipocrits because they can provide resources to change the situation. They are using the people as political fodder to fire away at their opponents for the coming election. Heaven forbid they fix the problem they have created by refusing to fund new construction.

>Families are separated and children are dying, due to children being sold as slaves and trafficked through dangerous desert terrain. Some don't make it to the destination where there is food and shelter.
Let's blame the people who give them food and shelter, not the traffickers.
Was USA politics ever not a cover for child slavers?

>People travel thousands of miles to hopefully get placed in a concentration camp
People actually believe this.

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Of course we do, carfentanil is a helluva potent drug.

And they can leave any time

>People actually believe this.
Well, given a choice between "the people I've called role models are child traffickers and I've been enabling them" it's a easy choice, if you have no morals.

>US is literally running concentration camps
Fuckin' finally

It won't. Jew bastards gratitude for saving their sorry asses in WWII.

That's an Obama area photo.

to the Democrat "asylum" isn't just an international "law", its a suicide pact that, upon saying the magic word, must followed through at any cost to the United States

Immigration is a jew banking scheme to capitalize on a new crop of MILLIONS of people with no credit, who will be given American tax payer cash, and inevitably a line of bank credit. It a literal human blank check they will write themselves.

Think about it:
After raping the last two generations through credit card debt
and Student loans
So severly they will utterly never recover, Banks are currently unable to squeeze any more blood from the turnips. As we all know, bad credit is a functional death sentence in 2019, and for many, will be an inescapable prison that defines their adult life.

Thus, Millions of debtless, creditless immigrants will be brought into the system as a sort of living blank check. Through legislation Bank-lobbies control, and a political party Banks own (Democrat party) they will farm millions of immigrants for cash AS WELL AS rob them of the inevitabl credit the bankers poltical party (democrats again) will lobby for them to be eligable for. And while NO bank will deal with American citizens or whites to repair their credit, they will CERTAINLY, create loopholes or outright disregard economics laws to Ensure Juan and Mohammed 'have the human right to life and liberty (through finance of course) and they will be given money for business's, spending etc.. all the things immigrants currently get money for (and they pay no federal tax, ever!).

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What are they concentrating on user?

They should go back home. There's nothing for them here.

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Kek. They dont have an orchestra or soccer team either.

If you feed wild animals, you’re encouraging them to leave their natural habitat and enter that of humans. This creates more opportunities for both humans to kill these animals, and these animals to kill humans. It also creates helpless, clueless animals that can’t hunt for themselves. By spoonfeeding the wild animals in your area free food, you may think you’re helping, but in reality, you’re hurting both the animal and the people around you.
What’s that, Josie? Of course I’m voting for open borders.

If you’re so upset, why don’t you take some of the “asylum” seekers into your own home. Be sure to feed them, clothe them, and give them health insurance with your own hard earned money while you’re at it.
GTFO shill

the liberal position is that "we caused their suffering / current state of affairs" via colonization or whatever meme you prefer

Kek, this is fucking nothing compared to what's going on in China.

Good it’s too crowded already. Kill them all please.

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>helpless, clueless animals that can’t hunt for themselves.
Yeah, that scenario would be nice compared to what we have.

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when you volunteer for being camped you get comped

>Finger on the trigger whilst racking the slide


>concentration camps
If they actually were, then Jow Forums would be overflowing with delight right now. It would be complete and total pandemonium in here. That does not seem to be the case. Because these aren't really concentration camps.

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>The US is literally running concentration camps now.
Oh thank God . Its about time . THIS is what we were hoping for . Are the jews exterminated yet ?

>be me
>30 year old
>crosses border with child despite it being dangerous and illegal
>my child gets taken away and im deported
>"Trump is racist"

Obama era photo again lol.

Free food, free housing better medical care than the average American saver than most citys fuck dude i would never leave that place.

>why aren't you stopping it
people should storm these places, instead of area 51

Alright, time top pack it up, this thread is closed.

if they would try to come here L-E-G-A-L-L-Y... no one would give three fucking shits.
HONESTLY NOW... can you imagine the screeching and crying, if a bunch of conservatives all poured into a democrats house, and just lived there, and refused to leave? ha ha ha... all you would hear is "but... but... this is MY house !!! this is ILLEGAL !!!"
lefties are fucking morons...

>break the law
>get arrested
how is this like hitler again?

>Wtf Americans, why aren't you stopping it
Maybe because they are enjoying it?

whats wrong about Konzentraionkamps ?

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>The US is literally running concentration camps now where people comes on their own will.
fixed that for you, Austritard

>The US is literally running concentration camps now. Families are separated and children are dying. Wtf Americans, why aren't you stopping it? The only guy who tried to do something was an old antifa.

imagine being this stupid and emotionally retarded.

Stop it? Why? They are volunteering for the concentration camps by the thousands. May as well reward their 1337 border jumping skills.


Europe would have a lot less problems if we handled the never ending flow of illegals the same
instead of letting them roam the streets and enrich the population
it wouldn't only be saver for the population and them
but also a lot cheaper
go be a moralfag somewhere else

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>. Wtf Americans, why aren't you stopping it?

Just following orders.

it helps them concentrate

As an AnCom, I must say...
No one forced these spics to come here. They need to go back where they came from. They won't work, they just want someone to "take care" of their sorry asses and mooch off the working people. They can fuck off.
You either contribute or you fuck off.
That's my opinion.

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they are literally allowed to leave at any time , it's just that when they leave they have to go back to their country, also if you are worried about people in concentration camps you should look to china because they are putting their Muslim citizens into concentration camps

sage and hide these stupid threads.

I dont make the rules, im just some guy

There should be overlapping fields of fire from bunkers, artillery on demand, barbed wire, and acres of minefields. That will keep them safe and away from those horrible camps.

God I wish

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Dont worry their testing how people react when it comes time to take american children into cages to

We'll never run our camps as well as you did, Kraut.



>literally running concentration camps

God i wish we were

In the United States, when the child is present when an adult commits a crime, they are separated from the child.

The child is often taken care of by the state or a family member.

Why are you spreading lies OP?

are we running counter propaganda yet? informing south americans that the people arriving are getting locked up

good pay and health benefits for having to deal with filthy shitskins. I hope this happens, talk about an economic boom!

Since Mexican are into construction, put them to work sprucing up the place.