Just look at that color scheme. The mastery of flight. Builds and protects nests. The apex of all "don't fuck with me" insects. Is the WASP, dare I say, our insect?
Emblematic insect
Other urls found in this thread:
>t. Kike
How so?
>jew bee that stings you for no reason
no thanks
>No reason
I'm sorry but that sounds Jewish revisionist shit. You were probably fucking with it.
dont even have to get near these fuckers to sting. havent been personally stung but friend has
Could be because of how parasitic they are.
>Many species of wasp, including especially the cuckoo or jewel wasps (Chrysididae), are kleptoparasites, laying their eggs in the nests of other wasp species to exploit their parental care. Most such species attack hosts that provide provisions for their immature stages (such as paralyzed prey items), and they either consume the provisions intended for the host larva, or wait for the host to develop and then consume it before it reaches adulthood. An example of a true brood parasite is the paper wasp Polistes sulcifer, which lays its eggs in the nests of other paper wasps (specifically Polistes dominula), and whose larvae are then fed directly by the host.[53][54] Sand wasps Ammophila often save time and energy by parasitising the nests of other females of their own species, either kleptoparasitically stealing prey, or as brood parasites, removing the other female's egg from the prey and laying their own in its place.[55] According to Emery's rule, social parasites, especially among insects, tend to parasitise species or genera to which they are closely related.[56][57] For example, the social wasp Dolichovespula adulterina parasitises other members of its genus such as D. norwegica and D. arenaria.[58][59]
Fuck wasps on all levels and layers possible. Bees are the true Jow Forums insects:
>Amazing builders
>Protects the hive with their lives
>Makes Honey (if I have to explain how great honey is you need to go back)
>Cute fuzzy little guys & gals
>Without them you wouldn't be on the internet right now; their existence made european empires possible.
Jews don't initiate physical conflict and do not sacrafice themselves.
It would be more like tapeworm or shit like that.
stop reading rigth there buddy