Are Slavs really that based?

Hitler rightly considered this race of cheap whores and literal retards to be untermensch. They also openly embrace communism. The only thing remotely based about them is that they hate queers and kikes.

Attached: WestSlavs_EastSlavs_SouthSlavs_Lullindo.jpg (1080x2277, 1.85M)


Attached: hello i am huwhite30.jpg (670x476, 133K)

That artwork is cute as fuck.

Its the german admixture.

True russians are based.

I remember when I was 12 and we visited Turkey. We shared hotel with alot of russians, one of them(190 cm, white blue eyes, muscular, from Siberia) took it upon himself to protect my sister from turks and other shitskins on the club we visited with the hotel. I was only 12 so I could not do so much and my brother did not care.

And then the Russian had sex with your 12 year old boypussy?

Is that Incase's artwork?

Attached: DeliciousYogurt.png (729x900, 958K)

the catho ones are based

Russians are cucked.

U are a funny guy.