Do you own a house? Do you have plans to own one? If you don't...

Do you own a house? Do you have plans to own one? If you don't, I suggest you get your shit together before it's too late.

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From 1776 to January 2000

In the 224-year period between 1776 and 2000, home prices, rent and wages all rose together. Homes were home, not speculative playthings, not a retirement vehicle.

That changed in 2000 with Bush NWO

from January 2000 to July 2006

In the 6.5 year period between January 2000 and July 2006, home prices soared 9500% vs 22% for both rent and hourly earnings.

People thought homes would never stop rising. Supposedly there was a massive shortage of homes. People line up for block for the right to buy a Florida condo. In a few short weeks, after the pool of greater fools ran out, the housing crash began.

The housing crash lasted longer than the stock market bust

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I own five so fuck you, I'm about to buy another.

if ur not dumb u have a credit card at 18. go to bank as for loan. they will tell u how if not that sec in future. pay 5k 10k or somthin buy house. milllenials really need financial edu

By the way you talk I assume you're a legit boomer.
Problem is, a lot of dumbass millennials are in debt up to their necks with useless degrees.

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No, I'm fixing to still live with parents rent-free for decades while I'm LEO. I have so much disposable income, hell no -- do I want to add any subtractions to my monetary accumulations. Plus, I will have incoming hefty inheritance and already have many lucrative assets from my parents. No renting. No mortgage. No debt.

t. officefag (for now) browsing

Home prices are on the way down in most markets, along with interest rates. Best time to buy a home is between 8-18 months from now.
If you have a credit score above 650 you can buy a home. There are still 0% down programs for first time buyers. Remember kids, it’s ok to take out a loan on an asset that increases in value; not only does an increasing base value increase to a size larger than the loan amount, but inflation essentially shrinks the value of the loan as well.
inb4 jew (gotta has em all)


also gold silver

>Best time to buy a home is between 8-18 months from now
I hear so many different theories, is this even true? I've heard housing prices will keep going up for 30 years.

No. This countries future is way to fucking uncertain to buy property, much less buy an over inflated costly cardboard box that Americans call houses.
>be bourgeoisie white Male 2030
>government not doing to good, formerly Republican states refuse to cooperate with D.C or blue states, fighting starting in some places
>country hasn't even started to recover from economic crisis of 22'
>government starts a new war, calls it war on hate
>get brought up on trumped up hate speech and thought hatred charges
>no trial for the "unredeemable" instantly sentenced to 20 years in a mind reconstruction camp

>Yes goy, acquire as much debt as you can!

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>YES GOY, pay rent for ever and never own anything.

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sold my place and moved back home to look after boomer parents, what happens when you get old and have a good relationship with your parental units.

>I'm still living with mom and dad

go to a bsnk

>Hur dur I am a low IQ scum that can't pay for shit.

Buy land not houses

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>too late

Too late for what? For the boomer bubble to burst and prices come crashing down?

You're going to have to wait 15-20 years for that to happen. I certainly hope you plan on starting a family before then.

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Nobody owns a house. If you pay off your mortgage, you still have home insurance and property taxes. There is no such thing as private property in America.

>get shitty 3.5% down FHA loan
>max house u can afford with 5k down is 140k

>I suggest you get your shit together before it's too late.

>you still have home insurance and property taxes
Yeah ok. I used to say this when I was 15 but compared to rent paying taxes, insurance, and utilities it's still PLENTY better than throwing money away on rent.

Yeah, that's kind of stupid advice. i guess if you're desperate for a house ASAP, do that.
But just save money for a down payment, don't take a loan out for a fucking down payment.

Ask anyone who "owns" a house what happens to it if you don't pay property taxes


mr freedom

>Remember kids, it’s ok to take out a loan on an asset that increases in value
>starts out by claiming housing prices are falling

How is paying rent any better?

Own a condo in Phnom Penh and another in Pattaya. Rent both out long term, have never lived in either of them. Mostly just own them because I don't know where else to park my money. Owe the IRS a shit ton of money with zero intention of ever paying them a dime so that complicates things.

only if the price of the house doubles from whatever you paid for it (and stayed ahead of inflation)

Want to buy a house
>not in California on my fucking life

I'm stuck in LA for the time being with a job with the city.
When I save up enough I plan on moving back north east and buying a house away from this shit hole.

Did i say it was? I'm just simply stating you never TRULY own your living situation if you pay property taxes

Zero crime, best schools in the state, plenty of jobs at Walmart and any company that sells things at Walmart.

No and no. They are selling apartments in my building for over 450K a piece. Totally unattainable.

How and two apartments + NO DEBT of any kind.

Me = winning
You = sucking*

*my dick

It's so funny to me how people would take living in a shitty city (LA, NYC, Baltimore, Seattle) because it's "exciting" rather than owning a home in a nice neighborhood.

>not buying your own RV home and saving on property taxes

heh...fucking plebs

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>Do you own a jew? Do you have plans to own one? If you don't, I suggest you get your shit together before it's too late.

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Bitcoin is the millennial's new store of wealth, property only worked for the boomers.


House, fucking phone (a S10+, much better than your shitty phone btw)

I moved from the city/state i was born and raised in ( too expensive, too many chinks, gooks and spics. The change in the last 10 years is depressing) and now own a 3000sqft house on 1.5 acres in the woods. My cost of living has been cut in 1/2. Only city fags can’t afford a house. I don’t know why they stay in the city.