Brilliant women

I met a Latina woman today and had a long conversation with her. I have concluded after about 10 hours of discussion on many topics that she might be one of the most intelligent individuals I have ever met. I am talking a level of intelligence that is almost scary. Have you ever met a woman like that before, I haven't, I'd met men before who I would call actually brilliant, never a woman though.

Attached: 1540009225256.jpg (1920x1080, 1.04M)

Other urls found in this thread:

why does my poo stinks

you must not go out a lot

why would this genius woman waste 10 hours talking to a comparative retard?

I don't believe your story. Not because she's a brilliant woman, but because of

You just wanted to fuck her, lol piss off.

>Brilliant woman,

Jumbo shrimp
Feel free to add more...

Attached: 153639CE-2FBA-477B-A9DE-E84DC9081835.jpg (1005x569, 62K)

what's your IQ again?

You must be a spic, who refers to shitskin spics on this board as Latino?

Attached: 103E1325-DB35-41E8-957E-DE7630A7F194.jpg (1024x973, 171K)

Source on OP pic?

Also Hispanics aren't always dumb, many of them have 70% or more white admixture.