I mean the Jews are a problem, but they're our problem to deal with. Chinese people are on a whole other level. Jews simply want to subvert the west, Chinese people want to subvert the entire planet.
Are the Chinese the final boss?
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why does my poo stinks
That's weird. What's it taste like?
almond milk
At least they're against muslims
These human cockroaches deserve nothing short of genocide.
Actually.. yeah
yes, it's like those JRPGs where you spend over half the game going after the bad guy, but after you beat him another bigger bad guy appears(they also hinted about the bigger bad throughout the game)
Jews are the Androids, Chinese are Cell.
Jews are the Lannisters, Chinese are the white walkers.
I'd rather live in a high tech Chinese NWO than be replaced by muslims for greater Israel
Those goals are basically the same, except one involves more anthill and mudhuts.
because OP is in your POO
It's time for some Chinese red pills.
chinese are incredibly transparent about their jewiness though. Asians in general are just bad at hiding their emotions they are race of real life anime characters.
The truth about Chinese inventions.
The truth about China before communism.
The truth about Chinese people.
>I mean the Jews are a problem, but
The truth about Chinese history.
The truth about the "Han Chinese" ethnicity.
The truth about Chinese food.
>I mean the Jews are a problem, but
Chinese are a problem because of jews. Without jews the chinese and much of asia would never have turned to communism, russia included.
Chinese are mongolian rape victims and so therefore cousins to the ashkenazis mongol rape victims who say they are jews. Taiwanese are the real Chinese race.
A Chinaman can't pretend to be white to fool the gullible.
>tfw you will never live in china married to a hot wife with a happy hapa family while the country becomes the global economic leader by enslaving africans and killing muslims while the good ole USA is paying for brown cockroaches, government funded sex changes, and Israel.
No the white and Asian race will combine to create the Eurasian masterrace
(All the psycho Hapas are jews)
THey're the final boss because of yellow fever fags.
At this point I'm rooting for the chinks. The white race has spent centuries sowing the seeds of its own destruction. While we are busy racemixing, chopping off our cocks, and trying to teach children about anal sex, the Chinese are building a cyberpunk-industrial-corporate government that will soon be an unstoppable economic powerhouse. We let the kikes infiltrate us and now we are paying the price. 你应该开始学习中国语.
>yellow fever fags
"Why do you hate me user..."
pick one
Chinese rule would be billion times better than jew rule.
I don't think you know what this term means.
The Chinese are the only people right now that have consistently exposed the menace of black people on society, dropping straight up truth bombs without a care about political correctness.
And here you are accusing them of subversion? GTFO KIKEEEE
Twitter user Weihan Zhang is the #1 best guy in the world.
Kung poo!
This chink has a point
She can subvert me anytime idgaf
I taught English in China for a few years. Chinese society is way better. I'm retiring in Asia when I have enough money. If you wanna stay here and deal with nigs, homeless, illegal spics, dick-cutters, and blown out labias then go right ahead. Chinese people have their heads screwed on too tight to be convinced by jews that they need to die, so I automatically like them better than anyone here.
Kill yourself traitorous scumbag.
Why do I owe America any loyalty? Fuck this judiaized mess. I'm lucky I didn't get drafted to kill my European brothers while niggers rape the females we left behind.... all for the benefit of the chosen people. Whatever. I've got about 30 more years left on this funny planet, I'd rather not spend it surrounded by a bunch of crazy masochists. Fuck you, fuck America, and fuck suicidal golem whites. I'm ashamed to be related to such a worthless bunch of retards.
You are a coward.
no u
No lololol
The West is in absolute decline, and the east is rising. Those absolute madlads are buying foreign lands everywhere, to the point that they may soon legally own entire regions of many countries, and literally colonizing Africa by sending their surplus male population there to impregnate niggresses and ricewash the shit out of them, lowering social tensions on their own land as a nice bonus. Better get used to is and start learning Mandarin.
To be fair, it's not even that hard. If this was a Civ game, China would be a fucking pro human player and the entire west would be the most retarded AI to ever be conceived, having the absolute upper hand and pretty much committing economic and cultural suicide.
what was delet
Yellow fever is no vice.
Pic related is my future and I embrace it.
>and the east is rising.
china's economy is not stable in the least.
Yeah...it's going to be a world of low IQ mutts vs. the Chinese super race with nanotechnology and AI
Hopefully they'll fuck up A*glos as hard as possible.
They don't need to be stable, and stability was never their plan from the beginning. They've been growing insanely fast on the last decades, and actually investing all of their growth into trying to swallow everything and everyone else while they can.
It's a risky all-in move, but it has worked pretty well so far. And if it fails, they have the advantage of not having to give a single fuck to anyone else. Including their own population, so they might stay ok anyway.
I'd bet on them to becoming absolute leaders a few decades from now. By then they're going to pretty much own subsaharan Africa, and the absurd ammount of untapped natural resources there.
They give no shit about ethics, give no shit about racism, and will trample whoever goes in their path into supremacy.
white guys in wmaf/ thirst after thicc latinas are the niggers of white people
China represents one option in the final destiny of man. The Han race was itself formed out of previously scattered tribes and kingdoms brought under iron rule.
>subvert the entire planet
Hey, if it takes out (((them))) then I'm happy. God will destroy us all in the end if he sees fit. If I can't fight my own war, that's my fault. If the Chinese will do it for me, power to them.
Seriously though I still want to fight for the white race. Dumping latina gf thursday
Put a gun in your mouth and pull the trigger race traitor.
the Chinese invented the jews
Yellow fever best fever
>it's not us jew you should worry about goy! It's the Chinese! They are thr real problem Oy Vey! 6 million, God's chosen, Greatest Ally!
>Chinese people are on a whole other level
they have no understanding of irony or other complex expressions of culture. they are irrelevant in terms of cultural influence
And niggers. Don't forget the niggers.
Lived in an asian neighborhood growing up, now I live around mostly poos (I'm white). They LOATHE the nogs. If asians (or hell, even poos) grab control in the future then there is no hope for nogs anywhere on this planet
I'd rather be stabbed than shot, but that doesn't make me pro-stabbing
>pic related is the final boss
top kek
And thou, Asia, that art partaker of the hope of Babylon, and art the glory of her person: 47Woe be unto thee, thou wretch, because thou hast made thyself like unto her; and hast decked thy daughters in whoredom, that they might please and glory in thy lovers, which have always desired to commit whoredom with thee. 48Thou hast followed her that is hated in all her works and inventions: therefore saith God, 49I will send plagues upon thee; widowhood, poverty, famine, sword, and pestilence, to waste thy houses with destruction and death. 50And the glory of thy Power shall be dried up as a flower, the heat shall arise that is sent over thee.
Well shit. Is there any land that doesn't follow the whore of babylon into madness?
The Chinese just want to rule over Asia. A conventional enemy is never a problem Compared to subversives
My grandpa used to tell me the Chinese are the Jews of the orient.
All I know is that Chinese have higher IQ than whites, statistically proven, and when you point it out they start crying cheating and circlejerking
Fiat money is the final boss. No one has beat it yet.
>they start crying cheating
Except for the fact that cheating in China is well reported on.
You gave him what he wanted, he knew what he was saying was bullshit.
Is that supposed to be a model?
But not really. They are against Muslims who live in areas that are looking to be prime farming land in the near future.
>Chinese people want to subvert the entire planet.
I don't know. of course they have regional interests and their immigrants are like colonists (I fucking hate chinks) but I haven't gotten the vibe that they want to play god. have I missed anything?
that's the punchline to the joke. as soon as white people are gone there is nobody to keep china in check and they will have every brown and black person in chains within a decade or two
Only because they're not Han.
i don't blame'em for cheating, those exams dictate your entire life. imagine if you didn't get good enough marks in highschool so the government made you a rice paddy farmer for the rest of your life
Sideways Chinese pussy
It's hilarious that Americans still think china is going to suddenly start playing by their rules for some reason.
giving them technology was a mistake
He's partly correct, China is losing GDP from the tradewar, next quarter its likely to fall lower.
Lol, Americans don't play by their own rules, Mr. Eight Goddesses.
>How are we gonna pay for this war
>Idk, print more money
>any day now
>for the past 10 years
Printing money is inherently playing by the rules since you are still using currency rather than ordering the peasants to get to work get lined up.
You are so ingrained in your own system you cannot fathom what it would look like without it.
I'm right, the tariffs trump placed are working, and this is just the beginning.
Westerners always say this but it makes no sense. Why would we enslave browns and blacks? What could they provide for us that we can't provide for ourselves? Any resources that goes to feeding, clothing, and sheltering them as slaves would be better spent on ourselves.
Maybe in past ages their robustness made them valuable as raw farm labor but in the present age of increasingly mechanized farming this value has steeply depreciated.
>rather than ordering the peasants to get to work get lined up
Huh? Is this the cultural revolution of the 80's? As long as we're going back in history, what about the Vietnam conflict? Plenty of American peasants have been lined up and sent to work.
>Kikes created Communism
>Chinese are Communist
>Kikes helped Mao
>Kikes killed 100 million chinks
Kikes need a new host. Fuck MOSSAD niggers on this board. FBI counterintelligence has a greenlight on all MOSSADfags infiltrated in the US government. CIA for lyfe nigga.
So much this.
Don't shit where you eat, don't eat where you shit.
>t. Confuse us
agreed mate, chinese are much more tolerable than the normies who actively join in subverting their own people.