The result will ultimately be the loss of a Jewish homeland

BASED. Kikes are losing it.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Looks like Netanyahu is a jew De Klerk, the last jew PM of isŕeal.

What's the point of Israel if all the inhabitants are black Muslims?

Diversity is Israel's strength. We need to set up Ashkenazi girls with Ethiopian Jewish boys because Privilege.

Hell, it's matrilineal, we can set them up with Somalia.


israeli girls already flock to arabs


My God Howard Dean. Was there a Jow Forums when he trashed his own campaign? If so were there threads? What was that 2008? That would have been a goldmine if it happened now. That went viral long before we controlled everything.

Israel is uncucked and doesn’t feel guilty about it. Learn something faggots.

Is there any way to look at old threads from 2004? I can't believe it was that long ago. Did /new/ exist then?

No, they are whores like Mary the "virgin" and cuck their husbands with goyish Mediterranean BVLLs like Pantera did to Joseph.

>israeli girls already flock to arabs


No they don’t. Keep your cuckold interracial fantasies to yourself faggot.

Oy vey another shoah

>That went viral long before we controlled everything.
It was a political hit job. He was screaming in front of a huge loud crowed and they took a feed from a mic that cut out the crowd noise to make him appear louder.

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>gay conversion therapy
What the fuck is that?

Jesus Christ just die already. Were pogroms started simply over being sick of the constant kvetching? They can never not be victims somehow. Just say "fuck you kike!" Give them what they want so badly.

>Howard Dean
he got more cucked than JEB!

kikes are insufferable

>we are beautiful because of our spirit and texts

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I never understood how his yaaaaa moment killed his campaign. Watch the clip and it isn't crazy at all. He is just trying to get the crowd pumped up.

Of course they are. God entrusted the Jews Israel to harbor the Messiah, yet they still deny Christ as our savior. Turn your back on Jesus, and he'll turn your back on you.

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Because the media controls reality

John Stuart made fun of him so everyone decided he was lame. Rs were submissive as fuck 2008/2012 and decided since they got called lame they had to stop backing the candidate that got called lame. They didn't yet realize this meant every candidate would be called lame since it was effective. Now they're ignoring rape accusations and racism accusations because they finally caught on that they're not organic or even real, they're a suppression tactic.


Dave Chappelle turned it into a skit

Turning a gay person into a straight person through therapy aka pseudoscience.

So 110 countries now?

>nobility of the Jewish people

Attached: jewtraditions.png (1191x7635, 3.28M)

It was a time of innocence, civility and refined manners. A time when we were easily distracted by loud noises, and boorish behavior.

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>the loss of a Jewish homeland which would be an unspeakable tragedy
Says the genocidal anti-white.

>suffering confers nobility
How does this work exactly?

All you need is love ... and diversity ... and open borders for Israel.

Attached: netanyahu_its_all_racist_jews_fault.jpg (1024x576, 107K)

>Rs were submissive as fuck 2008/2012
Dean is/was a Democrat and ran in 2004. You were right about him being seen as lame, though.

you're in huge denial. Its already too late to save

A bunch of larping Ukrainians will lose their 'homeland?'

>"terrible suffering" confers "nobility"
What did he mean by this?

>stay frosty

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good thing they're not really jews.

i think it was the '04 campaign. best part was the satisfied look on his face immediately after, like
>That's the kind of enthusiasm that'll win me the election!

>>I suffered therefore I'm noble

Is everyone on earth a retard or something?

Found the kike. That's blasphemy straight out of the Talmud.

When the media does something like that, it's because there is something about a candidate, his connections, or his potential that jewish interests deem to be not in their favor.

how to bait out all the jewish shills on pol, the post.

There was no Jow Forums or /new/ back then. I vaguely recall people memeing this but not in any overtly political way, more just like "Hey did you see that funny scream on TV? Let's slap it on this meme format!".

The most overtly political Jow Forums was at this time would be the Four More Years comics which I can't find at the moment, and even then it was basically just a few jabs at Bush that could be seen as fiscally conservative with a bunch of old ass memes.

t. ancientfag

It would be a tragedy indeed.
Where are we going to deport American Jews to without Israel?
Before you know it, we have them stuck in camps while trying to process them out, then a typhus ourbreak and a war hits, and then we get stuck with another 70 years of guilt trip.

>I never understood how his yaaaaa moment killed his campaign.
Because at that time he was a real Outsider and the system is rigged. So it became the excuse they went with to end his campaign. And it worked because there was no social media around back then to push back the MSM propaganda and people just accepted the idea that his yelp scared all the Liberal women into thinking he was an angry wife beater.

And so (((John Kerry))) won the nomination despite nobody actually liking him. Then he jobbed out the election to Bush.

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>Israeli regime change incoming
We has to bomb millions to death so thousands can butt sex

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>he thinks biblical hebrews are khazarians
your in so many levels of heresy i cant even bro

WTF how did this post trigger the Jews so much?

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Their terrible suffering! Oh it’s so terrible!

>jewish homeland

I wish to fuck they'd all go there and stay.

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Not even hiding it

Holohoax is a tactic they used to obtain noble status.

>every single jew in the world confined to one place
Yes. YES.

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The shills couldnt resist

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Lol this is how democrats always talk about their political opponents. Man it sucks when it's jews and not white people huh?

fucking die boomer

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I needs shoops of this man

There was democratic underground and free republic for the boomers and lots of other smaller phpbbs for everyone else where they mocked the boomers but had pretty much the same opinions. Good times

>we suffered for YOUR sins
damn way to style on those goyims

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ok so a tweet by some guy

Don't you need to go chase the arabs away from your sister or something?

It's not their home, neither is it their land. Fucking religous lunatics that believe because some dusty old shit of a book that has changed god knows how many times throughout history gives them a right to treat others like shit. Fuck it all.

nah they calm now

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try harder

Everything triggers Jews. A gentle breeze could knock a sheet of paper out of their hands and they would scream like it's 1944.

Swiggity swooty...

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the thing is they like building holes in the ground
can't really fight a hole now can you?

Jewish girls flock to any man that isn't Jewish. Just look at the state of the Jewish male, an atrophied weakling dicklet that survives off swindling and runs away in the face of conflict. There's a reason they had to set their faith as matriarchal otherwise they would die off in a single generation. Their gene pool is like the Borg, with the vaginas of Jewish women slurping up what ever biological reproductive material can be found for the survival of their "people".

lol bro you mad

I was strangely aroused by this post.

>losing their homeland

oh nooo. that's suuuucks

You have some weird looking people in your tribe my dude, this one looks, I'm not even sure, maybe has like eggplant DNA mixed in somehow or something.

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looks like a hobbit
sure he isn't one of your guys?

The Zionists would surely nuke every major city in the World if this were ever to happen.

>nobility of the jewish people
What a fucking asslicking faggot.

Are you really not allowed to type "YAHWEH"?
Because if you did that'd probably mean you're not a belieber.

why bratan have you ran out of vodka?

>Jewish men known for their tall stature

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And nothing of value would be lost.

The fuck are you on about?
Can you type YAHWEH or not? Wouldn't it be fun to subvert expectations of a goy?

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at this rate the crusader states will have lasted longer than Israel

but i never expected anything from the likes of you since your people are only known for being drunken bastards and losers

>nobility is conferred by suffering
This is your brain on jewish mind poison.

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Typically ignoring the point.
Ok, so you can't type YAHWEH because you're a kike.
Neither have I ever expected the likes of you to be anything more than an ugly, dumb rat.

why are you you angry
who are you quoting

is based screamer deno /ourguy/?

Why can't you type YAHWEH?