They're coming after Jow Forums

Murdered girl Bianca Devins is reported to be a frequent visitor to this site.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Girls don't come on Jow Forums

>teen star

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wasn't that chick apparently a total and utter bitch though? not justifying her murder but cmon now she was asking for it.

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>be a e thot whore
>seek male validation and attention
>attract a creeper because you are a stupid fuck that shouldn't be in charge of your own life

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nobody cares

>literally was asking for it

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If it was the other way around everyone would say "she was mentally abused" "he put her through psychological torture"

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did not show tits
did not happen

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She was a dumb drug addicted whore.

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If she frequently visited here doesn't that make us the victims?

>a literal nobody who had virtually nothing to do with this site is why Jow Forums is going down

my heart goes out to the girl and her family, but no

>cut my thot into pieces
>this is a funny site

>died at age 17
>screenshots show she was selling nudes on the internet

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didnt he post them on discord. Thats where you really need to look. thats the hot new hangout for all the fucked up losers

What are you, a nog?
They’re always comin after my 4 chins

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She was selling a lot more than nudes if you believe the rumors

Yes user, we need to get those ASAP.

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>after murdering her cops

maybe someone will pay Hiro to take it down.

fuck off. She deserved it and you know it
t. chad

>Thats fetish shit so $200 a set
>stupid fag don't waste my time
Hahaha she sounds slightly based in that first one. Are all these pictures her?

they were literally discord/insta niggers. nothing to do with 4chin

they're supposed to be, she used soc and other boards to advertise her discord

>Bianca Devins. Devins, 17, identified as biromantic and asexual
Gross. Probably on one of those faggoty boards for faggots. Good thing she used some dopey violent edgelord to an hero.

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lmao a girl named Bianca is worth nothing

imagine naming your girl Bianca holy shit

He looks like Bernie Sanders did in his college days

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There's literally more women than men on Jow Forums at any given time.


Fuck off Ian

We know it's you

We hate you here you fucking cunt

>imagine having parents
>now imagine you father finding your online behaviour
>now imagine living to the age of 18
YUP that is what happens when your father is not a cuck... or black.

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She had sex constantly, she even bragged about how she would fuck 7 or 8 dudes simultaneously.

Are you basing that off of the 3 years old writing style analysis?
That thing had zero proof

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lmao an user named 2qgna8Np is worth nothing

imagine naming your user 2qgna8Np holy shit

Discord employees are literally pedophiles.


Check 'em

Invite a random group of people from here to a video chat and see how many of them have vaginas. Even the ones who look like women won't have one.

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Bullshit no way.
I'd say women are 25% maybe.

Lol like what the fuck does this site have to do anything? They might as well shut down Facebook for all of the murder and torture videos that have been posted on that site.

Plenty do

I guess she didn’t know what the fancy tranny terms mean.

that’s realistic

>Trying to pin it.
Sorry, we are board of peace and use satire in all our threads and posts! Go away Google, facefuck, Share Blue Media Matters, Twitter, huff post amazon, Fox News. Pointing out the truth by our satire rules and God is on our side. God always wins in the end!

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>SHE posted
>underaged ethot on Instagram

Implying that the Jow Forums is anything other than a medium for thoughts an ideas on a indivivial basis. Retarded.

Proofs? /cgl/ and /co/ don't count since they're essentially reddit colonies.

>Malaysia proxy

There's too many people up here with objectionable posts to dig into Jow Forums.

Jow Forums hasn't did nuffing against American law.

Gookmoot complys with feds

Nothing is happening to this site, everyone is just going to have to deal with the fact that this is the face of internet.

>>attract a creeper because you are a stupid fuck that shouldn't be in charge of your own life
According to her sister the two of them were actually in a relationship. So it wasn't an incel stalker as was first reported.

Is there moar¿

no grills here unless tits are shown

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Depends on the board. /soc/ or some gay boards you might be close to but likely don't exceed 25%. The boards that generate the majority of the site's traffic are at least 95% male.

>sticking it to the footfags

This. Why don’t you talk to her fucking parents? She was only 17, where was there discipline and parenting in her life??? We’re any boundaries set for her her whole life???

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footfags btfo

You called?

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Kill them all!!!

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thats not even her discord name dumbass

>Is reported to be a frequent visitor to this site
It's literally current year. Everyone is a frequent visitor to this site. It's like saying
>He was know to be a watcher of television
for some rando murderer/victim in the 90s.

and might have a high population of girls also all the gay boards like qt male

>Bianca Devins

Bianca Devin's law PC section 301.00

No one is allowed to make comments on the Internet

Those who have posted on the internet must use their own true identity

People convicted of making comments online with anonymous or misleading identity will serve a minimum of 5 years in prison.

Later their social media accounts will have a red check mark after prison.

There will be a list of anonymous posters so every can identify them.

Anonymous repeat posters will have their fingers cut off.

I keked.

Hi, Bianca. That's a dog's name.

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they cruise sjw like /co/ or some other shit.

hiiiii faggot. keep scrolling.

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>They're coming after Jow Forums.
I've been here for 10 years and I've been hearing this every month for at least 5.

one off. damn.
>pic completely unrelated

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He posted them to instagram snapchat and facebook and some user posted them here
so fuck off.

He means women (men)

>go to Jow Forums
>get knifed in the neck by a stalker
Happens to me everyday, honestly

>teleports behind you
>stabs your buttcheeks

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where are these photos then lads?

Maybe if you include trannys, probably closer to 10%

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Lol, one off from trips 3s twice in a row, roll again user

W-where are the nudes tho? Just wondering and it's not CP it's necrophilia which is okay

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That’s what you think

Her nudes probably look like the same naked women shit you've already seen 14844 Billion times already. All womens vags are the same kid, but most don't have long necks

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Are you a girl?

but have you jerked off to a woman you know is dead? That level of mental fuck up is something worth fapping to
>inb4 vintage porn
That's shit

Maybe 5%. Women don't usually discuss deeper topics, ever.

guy jerked off to much.
slippery sloped himself into a cuck fantasy.
couldn't handle the demoralization.

It's almost like she changed it multiple times. Almost like she's a manipulative BPD nutcase or something.

if this is legit then she seems like absolute deranged trash.

Hory shiet m8

He looks like a dirty mexican. They are all murderers. We need to deport every single one of those filthy spics.

How fucking new are you meme flaggot this is nothing compared to some of the shit that’s gone down here

Some of the Jow Forums threads from last year made by her orbiters.

According to robots, most of her nudes are from 2-3 years ago, so anywhere between the ages of 14-15. If you want them, you're a pedo, pedo.

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>She was only 17, where was there discipline and parenting in her life??? We’re any boundaries set for her her whole life???
She was supposedly molested by her dad. It could be a lie she made up, but that's part of the story she created for her orbiters. So, I doubt there were any boundaries and the discipline was daddy's dick, so not the best tool for good behavior

>They're coming after Jow Forums
Ultra new-fag spotted. Someone strangled a single mom and posted it on /b/ years ago. Anthony Fantano posted on here before he shot up that university in the northwest. Crazy people have been posting on here for years, the average browser has no responsibility for the actions of the few isolated mentally ill people that come up once every few years or months.

I would have paid at least $500 to fuck that girl. too bad that she entertained human trash. well, nothing was wasted. both are in the bin

That’s alright. I’m finished anyway. The war is inevitable now.

They come after Jow Forums at least a dozen times a year, what else is new?

>brown eyes

Paid. Lmao you fucking rich loser, you're like the patrician that eventually will get raped by a tribe of germanics

Weren't they trying to come for us back when Chrsitchurch happened? Nothing's gonna happen anyways.