
Attached: Screenshot 2019-07-16 at 17.25.57.png (1604x859, 205K)

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>former justice
False alarm

Former Justice...

ahh shit you're right

>retired in 2010


do (((they))) not teach you boomers ANYTHING in school?
checked for honesty
digits now demand rbg be culled by satan

This is the issue with letting someone hold a title after they leave the position.
Like calling Clinton, President Clinton.
Or Eisenhower, General Eisenhower.

go easy on me i am a good boy and a product of American Education System

Trumptards are so fucking retarded

Dammit, I was aiming for Ginsberg, but my maymays were off and I cast the wrong kek spell.

Attached: hey stupid.png (1278x986, 212K)

Who cares watch CCTV

retired you mong

>Former Justice


Attached: NIGGER SOAP.jpg (1000x1000, 56K)

>Old retired man dies
oh wow, breaking news

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isn't General something you retain after you leave the service though? Agree with the president thing. Should absolutely be Mr. Clinton.

They're not still Generals is the thing.
It's just a sign of respect towards the position they held, but it carries no residual power.


Fuck off if you don't know who justices are

Rest in piss.

Attached: liberal-journalists-tell-justice-stevens-shut-up-about-repealing-the-2nd-amendment-e1522218490300.pn (700x394, 304K)

Oh. My. God. He is a retired judge you fucking morons. This literally changes nothing. We might get some lulz If he has a big funeral and Trump hast to go sit next to all the faggot liberals but that’s it.
> fucking retards
> mfw

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Christ you’re retarded

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Good fuck him, fucking is over with his hatred of the 2nd amendment.


It's ok. I can imagine the warm feeling you had while you were creating this thread. You had it in your head that you've finally got something to offer Jow Forums; your thread will surely hit 300+ replies; you can practically feel the dopamine just imaging all that attention in your one golden thread . . . and then, you get shit on just like every other day of your dog shit life. To make it worse, the topic is already covered and alongside feeling like shit, you now know you have absolutely no research abilities . . . no abilities at all, really. Just an endless parade of horseshit you live. Every day. Faggot.

dumb ho

Ahahaha i remember that retard (((she))) made the vhs camcorder quality campaign ad i think for a Rand PAC. Hilarious that professional beltway wonks can be so clueless