nationwide internet outage, anyone else affected? shows massive internet outage in california, texas, florida, and new york, with more outages all across the country. whats happening bros? for me its gone out three times in the last hour
Nationwide internet outage, anyone else affected? shows massive internet outage in california, texas...
My asshole is burning right now
Jew York reporting in, I'm fine
it's over
texas fag here and my internet is working
Detroit here. Keeps going in and out.
Upstate Jew York. No problem here other than jews.
>rrrrreeeeeee a fiber optic cable flew over ma house!
ohio checking in. fine here
(((maryland)))fag, my internet's fine.
Upstate NY here.
But in a Redneck Meth-y area. No jews and one black family in the whole town.
The black family is far more civilized & neighborly than the white trash meth head skanks that are the majority of this god forsaken town
Shut the fuck up jew
Do you guys get mad when I spell your names wrong. I do it on purpose just in case. You all seem the type that would take it personal
im fine (Fucked up, Insecure, Needy & Emotional) fren
Great state of Idaho reporting in with internet
Oh we're safe, it's just the worst part of California
Great game. Wiegraf is a nightmare
chink attack?
It always looks like that. Look at it tomorrow and you'll see what I mean. I go there once in a while if my shit goes down.