Attached: 190205232028-dont-want-trump-fail-stacey-abrams-democratic-state-of-the-union-response-2019-sot-vpx- (780x438, 38K)
Why are all white people racist?
Adrian Davis
Camden Wilson
Because jews are redefining "racist" to mean "white people"
Jeremiah Clark
Daniel Hughes
Joshua Young
she cute
Blake Reed
Because everyone wants us dead.
Jeremiah Adams
Because white people are superior at everything
Leo Sanchez
00ga b00ga, suka
don't you have some russian cock to be sucking, you slavic cunt
Aaron Butler
Elijah Walker
But they still want us for neighbors and to pay for all their gibs me dats. This is going to come to a head soon and we can't be friends afterwards. These identity politics niggers call literally anything they are arguing against/trying to shake down racism.
Xavier Baker
Amen brotha
Ryan Fisher
nice green screen
also put spice in the Options field
Liam Wright
Because we're constantly talked down to by disgusting sheboons like that.
Brandon Gray
Why are many black people race baiters?
Nathan Kelly
if saying nigger meant 0.00$ they'd find something
else to bitch about for $.
Jonathan Foster
Because being racist is the cool thing to do.
Angel Brooks
>Why are all people of color racist?
Ftfy. Niggers hate spics, spics hate niggers, nips hate chinks, chinks hate nips. Poojeets hate pakis, pakis hate poojeets. And muzzies hate everyone including themselves.
Whites are the least racist and most compassionate race on the planet, and every other race deliberately takes advantage while trying to prove we're just as racist as they are.
If white people are over, I look forward to laughing in my grave as the one thing uniting POC dissolves: the racism against whites. Without us around to buy your shit or pay you to do something while you bitch about white privilege, you will devolve into a fractured and hateful society.
Btfo racist leftoids. You shitstains need our willingness to give you money because the Jews sure won't.
Charles Powell
all yall white folx is demons
paypal me
Thomas Mitchell
Did they really pullout this Bildeberger (more like Build-a-burger amirite guise,) out for Trump's tweet?
Carson Collins
>why are all white people racist?
All White people are not racist enough.
Nathan Garcia
Cause the others are inferior?
Luke Sanders
Because Racist is Yiddish for White
Under the dictionary definition, whites are the only people that have significant numbers of people who AREN'T racist.
Robert Wilson
David Wilson
Well, to be honest OP, it's all you niggers that have made me racist.
Carter Hill
its racist to be you are right lol
shame, used to be almost like a national anthem you could yell nigger to show disappointment