Paleoconservatism is the superior poltical system

Paleoconservatism (sometimes shortened to paleocon) is a predominantly American conservative political philosophy which stresses traditionalism, limited government, Christian ethics, regionalism and nationalism.

are these the only beliefs a nation needs to prosper?

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>*sniff* *sniff*


ah my dear, *sniff* yes quite pungent, I see you haven't wiped very well today! Very naughty! Let me get closer here, ah yes is that a gurgling I hea- *BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP* oh my word! Exquisite! You really love those crab rolls!

serious replies only please

I'm a braptionalist

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Christians are mostly globalhomo kike lovers now.

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I prefer a sort of European Zoroadtrianism myself, with the critical key element being that any captured enemy leaders and societal degenerates are thrown into the eternal sacred fire powered by freedom Gas



Paleoconservatism still operates on democratic principles therefore it is automatically shit, regardless of its other merits. America used to be paleoconservative. Democracy is how it reached the state it is today. Any repeat of this experiment will end up the same way.

Isn't that just a tradcon?


That's a brap attack


That word and its morphemes is an atrocity and has little bearing on the definition you gave.

It's a concatanation of meme words to create a meme tha-BRRRRAAAAAPPPPPPP

Why did you make a brap thread, OP?
>It's quite pungent in here.

I mostly agree with you, however paleoconservativism doesn't directly address the (((immigration))) challenges of the modern world, so it would need some updating to make it work, since unfettered Third World immigration would basically destroy all of the ideals it stands for.

Absolutely DISGUSTING!!!

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>no ethno-religious ethics
enjoy your civic nationalism

Christian Aryanism is where it's at

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>What low test gays actually want

Diaper butt is not attractive. That fat bitch needs to lost like 90 pounds from her disgusting ass.

What a disgusting fat cow. She needs to lose like 90 pounds. How long have you had a fetish for hamplanets?

>Jew religion
lol fuckin retard

>imagine working you ass off everyday just to look like a nigger

The absolute state of things

I would prefer the girl on the right with the ass of the left's

Conservatism is dying if not dead already.

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low test but she got surgery, i think that is the half jap half italian girl

It's obviously a midget

>Why won't anyone take me cereal?

What's her name?

You clearly didn't read it or don't understand what Nazi Positive Christianity was
>Jesus was redefined as an Aryan hero who struggled against Jews and Judaism.

>freedom Gas
Mmm. Lady Propane.

Flat and Animated only please.

That cant be natural...

>he hasn't taken the 3d anime waifu pill

More seriously, what's the difference, if any, between paleocon and tradcon? Are they more or less synonymous?

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Imagine being this dense. What is the Old Testament, faggot? Jesus was a literal rabbi. You worship the "king of jews."

Her thighs look proportional.

Truely a BASED and REDPILLED thread.

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GTFO. White girls for white guys only. Interracial shit is being pushed on whites specificaly our women way too much especially in the past 2 years. You have your own people leave our women alone.

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I concur my good sir. Something about women in a dress just makes them more attactive.

By this do you mean like Monroe Doctrine, or something like the Upper Midwest states share a similar culture, or something else?

Actually most presenters on the BBC have rather flat and unattractive bottoms.

ass like woah

>imagine being this dense
the irony

Not an argument, homo

>i like it when chicks wear dresses like theyve done for milleniae and I like water too

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>You have your own people leave our women alone.
Over 50% of all black women in the united states have herpes.
We're just talking herpes here, can't imagine how low the % disease free are.

Still, statement stands. Nigger can fuck off and catch something permanent from his negresses

Is the philosophy of a healthy and stable society. Multiculturalism prevents this philosophy from being compatible with society.
>limited government
Can only occur in sparsely populated confederacies. Strong governments are the only type that could hold a densely populated society together without chaos breaking out due to the unnatural nature of dense human population. Strong governments are also required for large areas of land, hence the necessity of a confederacy.
>Christian ethics
Not necessary, and not appealing in a modern world. Christianity has no appeal other than "hur dur I'll go to hhEviN!". A society would be just as well off with paganism, or some other organized monotheistic religion. Atheism could only be of use for the people with the highest IQs, as an ordinary person would not bring much benefit out of it.
Can only be of use in societies where states aren't too physically large. Otherwise, culture differences from the different points of the society would lead to chaos.
The biggest strength of a society, until they decide to attempt to conquer other societies and "muddy the waters", if you will.

>limited government
Enjoy dissent and ending up exactly where we are today. The state must be used to enforce strict guidelines.

No need to be aggressive.

>obnoxiously large ass
>air force 1s

I guarantee she fucks black guys.


>Christian ethics
L0Lno fgt pls

Even though i dont have any religious beliefs I believe it is usually needed for a society to flourish. Most people cant have a stable moral compass, just look at the west now that people are becoming less Christian

Conserve farts to conserve the environment cuz you can't conserve shit.

Attached: Braap barn.png (1200x1211, 451K)

Indeed. Not only is paleo conservatism the epitome of the highest ideals in Americana, it is the cornerstone and the foundation of braaap braaaaaaaaaap brap brap brap

Braparoni & Cheese

Jesus literally says not to call him a rabbi.

Where’s this reddit page at ?

Fuck if I know I jut clipped the pic. Why don't you ask Ole Bess?

Attached: monarchists dont vote.jpg (547x708, 187K)

Been studying the various chromosomal disorders to get a better understanding of my field. OP's pic looks like she has a chromosome disorder, perhaps 22q11.2 distal deletion syndrome or something. You can tell she has a chromosome disorder by her abnormal facial appearance.

They were also anti-immigration, anti-globalism, anti-interventionism, and many were anti "civil rights" aka superior rights for inferior people.

Boys, I'm starting to think maybe a 5' 2" white girl doesn't need 40 pounds of ass.
