Is there any hope for Boomers?
Boomer Hate Thread
>Israel, you are not a cone!
>Is there any hope for (((Jews)))
fify rabbi.
>mtw millennials and zoomers have to pay for my mistakes
>boomer cars
>happens to be very nice and very expensive cars
lol get a job junior and stop blaming us for YOUR mistakes. pick yourselves up by your bootstraps like we did.
I asked a literal boomer how is giving Israel $38b help us. He of course didn’t have an answer but supported it otherwise, then he changed the topic on how he’s fighting the VA for extra disability moneys.
you should see the back of my truck, you'd vomit, but then I'd stomp my foot in your moms stink bag.
Pretty sure 9/11 was used a psy op to get boomers on the Jew Train
How did boomers become so brainwashed and have unfettering loyalty to Israel?
My boomer dad is at least understanding, was watching tv the other day, something about Israel's space program, and I brought up how many billions in aid we send to Israel every single year from US taxpayers and he had no idea and got pissed about it.