Its time to end the stigma around Herpes

More than half of adults have oral herpes and more than an eighth have genital herpes. Having herpes is just a normal part of being an adult.

Here listen to this Hollywood liberal explain why its okay to have herpes:

Attached: BELLE.png (615x639, 383K)

Nice try herpes guy

isn't this what they paid for?

Attached: Noggler.png (888x885, 171K)

Having preventable disgusting disease is just a normal part of being an adult? Hell no, in the gas chamber with you.

have sex

>t. disgusting herpes carrier

>incel hating on Belle
What a shock.

Attached: le ebin have sex foxxx.png (1200x911, 357K)

Herpes can only live for a few hours outside the body. Nice try.

you go first, Rabbi

Oral herpes is pretty hard to avoid desu. It’s like 80-90% of the population if I remember correctly.

This girl is a freak though, I would never touch her anyways.