Air Force YES! Woman expelled from the US Air Force for racism

This is so progressive:

>Air Force NCO behind racist online video separated from service

> AUSTIN, Texas — An Air Force noncommissioned officer who made headlines last year for a racist rant that she posted to social media is no longer in the service, personnel officials confirmed.

>Geraldine Lovely, who last served as a staff sergeant at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada, was separated from the Air Force on April 5, according to information provided by the Air Force Personnel Center. The reason for her separation and the nature of her discharge were not provided due to privacy restrictions, the Air Force said.

> In January 2018, Lovely posted a video of herself in a private Facebook forum that was shared publicly and went viral. The video featured a profanity-laced rant about black female subordinates. At the time the video was posted, Lovely was a technical sergeant with the 99th Force Support Squadron. She was demoted Feb. 13, just weeks after posting the video.

>She entered the Air Force in November 2008 and last worked as a dining facility manager. Her military service ribbons indicate that she deployed overseas during her career.

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the air force is run by the biggest jew in the top brass our military has ever seen

They should've offered her a chance to renounce her racism by having sex with a black man and stay. shame.

explains why their readiness is trash

That’s a spic.

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post video

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If you're white and enlist you deserve to die for Israel

Merely having social media as active duty military should get you dishonorably discharged. Period. Grunts are generally too dumb to know what not to post and officers too haughty to care.

She looks like ahe has fetal alcohol syndrome. S

>dining facility manager

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Wait a fucking minute Chaim, what the fuck are you doing with our War Golem? Do you fucking understand that niggerspics can't war for shit and arabs will kill us all if we fill US army with them? Cease that immediately!


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la creatura

Oh yup. Reminds me of the Giants GM. ((Dave Gettleman))

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>Blimpf goes to war against Iran
>polfags get drafted
>go back home and masturbate to anime while everyone else dies for Israel

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>be me
>serve in the 10th Mountain Division in the early 90s
>4-6 of the guys in my platoon are 14/88ers
>fuckers used our on-base copy machines to print out KKK propaganda and distribute it around Fort Drum
>always fucking blaring Skrewdriver, Johnny Rebel, or Tom Metzger's Race and Reason talk show where he does nothing but shout about "muh niggers" for three hours from their room at 3AM while everyone else is sleeping or masturbating
>jerkdicks were even listening to that UFOfag Bill Cooper during the Waco Siege so we get to listen to ranting about Ayyy Lmao anal probes and how Koresh dindu nuffin on top of the usual racist ,bullshit while we're training to go to Somalia for like a full month straight
>officers paid absolute no attention to our complaints except for one Jewish guy whose mom had survived a concentration camp or something

Such is Army life

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>Be Air Force NCO
>Tryna teach chimps y=mx+b
>"fuckin cracka ass republican buck tooth timmy turner ass niggaz tryna teach me planes n sheiit ooga booga"
>TFW laquisha wasted a $53,000 predator drone by crashing it into a mosque

that's fucking bad ass, best way to get out of
service, just say nigger.

hurrr every girls got to be fantasy perfect for me
to stick my dick in hurrrr.

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digits and based

>people still need to eat while they are deployed?!

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that bitch isnt white


this guy got lost at the banking/lawyer fork in the road

Stupid soldier. We’re not over there killing shitskins, we’re killing backwardness and poverty.

i lived in calcium and went to indian river muh dad's soldiers told me not to join so i didn't

that sounds like a fun time

She's right but she's dumb for being an attention whore and posting it online. Many blacks loathe being ordered to do something by a white person. They carry such a chip on their shoulder that it makes it hard to run a well-disciplined unit.
t.retired USAF


also to add, there is no such thing as "dining facility manager"

she was services, which is basically a catch all afsc for everyone who had such a low Asvab score that while they still could join, their job choice was cop or services

services does billeting admin work, gym admin work, or dining facility admin work, the airman do the grunt shit, the ncos supervise/manage, the sncos work in an office at a group building duling out directives and work programs related to the job etc

so basically this bitch happened to be an nco with a dining facility tour at nellis, shes a nobody and no one should care or feel any significance that she happened to be in the air force doing a job filled primarily by litteral retards and spics

t. af nco

>all white military personnel let go for racism

Not in uniform. It's not that difficult a rule to follow. If somebody did anything non-work related in my business' uniform I would fire them too.

Trust me... It's not.

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>flew combat missions in Gulf War I and Kosovo
>now on the JCS

I'd say he did quite well for himself

My advice is that you should join only if your mind is really set on it and you're prepared to give whatever your MOS is 100%. Otherwise you're not going to enjoy it.

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kek my dad loved it but couldnt understand that o knew iraq was bullshit, we picked up the iraq channel that paraded saddam 24/7 in different settings like eating at a big table with his subjects that loved him so much, this was germany and it was the same satellite afn was on im like dude i am not dying for zog in that war. we lived 2 time zones away from iraq i didnt feel threatened and i remember germans not giving a fuck about iraq too

...Just sounds like my bedroom, my dude
What are you, a fag?

im too old now

Yep. I always hated going to the DFAC because chow tards are the most depressing people on the base. And the food's shit because they can't follow a recipe.

So they want to replace humans with apes to fly fucking jets that will be used to defend Israel.

Kike logic everyone.

Maybe it was expressing raycis genst wypipo

For those who dont know, spic women are the fiercest and most competent women soldiers in U.S. Army, most of women who have been to active warzones are spics.
Black women are too sassy and incompetent to follow orders and tend to fuck up.
White women are too cowardly and princessy to even join the actual fight when it presents itself.

If that spic woman is pissed off at incompetent baboons, she is right.

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our military becoming more about welfare for minorities than about having an effective fighting force is a devastating sign of times.
there should be next to no black women in any service in the military
meanwhile we're graduating them as cadets from Westpoint

video (cuss words bleeped):

What did you think of Somalia?
My cousin has been in the army since he left school Has been to Iraq, Afghanistan and numerous other Muslim shit holes and he still says Somalia is the most dangerous and god forsaken shit hole he has ever been deployed too.

He and a few other guys were driving some military equipment through some town, and some bulb head kid ran in front of the truck and died. Within 10 minutes there was a crowd of bulb heads trying to lynch them and some cuck in charge of them was screaming over the radio to not use gun fire to scare them off.

no monies for mwr but they suddenly have some to fund staff sgt's transition to womenhood

El 56% face

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Juden detected

They think tech can hold them up, when we all know that's BS in actual real fights and not just the odd drone attack.

they dont even make them drink water until they throw up if they take too long to eat anymore
or make groups of grown men scream in their face when they shit
absolutely disgusting

watch or read black hawk down for a QRD on the american perspective of operating within somalia

only the whites do infantry all the minorities do other shit

>What did you think of Somalia?

Much worse than Panama (which was a pretty harrowing experience on its own, at least the first three days were). Saw a lot of dead kids. Mostly from disease (cholera, malaria, tuberculosis, etc.) and starvation. Some from the gun battles that periodically erupted and we had to clean up the mess from or got involved in ourselves.

The actual combat didn't get to me in the way it does for a lot of other people (it's hard to explain but I just stopped processing emotion and went into autopilot). But there's something about seeing a girl half-dead from Typhus from that makes you want to curl up into a ball and cry. That's something no amount of training can prepare you for.

I took a overnight Amtrak train down to see my parents for Thanksgiving after I got back. I spent much of the trip locked up in my room sobbing.

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> tfw going to MEPS next week
I got a 98 ASVAB.

How do I get into a cool AFSC and not get stuck painting rocks?

What M/A/G/E should I fight for if they throw me into "open"?

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I don't really know anything about how these kinds of decisions are made, and to what degree it's Congress's fault versus the fault of the Department of Defense.
but the more red-pilled I get on race the more I realize that mixed-race and mixed-gender combat units are ultimately a recipe for disaster.
I'm becoming more and more distressed by what the country is becoming by the day. I have VERY deep roots her and I love this country very much, but I'm being made into a stranger in the nation that my goddamn ancestors built. and I don't have anywhere else to go.
fuck everyone responsible for turning this country into a mixed-race hellhole, ESPECIALLY the JEWS

>she was in services and worked at the chow hall

Good fucking riddance god damn that food fucking sucks.

white veterans get fucked while minority ones cry about fighting da war when in reality they were cooks stealing food out of the kitchens and serving the soldiers leftover shit

oh yeah and before i finished my contract i literally had an obese hideous white dyke on a permament leg profile who had never deployed or even participated in a training exercise try to get me in trouble with my 1SG for being "too informal in our internal email exchanges" we were the same rank and yeah it was funny because my 1SG was an unironic rapping nig and hated white dykes too

army was based, some good nigs instead of the retards i grew up around

I guess the kids these days are too soft so they kill themselves when that shit happens.

>be me
>World War 3 erupts
>get drafted
>say racist things

wrong there was plenty of blacks, mexicans, puerto ricans, and maybe surprising to you but koreans even within regiment my man

one of the korean rangers even had an aerospace engineering degree

Too late you're gonna die for the jew no matter what. Glad I did my time and am now old as fuck. Have fun killing chinks.

Yeah animal cruelty also gets me everytime

anglo soldiers were never not dying for jews friend

third world conditions always just made me grateful to be born white with IQ instead of 3/4ths of the planet destined to be born retards in shitholes they can do nothing about

What a fucking retard making a video like this. Also this is considered white in america lmao HAHAHAHAHA

Fucking Boomers

they sure as hell dont act like theyre suffering from tramautic combat from what ive seen

>did 8 years in the air force
>worst time of my life everyone was literally retarded

Glad I am an old cunt now and won't be drafted for ww3. If ww3 happens we will lose because literally everyone in the military is retarded as fuck.

This country will get run the fuck over if we actually commit to real war.
Lmao, the American military is the worlds most expensive joke.

I wasn't in Black Hawk Down (and I find it kinda annoying when people ask me that) but my unit drove through the city a couple of days after the battle. It was a god-awful mess. They had already taken away most of the dead, but there was blood and body parts (arms, legs, brain matter) everywhere.

That's the part they don't really show you in the movie.

I didn't see the actual crash sites but I was told by a friend that the wrecked choppers were wedged in an alleyway too and that's why we had such a hard time finding them.

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idk what you mean, im telling you when i worked in the meat grinder (ranger regiment) with huge fatality rates it was extremely diverse

if you think america is funny look at any other countries military, if we stopped now it would take the rest of the world 200 years to even match what we currently have

the entire world depends upon us maintaining global trade route security because they invest nothing into their militaries and are all paper tigers

the USA will never be dethroned militarily, start learning some respect for the mexicans that will be inheriting the carriers

theyre not the norm i live near a infantry base and they are the most entitled cunts imaginable while the white dudes just want to be left alone

>thinking a predator drone is $53,000

Let's try about 4 million

>if you think Rome is funny look at any other countries military, if we stopped now it would take the rest of the world 200 years to even match what we currently have

>the entire world depends upon us maintaining global trade route security because they invest nothing into their militaries and are all paper tigers

>Rome will never be dethroned militarily, start learning some respect for the Germans that will be inheriting the legions

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if you want someone who deserves to be disliked any supply nigger is a six figure welfare queen

yeah a lot of those here apparently

dont see how rome is relevant here, it's an objective fact that the entire rest of the world would have to work together for 200 years to match our current naval superiority

if you think mestizo majority means it's not the US anymore then I got bad news for you user you're already living in Not-USA by that demographic definition

>dont see how rome is relevant here
I know you don't.

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>any supply nigger
>six figure
u sure?

i already dont like her
she talks of respect while swearing like a nigger
no wonder the niggers dont like her

shes not white

I'm surprised I never heard of this. If she was a DFAC manager she worked in services with the dumbest people in the Air Force. I bet whatever she said about her subordinates is true because those people are prob like 85 iq. The NCO is also retarded for making a public video like that which would obviously get you fired. There are ways of dealing with shitty airmen through the proper channels and worst case scenario is they do their 4 years and aren't allowed to reenlist. Making a video like that is just unprofessional.

Here’s a vid of her rant. Leave a comment.

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She looks Mexican or Native. What race is she?

She may not be white, but 1000 to 1 her paperwork lists her as white.

Based but a gangbang

Beady eyed kike

Goldfein. Holy shit. I couldn't imagine a more jewish name if I tried.

He’s a big guy

Mystery meat

Iran will have a field day btfoin USA in the next war

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Yeah, Somalia is a complete shithole, but to be honest, I’ve been all over the world and Angola was the worst. Even worse than Iraq, Afghanistan, and I was in panama for three months sleeping in a tent, and even that was a million times better than anywhere in Africa.

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That guys a reptilian

This. I know navy niggers with 80% disability for ptsd when they were sick call nurses on a ship. The only combat they saw was fighting Chlamydia. Meanwhile I and many others were deployed every other year for a year or more and completed over 1000 missions outside the wire. And we get like 20% disability.

Certainly a higher order demon. Much like Epstein

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Somalia is expected to be bad. Panama is just a small historical dispute. Example: Some people say 1903 others say 1923. Now everyone predating their crap. Fake docs. Somalia/Djibouti/Eritrea/Ethiopia are like partitions of old Sudan. The natives there left during the great migration. South Africans took over West Africa. So there is heavy ethnic dispute. Immigration is no joke. People consider it the greatest robbery ever under the banner of Africanism. In the full spectrum of the word. Remember when I say full spectrum. Lots of land robbery. When that happens all you can do is revert to tribalism and claim soil as tribal. I’ve heard of a black African crew that used to entice women with their ‘big penises’ and offer them money. Orgy clubs etc. Drugged them up and sent their eggs to that region. Not only is there ethnic tension but lack of love for not being biological offsprings. Remember Arabization. Now you have to remember what ethnicities are the founding Arabs. The idea is that southern African fighters are in land not rightfully theirs. Sure there is pan africanism. But there’s many tribes due to its geographical location. Where there is lack of love and poverty there will always be war.