>kills woman for not fucking him
Is this our new supreme gentleman?
Discord Killer
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She was fucking him, they were dating. She cheated on him with six men. Fucking research this shit before you open your fag mouth. Sage.
So he was our
no one can replace saint elliot
No, this should be a warning to men wanting an actual gf. You're just going to end up losing it and killing her because women are shit
Nah, she got what she deserved. More thots have it coming too.
Is he a Semite/Arab?
you just never know
If I were to see this person, I would never guess that he was the type who could brutally slash someone's neck open.
Who are you kidding, yourself? We all have the capacity and even the motive to kill. It's in our blood. We are not above animals in any sense of the word. We LARP and glorify each other and our meaningless achievements, but at the end of the day, inside each of us, is a killer.
Never forget this user, or you will end up at the end of some niggers chip.
part of the crew, part of the ship