Washington state 2019 voters pamphlet. When the fuck did it become legal for felons to vote?

Washington state 2019 voters pamphlet. When the fuck did it become legal for felons to vote?
>pic related

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during the 2016 election. Virginia did the same thing.

Same in Florida as far as I know

>Washington state
Not surprised. I used to want to live in the Pacific Northwest until it became a hotbed for socialist fags and SJWs.

Why are people against this? If you commit a crime, serve your time, and are released, you have every right to participate in the political system when your rights are restored.

I can only support this if you also get your guns back.

their still americans, i never understood how committing a crime made them basically non citizens where they lose some Constitutional rights such as right to vote, bear arms, etc, but others they keep.

Never understood why. I mean once they complete their sentence they should just be americans again which I thought was always the case, but maybe depending on the state it isnt which seems more random than a system of justice.

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That's bullshit. If you're so mentally deranged that you stab a person in the face, or rob a business at gunpoint, or rape a young woman, you have no place participating in our democracy. Everyone who commits a felony knows they will not be able to vote anymore if they get caught. Fuck them. The only scenario where I support you in this is the felony possession of drugs for personal use. Those are bullshit laws.

So if somebody rapes a kid, does 7-10 and when they get out you want them voting on issues regarding the community and who will represent you in the govt? fuck this

I think Cali was making it legal too.
Felons vote Dem but the Dems overlook the First Step Act - lol